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    • 1、 Essay范文-美国当前经济政策的转型2017年,特朗普就任美国总统后,美国的经济政策转型朝着收缩和对抗的路径发展,欧洲、俄罗斯、日本等国家都想抓住美国的地缘真空扩展自己的势力范围,但是特朗普带有目的性的战线后撤会竭力防止美国的霸权遭到威胁。在霸权时代里,国家之间难免会走向隔绝和对立,因此以一种新的理论方式取代强权政治是未来保持世界稳定的重要方向。Since trump took office in January 2017, the us economy has entered the trump era. He has made great adjustments to the us economy after taking office. During the implementation of his economic policies, he has been widely commented at home and abroad.Before trump, the eight years of the democratic Obama administration, fr

      2、om 2008 to 2016, began with the financial crisis and ended with the Syrian quagmire. The United States elected its most controversial President in 2017, Donald trump, against the backdrop of a widening budget deficit and worsening debt that threatened to explode. Mr Trump has set a record for the lowest amount spent on a presidential campaign. Every presidential election costs hundreds of millions of dollars. Behind the President are the parties, behind the parties are the conglomerates. In the

      3、past few decades, the American party system, party system and media construction have grown into a benefit system. From primary elections to general elections, connections, money, qualifications and interests have become part of the democratic system. One conclusion to be drawn from this campaign is that money does not affect presidential elections as much as it used to.Trump abandoned the instrumentalized measure of political correctness and started from the actual effect. He played several slo

      4、gans in the campaign, such as make America great again, America first, white supremacy and so on, which really touched the voters. White supremacy is trumps choice to defend the status of the majority nation. As of January 2017, the U.S. population was 324 million, with 240 million white people, or 80 percent of the total population. However, the birth rate of white people is far lower than that of African Americans and Mexicans. Trumps immigration policy is also precisely because he is acutely

      5、aware of the potential dangers of irreconcilable racial tensions and low white birth rates, so he advocates reducing immigration and even building a wall on the Mexican border. America first is proposed by trump on the basis of industrial outflow, local hollowing out of production chain, increasing unemployment rate and unbalanced employment structure. The United States now does not have a complete industrial system, which is mainly reserved in the local technology, finance, entertainment media

      6、and other industries. The loss of a complete production system means that the United States loses competitiveness in many industries. In order to maintain the only core industries and gain more market share, trump believes that the United States should make it a priority to get back what the United States has lost. Moreover, Mr Trump claimed that us interests abroad were not fully protected and that too much wasted money was being spent on projects such as joint defence. Judging by his two years

      7、 in office, trump is indeed trying to restore the American economy, but whether the United States can continue to lead the world for a hundred years still needs to be questioned.One of Mr Obamas legateswas the trans-pacific partnership, designed to isolate China for trade, which Mr Trump promptly scrapped, to the dismay of countries such as Japan. Japan, which had hoped to profit from increased confrontation between the us and China in east Asia, fell into a slump after Mr Trump took office. Tru

      8、mps new policy marks the beginning of a new round of strategic contraction for the United States. In view of the foundation of America first, the implementation of the new economic policy, the four key strategies of his economic revitalization plan are tax reduction, trade protection, industrial relocation and infrastructure construction. First of all, trump has made a large tax cut for enterprises, hoping to reduce their operating costs and create a favorable corporate environment, so as to inc

      9、rease their r&d efforts and increase their profits to offset the fiscal loss caused by the tax cut. But there is no link between tax cuts and corporate profits, suggesting that the policy is designed to attract foreign capital. The United States attracts the attention of entrepreneurs from all over the world to the United States through public opinion propaganda, hoping to attract international capital to expand investment in this country by taking advantage of the advantages of low tax rate of the United States. However, compared with other countries, the disadvantages of labor cost and environmental protection cost of the United States are too great, so the implementation of this policy fails to reach the ideal goal. Second, to stop the hollowing out of domestic industries, Mr Trump has forced American foreign companies to move back and started trade wars around the world. America, initially, relying on its strong technology comp


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