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    • 1、适用于外研新标准高三新课标玉卷 高考综合版第 2 期适用于外研新标准高三新课标玉卷 高考综合版第 2 期 第 2 期 适用于外研新标准高三新课标玉卷 高考综合版副主编: 黄妍责编: 赵岩美编: 杨颖一审:刘雨欣二审:马天石外籍编审: William 英 语 测试 报的宗 旨 : 专 业测 评, 成 功 学习 。 助 教、 助 学 、 助考 ! 得分: _ Book 1 Modules 3-4 同步训练 I. 根据汉语或首字母提示,用 Book 1 Modules 3-4 单 词的正确形式填空。 (每小题 1 分) 1. When Uncle Bill went abroad to pay a visit to his friend, he bought me a fashionable watch as a (n) _(纪念品). 2. The manager _ (遗弃) his wife and daughter and went abroad with a lot of money. 3. As the famous director had nothing to tell, h

      2、e refused to give any _ (采访) to the journalists. 4. All the passengers passing by stopped to admire the charming mountain _ (景色). 5. More than a hundred passengers were killed in the crash and only five_ (死里逃生) . 6. Local residents claimed that the noise from the concert was causing a public _(令人讨厌的事). 7. If there is any way we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to _(联系)us. 8. After several months of hard t_, he won the first place in the contest. 9. Most old people would rather live i

      3、n the countryside than live in d_ areas. 10. Being an e_ in the computer field, he is respected by all of us. 11. The police all felt e_ after a three- day search for the lost child in the forest. 12. I m sorry to b_ you, but can you direct me to the railway station? 13. It takes me a long time to find enough space to p_ my car there. 14. The new job doesn t pay as much as we expected but we won t s_ from now on. II. 根据汉语意思, 完成句子。 (每空 0.5 分) 1. 当我到达机场时, 看到飞机正要起飞。 When I got to the airport, I fou

      4、nd the plane _ _ _ _ _. 2. 这个国家的人口继续以每年 1200 万人的速度增长。 The nation s population continues to rise _ _ _ _ 12 million a year. 3. 我试着敲了敲后门, 但没人回答。 I _ _ _ the back door, but nobody answered. 4. 如果您去别处买这块表, 价钱就得贵一倍以上。 If you bought the watch somewhere else, it would cost you _ _ _. 5. 在伦敦的一些地方,错过一班公共汽车意味着再等 一个小时。 In some parts of London, missing a bus _ _ _ another hour. 6. 我真的不知道该怎样摆脱那些无聊的人,或许我可 以跑掉。 I really don t know how to _ _ _ those boring people. Maybe I can run away. 7. 截止到现在,这个项目已经挽救了成千上万的本

      5、来 会死去的孩子的生命。 _ _ _,theprogram hassaved thousands of children who would otherwise have died. 8. 士兵们一到达灾区就搭起了帐篷。 The soldiers _ _ tents as soon as they arrived in the disaster area. III. 根据汉语意思和所给提示,翻译句子。 (每小题 2 分) 1. 就他的外貌来说,他不像是一位七十岁的老人。 (seem) _ _ 2. 孩子们第一次见到下雪,都惊奇地盯着看。 (for the first time) _ _ 3. 你认为谁是我们班最好的学生?(do you suppose) _ _ 4. 医生直到房间里的灯足够亮了, 才开始做手术。 (not. until) _ _ 5. 穿白色衣服的学生是我的妹妹。(过去分词作定语) _ _ 6. 这位美国学生教我学英语来交换向我学汉语。(in exchange for) _ _ 7. 在动物园里,孩子们不被允许接近那些看似安全的 动物。 (approach) _ _ 8

      6、. 他们尽管吵过架, 却仍不失为最好的朋友。 (remain) _ _ 9. 这是我第三次告诉你不要把手机带到课堂上来。 (This/It is the third time that .) _ _ 10. 与那些在受到严重污染的城市工作的人相比,我感 觉在三亚工作很幸运。 (compared with) _ _ IV. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白 处的最佳选项。 选项中有两项为多余选项。 (每小题 2 分) We are defined by how we treat other people. But have you ever thought about your interaction (相互影响) with yourself?How positive? How cruel? Ahigh- valuepersonhasanhonestandfair relationship with himself.1So the relationship is solid (坚固的) and aimed at progression. A high- value perso

      7、n is brave. He is courageous enough to express his personal gifts and opinions.2He acts only because he is in touch with his belief system. He has his own standard in telling whether something should be done. There is a clear difference between right and wrong in his book, and these values are non- negotiable. A high- value person realizes that he was created to give. He understands that personal wealth is reflected in contribution. Contribution doesn t have to be on a large scale (规模, 范围). 3 By giving something to others, the high- value individual feels full inside. A high- value person is capable of relating to those that have wronged him.4Kindness and tolerance go a long way. Holding hatred(仇恨) and bitterness doesn t allow one to live to his full capacity. High- value people are excellent time, energy and emotion managers. The majority of time and energy are given to maintain important relationships.


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