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    • 1、牛津译林版八年级下册英语一、重点词组(1)过去常常 used to do sth. There used to be 这儿曾经是There used to be a tall building. didnt use to do sth习惯于做某事 be used to doing sth./ sthMy grandma isnt used to_ (live) in the city.My grandma isnt used to the life in the city.用做某事 use sth to do 被动 be used to doThe washing machine is used to _wash_ (wash)our clothes. 用于 use sth for sthWe use computers for information. The key is used to _open_ (open) the treasure box.(2) marry sb get married to sb.我父母结婚15年了。 My parents have been marr

      2、ied for 15 years.(3) 在某种程度上 in some ways 挡路 in the way 用这种方式 in this way 在路上 on the/ones way home 顺便问一下 by the wayOn my way to school On my way home23. Practice makes perfect._, you can improve your spoken English.A. On the way B. By the way C. In this way D. In the way (4) 不时,偶尔 from time to time = sometimessometime (某时(未来)); sometimes (有时候); some time (一些时间); some times (一些次数)in time 及时 on time 准时 (5) 有点孤独 feel a bit lonely lonely (心里感受) alone (所处环境)The old man lives alone in a lonely village

      3、but he never feels lonely. a bit + adj a bit of (+不定冠词)+名词. a little + adj a little + 不可数名词not a bit=not at all,意为“毫不”;而not a little=very much,意为“非常”,“很”。feel felt(过去式) fall fell(过去式)(6) It is + adj + to do sth 做事是样子的 It is + adj + for sb. + to do sth 对某人来说,做事是样子的It is + adj + of sb. + to do sth 某人做事是样子的人28. Is it possible_ around the world in eight hours? A. of us to travel B. for us to travelC. of us traveling D. for us traveling4. Its kind _ Simon to give us _ advice. A. of; so many B for; su

      4、ch a useful C. of; such useful D. for; so much13.Its important_ people to make a decision_. A. of, wisely B. for; wisely C. of; wisly D. for; wisly (7) return home return to school 有了return 不能用back (8) 最近一次见到他 last saw him= saw him last(9) 与某人保持联系 keep(stay) in touch with sb.我们过去常用电子邮件相互联系。We used to keep in touch with each other by e-mails.(10) 否定前移 I believe/ think/expect . 改否定 I dont believe/ think/ expect否定前移的反义疑问句I think he can finish it on time, _cant he_ _? I believe he will pass the exam

      5、, wont he?我认为他不可能按时完成。反义疑问句:前肯后否,前否后肯1.哪些词的出现是否定? Never; little; few; hardly;seldom; no2.祈使句的反义疑问句:除了lets 用shall we,其余都用will you 3. Something is here,_isnt it_?Someone is here, isnt he/ arent they?4. There is nothing wrong with my computer,_is there_?He is unhappy,_isnt he_?(11) run after 追逐, 追赶 run out (12) cant stop doing sth. 忍不住做某事 cant help doing sthcant wait to do sth 等不及做某事(用于表示对即将发生的事感到兴奋和迫不及待)stop to do sth stop(from) sb doing sth prevent (from) doing sth keep from doing sth (阻止做某事) kee

      6、p doing sth (不停地做某事) keep on doing (继续做某事) ( )15.If you keep _English every day, you will be better at it.A. practise speakB. to practise to speakC. practising speakingD. practise speaking(13) hear from sb. (收到某人的来信) = receive a letter from sb.(14) hope to do sth hope sb+句子(15) have been to (次数) 曾经到过某地 have gone to (Where) 去了某地(人不在)have been in (How long) 在某地呆了多久(16) be on business 出差 to run a business 经营一家企业 none of your business 不关你的事support from local businesses(17)搭乘直达航班 take a direct fight

      7、to. a direct high-speed train to 直达的高铁I will take a direct high-speed train to Hangzhou to see you tonight.(18) leave for 动身去(某处) I will leave for Beijing tonight. 今晚我动身去北京。(19)三个半小时 three hours and a half three and a half hours一个半小时 one hour and a half one and a half hours (20) further on 再往前走 further study 继续深造 go aboard for further study 出国深造 cant walk any further 再也走不动了Far-farther (距离远近) further (程度) 34. His_expected him to develop the idea_. Otherwise, no one would be interested in discussi

      8、ng it A. farther; father B. father; further C. father; farther D. farther; further27. Please contact Sandy _ 65408888 for _ information.A. on, farther B. on, further C. in, farther D. in, further (21) see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness see sb doing sth (改被动)sb be seen doing sth see sb do sth (改被动)sb be seen to do sth 频度副词(often; always; usually; seldom; sometimes;never;)类同的词: hear ; watch; notice hear heard 常用的使役动词的被动 make sb do sth be made to do let sb do sthbe let to do help sb do sthbe helped to do keep(保持) sb do sth be kept to do (22) the early twentieth centruy 20世纪早期 the late twentieth centruy 20世纪晚期(23) would you mind doing/sth? mind doing sth mind ones doing sth (介意某人做某事) mind not doing sthWould you mind my smoking here?你介意我在这儿抽烟吗? 不介意 Of course not. 介意的 Of course. Youd better not. -Do you mind me_


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