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    • 1、西南交大学英语III在线作业二试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 40 道试题,共 100 分)1.No _ woman would go alone to a bar like that one.A.respectiveB.respectingC.respectfulD.respectable答案:D2.Eventually he _ the judgment and set the prisoner free.A.reversedB.returnedC.refusedD.recovered答案:A3.It suddenly _ to me that we could use a computer to do the job.A.presentedB.occurredC.happenedD.agreed答案:B4._ had he gone to sleep, than the telephone rang once again.A.ScarcelyB.No soonerC.JustD.Hardly答案:B5.She _ soon after dark and arriv

      2、ed home an hour later.A.set outB.have set outC.had set outD.had been set out答案:A6.In the old days, the children _ by the mother because she did not work outside the house.A.were taking care ofB.were taken care ofC.took care ofD.taken care of答案:B7.It was not until 1920 _ regular broadcast began.A.whileB.whichC.thatD.since答案:C8.Davids story gives us a (an) _ of the information war.A.pileB.parcelC.packD.episode答案:D9.It was in the factory _ produced TV sets _ our friends were murdered.A.which; which

      3、B.where; thatC.that; whichD.that; that答案:D10.Dont blame the youth. I think the young generation is _ of trust.A.worthyB.worthwhileC.worthlessD.worth答案:A11.He asked who was the man _ on.A.to operateB.to be operatingC.operatingD.being operating答案:A12.Reducing the gap between rich and poor is one of the main _ facing the government.A.changesB.chancesC.challengesD.chains答案:C13.I became a teacher because I _ books to business.A.wantedB.preferredC.likedD.had答案:B14.She has a _ interest in everything ar

      4、ound her.A.livingB.livelyC.liveD.alive答案:B15.Our _ is London, but the plane took us to Paris.A.discountB.destinyC.destinationD.departure答案:C16.“Do you know that girl with the long hair?” “I dont think so, although she _ me of someone else I know.”A.suggestsB.remindsC.remembersD.recalls答案:B17.Although the heavy rain stopped, it was at least an hour later that the flood began to _.A.retreatB.retireC.reclineD.recede答案:D18.Eating too much fat can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A.devot

      5、e toB.contribute toC.attribute toD.attend to答案:B19.Clark felt that his _ in one of the most dramatic medical experiments of all time was worth the suffering he underwent.A.presentationB.participationC.apprehensionD.appreciation答案:B20._ the biscuit in a strong box, or it will get smashed in the delivery.A.SweepB.SplitC.PackD.Lift答案:C21.Although a teenager, Fred could _ being told what to do and what not to do.A.resistB.persistC.insistD.consist答案:A22.Over a third of the population was estimated to

      6、 have no _ to the health service.A.exceptionB.assignmentC.assessmentD.access答案:D23.I showed him the pictures I _ of the animals the day before, and told him the stories.A.was takingB.was takenC.have takenD.had taken答案:D24.Im glad _ to look around your research center.A.to be allowedB.to allowC.having allowedD.being allowed答案:A25.As the old empires were broken up and new states were formed, new official tongues began to _ at an increasing rate.A.strike upB.spring upC.build upD.bring up答案:B26.He t

      7、alked about the _ experience they had on the trip.A.missingB.amusingC.amusedD.amazing答案:B27.Doesnt the clown look _ ?A.laughterB.laughC.funnyD.fun答案:C28.Mother is ill. Who will _ the housework?A.take upB.take overC.take outD.take after答案:B29._, Miss Brown decided to take a taxi.A.When thought she must be lateB.Thinking she must be lateC.She thought she must be lateD.Being thought she must be late答案:B30.I am _ go and nothing will stop me.A.determining toB.determine toC.determined toD.determinatio

      8、n to答案:C31.Dont _ Austria with Australia.A.viewB.regardC.mistakeD.confuse答案:D32.She did me such a big favor. _ I knew her name.A.only justB.onlyC.if onlyD.if答案:C33.A healthy life is frequently thought to be _ with the open countryside and home growth food.A.tiedB.involvedC.boundD.associated答案:D34.If you _ tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.A.urgeB.shedC.shareD.devote答案:B35.He was _ with the fear of poverty, so he robbed the bank.A.obsessingB.obsessedC.being obsessedD.been obsessed答案:B36.Dont let the child play with scissors _ he cuts himself.A.so thatB.only ifC.now thatD.in case答案:D37.Its very _ of you not to talk aloud while the baby is asleep.A.considerateB.considerableC.concernedD.careful答案:A38.She is too shy to


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