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2020-2021学年高中英语必修2 Unit3 Computers 训练卷(二)教师版

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  • 上传时间:2020-09-12
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    • 1、2020-2021学年高一上学期训练卷必修二 Unit3 Computers英 语 (二)(本卷满分100分)一、阅读理解(每小题2分,共16分)AWho is smarter? A human being or artificial intelligence(人工智能)?The question swept the world when a Google-developed program called AlphaGo defeated the world top player, South Korean Lee Se-del, 4-1.So, what comes next?Some people have been arguing that artificial intelligence, or AI in short, will be a bad thing for humans. In an interview with the BBC in 2014, UK scientist Stephen Hawking warned that “the development of

      2、full artificial intelligence could mean the end of the human race.”So are we really about to live in the world shown in the Terminator movies?“Not quite,” answered The Economist. After all, its not hard to get a computer program to remember and produce facts. What is hard is getting computers to use their knowledge in everyday situations.“We think that, for the human being, things like sight and balance(视觉平衡), are natural and ordinary in our life.” Thomas Edison,founder of Motion Figures, a comp

      3、any that is bringing AI to boys, told the newspaper. “But for a robot, to walk up and down just like human beings requires various decisions to be made every second, and its really difficult to do.”As The Economist put it, “We have a long way to go before AI can truly begin to be similar to the human brain, even though the technology can be great.”Meanwhile, John Markoff of The New York Times said that researchers should build artificial intelligence to make people more effective.“Our fate is in

      4、 our own hands,” he wrote. “Since technology depends on the values of its creators, we can make human choices that use technology to improve the world.”1. What was the result of the match?A. Lee Se-del won AlphaGo 4-1.B. Lee Se-del was defeated.C. Google program beat AlphaGo.D. Neither side won the match.2. What does Thomas Edison possibly mean in his remarks?A. Its very hard for AI to beat the human brain.B. AI would take the place of human beings.C. AI can make various decisions quickly.D. AI

      5、does better than humans in sight and balance.3. Who believes much has to be done to improve AI?A. Stephen Hawking.B. John Markoff.C. The New York Times.D. The Economist.4. What does the underlined part in the last paragraph imply?A. AI will improve the world completely.B. AI is in the control of human beings.C. AI may bring disasters to human beings.D. AI will make our future out of control.【答案】1-4 BADB【解析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了人工智能阿尔法狗击败了韩国棋手李世石,这引发了人们对于人工智能是否会超越人类的讨论。1.细节理解题。根据第二段中“.when a Google develo

      6、ped program called AlphaGo defeated the world top player, South Korean Lee Se-del, 4-1 ”. 可知,李世石被人工智能阿尔法狗击败,故B项正确。2.推理判断题。根据第六段中的“But for a robot, to walk up and down just like human beings requires various decisions to be made every second, and its really difficult to do. ”可知,Thomas Edison认为机器人像人类那样来回走动都需要每秒做出大量决定。由此可知,他认为人工智能很难打败人类,故A项正确。3.细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的“As The Economist put it, We have a long way to go before AI can truly begin to be similar to the human brain, even though the technology can

      7、 be great. ”可知,经济学人杂志认为在人工智能真正开始与人类大脑相似之前,我们还有很长的路要走,也就是要改进人工智能还有很多工作要做,故D项正确。4.词句猜测题。画线句的字面意思是:我们的命运掌握在自己手中,根据画线句后的“Since technology depends on the values of its creators, we can make human choices that use technology to improve the world. ”可知,由于技术依赖于其创造者的价值观,我们可以通过人类的选择来利用技术让世界变得更好。由此可知,画线句的意思是说人工智能在人类的控制之下,故B项正确。BAs life in cities worldwide becomes more expensive, urban designers are using modern technology to help citizens avoid traffic jams, and shorten the time needed for bus waiting and o

      8、ther things. Technology is also used to cut costly waste.In Santander, a Spanish port city, parking is easy to find. As one car drives away, an underground sensor shows that a parking space is now free. 400 sensors send messages to signs on streets, and GPS devices direct drivers to the nearest available parking spaces, reducing traffic jams. Trash is collected only when the bins are full and bus stop signs show exactly when the next bus is coming. The public parks are watered only the soil gets

      9、 dry. All this is made possible by 20,000 sensors installed on buildings, street posts and even buses. They are part of the “smart city” project, launched by the University of Cantabria seven years ago.University researchers like Luis Munoz regularly meet with locals to discuss how to make their city even smarter. “They propose when they have ideas and sometimes even develop by themselves. Here, we give them the opportunity to see these ideas happen in real life,” said Munoz. For example, the university helped a woman create an app that outlines the easiest route for walking with a baby stroller. Another provides information to residents about their water consumption and sends an alarm to their phone if there is a leak.The Santander smart project is attracting the attention of larger cities in Europe and elsewhere that are looking for smart solutions to urban problems.

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