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课时作业(四) Using Language (3)

  • 卖家[上传人]:ya****8
  • 文档编号:127823709
  • 上传时间:2020-04-06
  • 文档格式:PDF
  • 文档大小:548.32KB
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    • 1、课时作业课时作业 四四 Using Language 单词拼写 1 The new aircraft has performed very well in its 最初的 trials 2 Three of the chickens 孵出 today 3 The 羽毛 of a pigeon can bring you good luck 4 He gave me a 合理的 explanation 5 I 只是 suggest you should do it again 6 She put some 装饰 on the Christmas tree 21 世纪 教育网 7 The great 缺点 to living near a main road is noise 8 A little baby is 不能的 to walk or talk 来源 21cnj y co m 9 It s traditional in England to eat 火鸡 on Christmas Day 10 We tried in 徒劳的 to persuade him to go with u

      2、s 单项填空 1 A bright idea suddenly me that I could use the money I saved to help a poor student in the countryside 21 cnjy com A struck B occurred C happened D hurt 2 Can t you keep still Is it so funny Sorry I can hardly resist A laughing B to laugh C crying D to cry 3 He is in good for a man of his age A condition B atmosphere C case D situation 4 Do you often go fishing at weekends Not often I only go fishing A at one time B all the time C at a time D from time to time 5 2013 宿州高二检测 He is a pers

      3、on and will understand your delay A available B comfortable C convenient D reasonable 6 The work we have done has brought great benefits We are happy that our efforts are not 21 世纪教育网版权所有 A in use B in need C in vain D in order 7 2013 辽阳高二月考 You have no idea how she finished the relay race her foot wounded so much 21 教育网 A for B when C with D while 8 Are you sure that Alice is honest No That s a guess of ours A certainly B hardly C merely D nearly 9 The decision has been made the new school buil

      4、ding be built next month 21 cn jy com A why B how C whether D that 10 2013 四川高考 I feel so nervous about the National English Speech Competition tomorrow A I really envy you B Glad to hear that C Sounds great D Take it easy 阅读理解 A A team of Michigan State University MSU researchers has developed a new more efficient way of cloning zebra fish a breakthrough that could have an impact on research into human health 2 1 c n j y Zebra fish are quickly becoming the animal of choice for many researchers

      5、After mice they are the most commonly used vertebrates that is animals with backbones in genetic studies says Jose Cibelli the leader of the team They are used in cancer and heart disease research because they have many of the same genes as people have For more than 20 years zebra fish have also served as an excellent model for understanding both normal development and birth imperfections More recently research with zebra fish has extended to modeling human diseases Traditional cloning uses an e

      6、gg and a donor 捐赠者 cell The DNA is removed from the egg and replaced by the DNA taken from the donor The resulting fish is an exact genetic copy of the donor In Cibelli s technique the egg is removed from the female zebra fish and placed in the ovarian 卵巢的 fluid of a Chinook salmon another kind of fish before the donor cell is placed into the egg The previous methods of cloning zebra fish had very low survival rates With the new technique the number of cloned fish is increased by 15 percent What

      7、 makes zebra fish so useful in research is that their eggs are transparent 透 明的 making the fish s development easy to follow Improving zebra fish cloning techniques is also important because currently the mouse is the only good model for genetic research So far the mouse is the only animal from which you can delete genes in a reliable way Cibelli says What researchers do is mutate 使变异 a gene destroy its function completely and then study the consequences 1 What do we learn about zebra fish from

      8、the text A They can be used to cure human diseases B They have been used in genetic studies for 20 years C They are the only vertebrates used in cloning D Their survival rates are increased by the new method of cloning 2 Researchers choose zebra fish for genetic research because A they have the same genes as human beings B they are a kind of vertebrate C their genes can be changed D their eggs are easy to observe 3 We can infer the following from the text EXCEPT that A the zebra fish cloning tec

      9、hnology may provide a new model for genetic B mice will not be used in genetic research any more C experimental results on zebra fish may apply to human beings D Jose Cibelli led the new research of cloning zebra fish 4 What s the text mainly about A How cloning has developed B A study of a new way to clone zebra fish C A breakthrough in research into human health D Zebra fish the best model for genetic research B With all the low fat and fat free products on the market you d think reducing fat

      10、intake would be the surest way to greater health In fact there is such a thing as too little fat Strange but true eating without fat can lead to vitamin deficiencies 维生 素缺乏症 That s because some vitamins require fat to be taken into the body and to do their jobs which include providing energy keeping the body working normally and supporting the body to fight against disease for a start Vitamins are necessary which means fats are necessary too Dietary fat which comes from the food you eat is cruci

      《课时作业(四) Using Language (3)》由会员ya****8分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《课时作业(四) Using Language (3)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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