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    • 1、. . 2020年高考词汇和语法题专练l. He pushed open the door and left Catherine to complain about her misery.A. preceded B. proceeded C. processed D. propelled2.Furthermore, many pensioners who are struggling do not qualify for income support.A. emotionally B. physically C. financially D. spiritually3.The first priority is to a good reference book to identify the pest and choose the most effective control.A. concede B. concise C. consent D. consult4.1t is therefore orientated towards the young and is not inten

      2、ded to provide adults with channels of communication with the police for joint A. concession B. conciseness C. consumption D. consultation5. From a personal point of view, the best interviews are the ones which become conversations, which on an equal basis, that are informal but still retain some kind of sbape.A. conduct B. precede C. develop D. proceed6.He burned all the important documents for fear that they into the enemys hands.A. fell B. fallen C. fall D. filled7.lt is a comprehensive docum

      3、ent that was drafted by people from both Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland after four years of consultation and discussionA. any B. some C. certain D. none8.We did hold a meeting yesterday, but you , so we did not inform you.A. did not need attending B. neednt have attended C. did not need to attend D. neednt to attend9.He seemed to be working hard. His results, , did not improve.A. howeverB. thereforeC. althoughD. anyhow10 .In vain to get in touch with the Embassy.A. they triedB. tried theyC. did

      4、they tryD. they have triedll. On my first day at work I was with the task of chairing a meeting.A. metB. tackledC. confrontedD. encountered12.Death, for us, is the sorry end of the human story, not the prelude to a new oneA. mystery B. mysteriousC. mythologyD. mythological13.What is truly about the story is the result of the fall, and the divine purpose behind it.A. disconcertingB. embarrassingC. puzzledD. disapproving14.The measures we have taken to_ the crisis are starting to workA. deal B. ch

      5、allenge C. tackle D. oppose15.Up the garden path, there is no house, but a _ of a majestic lakeA. vision B. prospect C. image D. vista16.Valuable experiences _ from project to design construction and monitoring are presented through the engineering case study. A. that range B. ranged C. ranging D. which range17.Another moment of tension descends while students _ the domestic flight that will take them to their temporary home in America.A. are awaitingB. awaitedC. will awaitD. await18.The chemica

      6、l constituents and t:raditional uses of 20 species_ are reviewed and compared.A. attributedB. attributingC. attributeD. will attribute19.Books lying idle in the library are _ wasted ammunition.A. aB. C. theD. an20.lndeed,_ are the expectations of Mr Obama that one of his biggest challenges will be to manage them so that he does not disappoint too much.A. suchB. muchC. soD. that21. We do not favour overstressing the importance of literature and art, but neither do we favour _ their importanceA. u

      7、nderestimatingB. overstatingC. appreciatingD. depreciating22Dont _ the seriousness of the problem, actually its no big deal,A. underestimateB. degradeC. overestimateD. emphasize23. I was totally mixed up by his _ and ambiguous remarks. A. ubiquitous B. unsettled C. daring D. elusive24. Most of the icebergs bulk is hidden below the water, so their underwater parts may extend out _far beyond the A. visible B. obviousC. predominantD. elusive25. Rapid energy consumption will not only _ the environme

      8、nt, but also trigger serious social problems. A. extract B. spoil C. dispose D. deteriorate26. The cost of his _ lifestyle took a tremendous toll on his fortunes. A. informal B. lavish C. respectable D. luminous27. His extremely original and _ designs focus on the effect of the dress rather than the wearer, making him a true loner in the Italian fashion world. A. elusive B. magic C. lavish D. daring 28. Despite a lack of _ education, she was far from stupid. A. higher B. regular C. formal D. college29. There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain climbing than that _in the public mind today. A. exists B. exist C. existing D. to exist30. The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of a fully-loaded truck, _ to the truck.A. the greater stress isB. greater is the stressC. the stress is greaterD. the greater the stress is31_ their policy can be changed, the future for that country will be indeed bleak. A. Even if B. Unless C. Now t


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