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    • 1、 谋学网【奥鹏】-中国传媒大学传媒2019年12月大学英语(预备二)课程考试作业考核试题试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,The old lady is quarrelling with others as if she mad.A、wasB、isC、areD、were正确答案:D第2题,_- Hey, Tom, whats up? - _.A、Yes, definitely!B、Oh, not much.C、What is happening in your life?D、You are lucky.正确答案:B第3题,She_ till four or five in the morning to get all the clothes ready for her sons wedding.A、recoverB、buildC、sewedD、depend正确答案:C第4题,_- Would you like another slice of Christmas cake?- Im full._A、Yes, please.B、No more, thanks.C、Why not?D、

      2、Nothing more.正确答案:B第5题,When I was ill, my roommate went to_ a doctor.A、mineralB、shadowC、juiceD、fetch正确答案:D第6题,It is said that_ birds are better fed, more healthy, and live longer than their fellows in the wild.A、downtownB、installedC、operatedD、caged正确答案:D第7题,We all hope that our next generation will be better trained and better_ to meet the needs of a better future.A、healthyB、regardC、educatedD、found正确答案:C第8题,It is very sad to find that men and women_ over winter and summer for a little bread to f

      3、eed their children.A、islandB、priestC、nearbyD、slaved正确答案:D第9题,He saw that her coat was wrongly_ up, but he didnt tell her.A、chestB、sheetC、buttonedD、duty正确答案:C第10题,The questions will help you to discover whether the interviewee (被接见者) has all the necessary abilities and qualities to match your_ picture of the ideal person for the job.A、mentalB、localC、stationD、asleep正确答案:A第11题,Lucy was_ and quiet while her brother was sure and noisy.A、senseB、shyC、theaterD、kind正确答案:B第12题,After three days bitter argu

      4、ment, they_ reached an agreement.A、evenB、levelC、eventuallyD、actually正确答案:C第13题,_- David injured his leg playing football yesterday. - Really?_.A、Who did that?B、Whats wrong with him?C、How did that happen?D、Why was he so careless?正确答案:C第14题,Is the library now? No, its_.A、open; closeB、opening; closingC、open; closedD、opened; closed正确答案:C第15题,_- Thank you for inviting me.- _.A、I really had a happy time.B、Oh, its too late.C、Thank you for coming.D、Oh, so slowly?正确答案:C第16题,That scientist_ the idea much

      5、earlier, but he had a limited following; it seemed that no one was interested in his idea at that time.A、applicationB、hireC、promotedD、score正确答案:C第17题,_ - Oh, Betty, we will be having a buffet party next Saturday, and wed like you to join us. - , Susan. Whats the occasion? What time do you want me to come?A、A. Id love toB、No wayC、By no meansD、Im afraid not正确答案:A第18题,It has been recorded that the National Security Agency was_ on 4 November 1952.A、cageB、reponsibilityC、skiD、founded正确答案:D第19题,Althoug

      6、h the number of_ is not great, it has none the less increased significantly over the past few days.A、positionB、strangerC、applicationsD、character正确答案:C第20题,_- Nancy was badly injured in the accident yesterday and she was sent to hospital.- Oh, really? I _ . I _visit her.A、didnt know; will go toB、dont know; will go toC、didnt know; am going toD、havent known; am going to正确答案:A第21题,She has two best friends. of them is in the country.A、AllB、BothC、No oneD、Neither正确答案:D第22题,If the worst comes and they f

      7、ail, theyre never going to_ the cost; they have spent so much money and time as well.A、recoverB、cornC、noisyD、congratulations正确答案:A第23题,- How are you, Bob?-_ Ted.A、How are you?B、Im fine. Thank you.C、How do you do?D、Nice to meet you.正确答案:B第24题,Do you know the man under the apple tree?A、layB、lainC、lyingD、laying正确答案:C第25题,A full point_ was given to the one who performed skillfully and powerfully in the match.A、whilstB、awakeC、scoreD、age正确答案:C第26题,Her anger was further _ by the fact that she couldnt r

      8、each him through phone.A、begB、fueledC、massD、advance正确答案:B第27题,It is reported that he never_ an operation (手术) without washing his hands.A、railwayB、trackC、gayD、performed正确答案:D第28题,_ - Would you mind changing seats with me? - _.A、Yes, you can.B、Of course, I like to.C、No, I dont mind.D、Certainly, please do.正确答案:C第29题,He_ me into telling him everything about the new plan.A、coachB、fillC、complainD、tricked正确答案:D第30题,Buckmaster, a very tall basketball player, stood upright,_ over his small child friends.A、snakeB、fountainC、museumD、towering正确答案:D第31题,When birds _, the air under their wings helps push them up.A、mirrorB、sinkC、glideD、wet正确答案:C第32题,It so happened that the letter of misunderstandi


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