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    • 1、CHINA NETCOM BUSINESS PLAN UPDATE,December 14, 1999 - Beijing,TODAYS OBJECTIVES,Review the overall analysis of regulation, competition, and market development Discuss the specific implications for CNC strategy Review the specific draft business models for CNC How we might attack the business, carrier, and IDD/DLD markets What key trade-offs we need to make What are the key success factors and assumptions? Discuss the initial economics of these business models, and of CNC overall Discuss the spec

      2、ific next steps in two key areas: How to finalize and endorse the overall CNC business model How to move forward with the refined financials, organization design, and the plan for implementation,CONTENT,Key strategic principles Regulatory overview Market overview Competition overview Business models Next steps,KEY CNC STRATEGIC PRINCIPLES,The objective of these principles is to provide further clarity in the development and evaluation of the CNC business model These will be revisited and refined

      3、 as the project progresses Our development of business models will seek to be aligned with the principles Strategic principles and key assumptions will be considered in the following aspects CNC shareholders Backbone business Local access business International gateway business Regulatory strategy Competitive strategy Marketing strategy,CNC SHAREHOLDERS,Principles: Leverage shareholders concerted vision in creating a new generation IP broadband communication infrastructure and a profitable, succ

      4、essful company Leverage shareholders existing backbone assets, local access assets, research capabilities and local government relationships to secure time-to-market and create competitive advantage Set a model of a new type of “SOE”, as efficient as the best of the FIE/private companies; beat shareholders expectations by delivering high return Assumptions: CAS: strong interest in seeing CNC successful and profitable quickly, stands ready for favorable regulatory influence and research support;

      5、wants opportunities for networking R how to handle?,BACKBONE BUSINESS,Principles: Target advanced backbone among 15 key cities in Eastern China; start with 2 cores from shareholders but quickly build own network Use backbone for a variety of wholesale and retail voice and data services Maintain the leading edge IP/packet network, both for technological superiority and to fulfill shareholder mission Maintain the best cost position, using ROWs, purchasing clout, right technology Build reserve capa

      6、city/conduit to deter others Assumptions: The costs of construction and ROW will be the majority of new network costs virtually all of the network will use MOR or SARFT right of way Network will be IP or packet in nature Deployment plan will keep costs low, build out quickly, and create good position lay large number of conduits in one time later fill, light up, and color fiber strands lease out conduit/fiber/bandwidth to maximize return (utilization),LOCAL ACCESS BUSINESS,Principles: Be very fo

      7、cused in local deployment, targeting priority business areas only Emphasize broadband to the customer, using FTTB and LMDS where logical Seek strong local market share, especially in new data services growth areas Differentiate from China Telecom by superior services, quality, responsiveness Build strong local team to enable fast service response Emphasize “end to end” network ownership and management Assumptions: SH, BJ, GZ, and SZ business districts as targets for the near term These account f

      8、or the vast majority of business telecom demand Need to set specific estimates for timing and sequence of deployment Assume that CNC will have access to key city ROW, such as subway systems Will need specific assumptions about the ease and cost of hooking up buildings Assume that primary emphasis will be on FTTB, but that LMDS can play an important role, especially in initial deployment and in secondary cities Will need specific assumptions about timing of adding secondary cities,INTERNATIONAL G

      9、ATEWAY BUSINESS,Principles: CNC will be one of few players with a full international license Vital to enable CNC to provide end-to-end services, global data services, and higher margin IDD service HK gateway link may be strategically important Assumptions: HK as one of the key location for international connection a major traffic destination a major relay location International voice remains highly profitable segment in medium term future Expect high growth together with steep price drop in international services Actively plan ahead for joining international sub-oceanic cable consortium,REGULATORY STRATEGY,Principles: Must actively lobby for favorable regulatory decisions, together with shareholders provide regulators with international benchmarking for best practices align CNC objectives with fair competition, and public interests have effective senior management focus on lobbying issues Be careful about committing investment if regulatory issues too uncertain Ensure CNC strategy add


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