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    • 1、语法专题,情态动词的用法,1.考点点击: 情态动词主要用来表示说话人的看法、态度等,它是每年高考必考内容. 2.命题热点: 情态动词的基本用法,表示态度、推测的用法以及在虚拟语气中的运用. 3.考查形式:主要体现在听力理解、单项填空和完形填空中.,一、情态动词命题特点:,(1)-Could I borrow your book? - Yes. Of course you _. (2)-Would you like to do it for me ? - Yes. I _. (3)-Must he get ready now? - No, he_.,二、情态动词注意事项: 1.特殊回答,can,would like to,neednt / doesnt have to,(1) 对现在或将来情况推测:must +动词原形, 只能用于肯定;否定和疑问分别用cant和can。 -Isnt that Anns husband over there? -No, it _ be him -Im sure he doesnt wear glasses. cant B. must not C. wont

      2、 D. may not *must-should/ought to may-might/could+do 可能性依次减弱,2、推测语气,A,See whos there ! _ it be Mary ? A.May B.Must C.Can D.will,C,(2) 对过去情况推测: must (may, might)+完成时只能用于肯定句。 cant / couldnt和can / could +完成时分别用于否定和疑问句。 -There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. -It _a comfortable journey. ( ) A. cant be B. shouldnt be C. mustnt have been D. couldnt have been,D,He must be reading, _ he? You must do it yourself, _ you? He must have gone over the article, _he? It m

      3、ust have rained last night, _ it?,3、表猜测语气的反意疑问句的构成,isnt,dont,hasnt,didnt,would need used to do dare mustnt dont have to=neednt may/might as well do sth. 不妨; 还是为好 改错: Luckily, they could escape from the burning house with the firemens help.,4.辩析 be able to must can have to,were able to,She _out alone at night. ( ) A.dare not to go B. dares not go C. doesnt dare to go D. doesnt dares go,C,1)用于第一人称表将来。 2)用于一,三人称疑问句,表征求对方意见或向对方请求。 3用于二、三人称,表示保证、承诺、威胁、警告。 You shall be punished if you go on doing it t

      4、his way. (表示警告) I shall go to work after I have finished school. (表示将来) -Shall he come in? - Come in, please. (表示征求对方意见),5、shall,Toms father promised, “You _have a new computer if you pass the coming examination,” ( ) A.can B.should C.shall D.may,C,1)表示“预测、可能” 2)表示说话人的感情(惊奇、愤怒、失望等)“竟然” 翻译: They should be here by now. You cant imagine that the well-educated gentleman should be so rude to a lady.,6、should,-When can I come for the photos ? I need them tomorrow afternoon. -They _be ready by 12 : 00

      5、. ( ) A. can B. should C. might D. need,B,You ought to have helped him with his English, _you ? A. wont you B. ought not you C. shouldnt you D. wouldnt you,C,1)对过去情况推测。 肯定: must/may/might have done 否定: cant/couldnt/may not/might not have done 疑问: can/could have done?,7、情态动词+have done,Jenny _with him at that time, for I was having dinner with her in my home. ( ) A.cant have been B. mustnt have been C. must be D. may be,A,2)译成“本”could/might/should/would/ need have done. 译:你本该早五分钟来. You should have

      6、 come here five minutes earlier. 3)虚拟语气(与过去事实相反的主句) 译: If you had followed my advice, you wouldnt have been defeated. 如果你当时接受了我的忠告,你是不会失败的.,They are disappointed at the English party. They say that it _better organized. ( ) A.had been B. had to be C. must have been D. could have been,D,- Did you walked home by yourself last night ? - Yes, I did. But I think I _. ( ) neednt B. shouldnt C. may not have D. neednt have,D,情态动词典型 例题专练,一、考查情态动词的基本用法,1.“The interest _be divided into five parts, accordin

      7、g to the agreement made by both sides.” declared the judge. A. may B. should C. must D. shall 2. The room is so dirty. _ we clean it? Of course. A. Will B. Shall C. Would D. Do,D,B,3.Hes strange - he _ sit for hours without saying anything. A. shall B. will C. can D. must,B,4.John, look at the time. _ you play the piano at such a late hour? A. Must B. Can C. May D. Need,A,5.Tom, you _leave all your clothes on the floor like this! wouldnt B. mustnt C. neednt D. may not,B,6.You cant imagine that a

      8、 well-behaved gentleman _ be so rude to a lady. might B. need C. should D. would,C,7._it rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put off. Should B. Would C. Could D. Must,A,8.A left-luggage office is a place where bags _ be left for a short time, especially at a railway station. A. should B. can C. must D. will,B,二、考查情态动词的推测用法,1.Helen _go on the trip with us but she isnt quite sure yet. A. shall B. must C. may D. can 2.Ive taken someone elses green sweater by mistake. It _ Harrys. He always wears gr

      9、een. has to be B. will be C. mustnt be D. could be,C,D,3.That, I think, _ be all that I want to say. A. can B. could C. will D. ought to,C,4.You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers _ not like the design of the furniture. A. must B. shall C. may D. need,C,5.-Isnt that Anns husband over there? -No, it _ be him -Im sure he doesnt wear glasses. cant B. must not C. wont D. may not,A,6.My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he _ your lecture. couldnt have attended B. n


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