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    • 1、2019年人教版英语高二下学期综合检测卷三一、阅读理解(30分)1(6分) Americans love peanut butter. The average child will eat 1,500 peanut butter before he or she graduates high school. But there is a controversy over a new peanut butter. It is called STEEM Peanut Butter. This peanut butter adds a new ingredient: caffeine. Coffee is a popular morning drink because it has caffeine and gives people energy in the morning. Even small amounts of caffeine can be dangerous to children. United States Senator (参议员) Charles Schumer say

      2、s, Peanut butter, one of the snacks most closely connected with children, might have to be stored in the medicine cupboard rather than in the kitchen cupboard. This will shock the Food and Drug Administration. Schumer wants the U.S. FDA to investigate. He observed that earlier the FDA prevented plans for a caffeinated chewing gum. STEEM, the manufacturer, said, We are selling the caffeinated peanut butter all over the world. The product provides caffeine in an easily digestible way. Caffeinated

      3、foods have been sold in U.S. stores for well over a decade and are in no way a new idea. Customers tell us they want to eat the caffeinated peanut butter so they dont have to drink as much coffee or energy drinks. The peanut butter is not intended for children. Peanut butter has been a favorite of children for generations, Schumer continued, Parents across the country have to worry about a scene in which their child might unknowingly bite into a peanut butter that contains more caffeine than two

      4、 cups of coffee. The American Academy of Pediatrics says caffeine in small amounts can help the physical performance of adults. But the academy urges parents not to allow children to take even small amounts of caffeine owing to caffeines possible negative effects on a childs heart and brain development.(1)There is a controversy over the STEEM Peanut Butter because it contains _.A.fatB.peanutC.caffeineD.nutrition(2)Charles Schumer suggests that the new peanut butter should be _.A.kept in the kitc

      5、hen cupboardB.out of childrens reachC.manufactured in huge quantitiesD.eaten by children for generations(3)According to STEEM, the new peanut butter is popular with adults because _.A.it is a traditional foodB.it is digested more easilyC.its production is not bannedD.they eat it instead of energy drinks(4)We can guess from the text that the responsibility of the Food and Drug Administration is to _.A.introduce new foods and drugsB.promote the sales of foods and drugsC.guarantee the safety of foo

      6、ds and drugsD.improve the physical performance of adults2(8分) Essentially, everyone has two ages: a chronological (按时间计算的) age, how old the calendar says you are, and a biological age, basically the age at which your body functions as it compares to average fitness or health levels. Chronological age isnt how old we really are. Its merely a number, said Professor David Sinclair at Harvard University. It is biological age that determines our health and ultimately our lifespan. We all age biologic

      7、ally at different rates according to our genes, what we eat, how much we exercise, and what environment we live in. Biological age is the number of candles we really should be blowing out. In the future, with advances in our ability to control biological age, we may have even fewer candles on our birth day cake than the previous one. To calculate biological age, Professor Levine at Yale University identified nine biomarker (生物标志) that seemed to be the most influential on lifespan by a simple blo

      8、od test. The numbers of those markers, such as blood sugar and immune (免疫的) measures, can be put into the computer, and the algorithm (算式,算法) does the rest. Perhaps whats most important here is that these measures can be changed. Doctors can take this information and help patients make changes to lifestyle, and hopefully take steps to improve their biological conditions. I think the most exciting thing about this research is that these things arent set in stone, Levine said. People can be given

      9、the information earlier and take steps to improve their health before its too late. Levine even entered her own numbers into the algorithm. She was surprised by the results. I always considered myself a very healthy person. Im physically active; I eat what I consider a fairly healthy diet. But I did not find my results to be as good as I had hoped they would be. It was a wake-up call, she said. Levine is working with a group to provide access to the algorithm online so that anyone can calculate their biological age, identify potential risks and take steps to improve their own health in the long run. No one wants to live an extremely long life with a lot of chronic (慢性的) diseases,


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