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高一英语必修5 unit 3 课文挖空练习

  • 卖家[上传人]:我****
  • 文档编号:125523767
  • 上传时间:2020-03-18
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:31KB
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    • 1、Unit 3 A taste of English humourReading I A MASTER OF NOVERBAL HUMOURAs Victor Hugo once said, “Laughter is the sun that 1 winter from the human face”, and 2 nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin. He made people laugh at a time when they felt 3 , so they could feel more 4 their lives.Not that Charlies own life was easy! He was born in a poor family in 1889. His parents were both poor music hall performers. You may find it 5 that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he coul

      2、d speak and dance as soon as he could walk. Such training was common in 6 at this time, especially when the family 7 was often uncertain. 8 his father died, leaving the family even 9 , so Charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother. By his 10 , Charlie had, through his humour, become one of the most popular 11 in England. He could mime and 12 doing ordinary everyday tasks. No one was ever bored watching him his subtle acting made everything 13 .As time went by, he b

      3、egan making films. He grew more and more popular as his 14 , the little tramp, became known throughout the world. The tramp, a poor, homeless man with a moustache, wore large trousers, worn out shoes and a small round black hat. He walked around stiffly carrying a walking stick. This character was a 15 but was loved for his optimism and determination to 16 all difficulties. He was the underdog who was kind even when others were unkind to him.How did the little tramp make a sad situation entertai

      4、ning? Here is an example from one of his most famous films, The Gold Rush. It is the mid-nineteenth century and gold has just been 17 in California. Like so many others, the little tramp and his friend have rushed there in search of gold, but without success. Instead they are hiding in a small hut on the 18 of a mountain during a snowstorm with nothing to eat. They are so hungry that they try boiling a pair of leather shoes for their dinner. Charlie first 19 the laces and eats them as if they we

      5、re spaghetti. Then he 20 the leather top of the shoe as if it were the finest steak. Finally he tries cutting and chewing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted!Charlie Chaplin wrote, directed and produced the films he starred in. In 1972 he was given a special Oscar for his 21 work in films. He lived in England and the USA but spent his last years in Switzerland, where he was buried in 1977. He is loved and remembered as a great actor who could 22 people w

      6、ith great confidence.Using Language Reading IISherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson 23 in a mountainous area. They were lying in the open air under the stars. Sherlock Holmes looked up at the stars and whispered, “Watson, when you look at that beautiful sky, what do you 24 ?” Watson replied, “ I think of how short life is and how long the universe has lasted.” “No, no, Watson!” Holmes said. “What do you really think of?” Watson tried again. “I think of how small I am and how 25 the sky is.” “Try again, Watson!” said Holmes. Watson tried a third time. “I think of how cold the universe is and how warm people can be in their beds.” Holmes said, “Watson, you fool! You should be thinking that someone has stolen our tent!”

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