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    • 1、Mrs. Dalloway,Writing Technique,Stream of consciousness,Definition,1.(Psychology)the continuous flow of ideas, thoughts, and feelings forming the content of an individuals consciousness.,2.(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a literary technique that reveals the flow of thoughts and feelings of characters as they occur.,Definition,1.(Psychology)the continuous flow of ideas, thoughts, and feelings forming the content of an individuals consciousness.,2.(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a liter

      2、ary technique that reveals the flow of thoughts and feelings of characters as they occur.,Definition,1.(Psychology)the continuous flow of ideas, thoughts, and feelings forming the content of an individuals consciousness.,2.(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a literary technique that reveals the flow of thoughts and feelings of characters as they occur.,In literary criticism, stream of consciousness denotes a literary technique which seeks to describe an individuals point of view by giving the

      3、written equivalent of the characters thought process. Stream of consciousness writing is strongly associated with the modernist movement.在文学批判中,意识流是指通过给予人物思维过程对等的书面描写以体现人物思想的一种文学技巧。,意识流小说,意识流小说是20世纪初期(20年代)兴起于西方,以表现人们的意识流动、展示恍惚迷离的心灵世界为主的小说。意识流文学认为文学应表现人物的意识流动,尤其是表现潜意识的活动,人的意识流动遵循的是“心理时间,而非物理时间。,background,Artistry,内心独白(interior monologue)内心分析 (Inner analysis)自由联想(Free Association)时间和空间蒙太奇(Time and space montage)诗化和音乐化(伍尔芙海浪)(Of Poetry and Music),Interior monologue,On the assumed condition that n

      4、o one else to listen, a character can express his feeling and thoughts directly.,在假定没有其他人倾听的情况下,一个人物把自己的所感所思毫无顾忌的直接表露出来,就是“内心独白”。,内心独白1.avi,内心独白2.avi,So very dangerous to live for only one day.,Life is beautiful.,life attitude,dangerous,beautiful,Free Association,Character stream performance without any law and order. Their consciousness in general only one issue or a thing for a short stay on, things in mind often replaces by objective things suddenly appeared, any one of the things that can in

      5、terrupt peoples ideas, inspire new thoughts and minds, release a series of impressions and feelings. 睹物生情,有感而发,自由联想1.avi,beautiful flower,Time and space Montage,Montage is a series of techniques used to represent multiple of things in the movie. In literature, author combines events and plots in different time and space, which breaks the limitation of time and space, Showing the flow of consciousness variability, complexity.,30 years,?,15 hours,different characters thinking activities at the sam

      6、e time,montage,In Regents Park,“I have been dead, and yet am now alive, but let me rest still.”,recalling the bitter love with Clarissa.,thinking activities,inner world,social background,characters relationship,Poetry and music,Stream of consciousness novelist in order to strengthen the symbolic effect, sometimes they will use poetry and music. They widely used image analogy, movement structure, rhythm, punctuation and quirky spelling to suggest that people in a moment feelings, impressions, mental state or works implication.,contrast,focus : the outer world,focus: the inner world,Features,1.Depicting the complicate inner world of characters and employing the writing techniques of interior monologue, free association, .etc.2.Breaking the traditional concept of time and space and adopting the flexible conversion of time and space.3.highlighting the flow of consciousness and fading the plots.,


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