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    • 1、,Unit,3,Fascinating Planet,Book 3,Think and Discuss,Viewing the World,Exploring the Theme,Analytical Listening,Sharing Your Ideas,Engaging,Further Listening,Content,Unit 3 Fascinating Planet,Think and Discuss,Look at the photo. Would you like to visit this place? Why or why not? Why do people like to visit natural places?,New Zealands Tongariro National Park has three active volcanoes and an ancient native forest.,Questions,Example Answer 1 Yes, I would like to visit this place because I enjoy d

      2、oing outdoor activities such as hiking and camping. It looks like a very unusual place, too, so it would be a good place to take photographs of the landscape.,Look at the photo. Would you like to visit this place? Why or why not?,Questions,Example Answer 2 No, I would not like to visit this place because I prefer to spend my free time shopping, going to restaurants and museums, and doing other things in urban areas.,Look at the photo. Would you like to visit this place? Why or why not?,Questions

      3、,Why do people like to visit natural places?,Example Answers People like to visit natural places for many different reasons. For people who live in cities, visiting a natural place gives them a break from the noise and pollution they live with every day. Other people enjoy seeing the wildlife in natural areas. They might also enjoy outdoor recreational activities such as hiking or going on a picnic.,Questions,Exploring the Theme,Unit 3 Fascinating Planet,Look at the photos and read the captions.

      4、 Then discuss the questions. What do you find interesting or surprising about the information on these pages? What do you think the environment and climate are like in the Tsingy? What are some of the national parks in China? What makes them special?,Fascinating Planet,Deckens sifaka lemurs searching food in the Grand Tsingy, Madagascar,Fascinating Planet,The dry upper parts of the Tsingy are the favorite places for some animals. This dragonfly is cooling itself.,Fascinating Planet,The Pachypodi

      5、um plant does not need much water, so it does well in the highest regions of the Tsingy.,Fascinating Planet,The Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park in Madagascar is a very unusual place. Its sharp pointed peaks are made from eroded limestone. The high peaks and low canyons here are home to many unusual species of animals and plants, such as the white Deckens sifaka lemurs (shown on slide 10). Some of the species are so rare that scientists have not yet identified them.,Fascinating Planet,the Tsingy

      6、: a region of limestone plateaus ( 高原) where the water has carved the stone into sharp peaks, fissures ( 裂缝), and caverns ( 大洞穴) 鲸基地区( 马达加斯加),Fascinating Planet,Pachypodium: spiny trees and shrubs ( 灌木) which are native to Africa. They are able to survive well in regions with little water. 棒棰树属,Fascinating Planet,Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park: a national park in the country of Madagascar. It is located on the western coast. The word means “walking on tiptoes” and describes the parks maze of s

      7、harp limestone formations. 鲸基-德贝玛拉哈国家公园,Fascinating Planet,Madagascar: an island country off the southeast coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean. Much of its remarkable wildlife is unique to this island. 马达加斯加(非洲东南部印度洋海岸的一个岛国),Fascinating Planet,Deckens sifaka: one of the many kinds of lemur found in Madagascar 马达加斯加德肯狐猴,Fascinating Planet,What do you find interesting or surprising about the information on these pages?,Example Answers The photographs are surprising because the rock formations are

      8、very unusual, and so are the white lemurs. Its interesting that the national park has its own set of plants and animals that live theresome of them do well in the higher parts of the rock formations, and we can assume that other species do well in the lower parts, where there is probably more water.,Fascinating Planet,What do you think the environment and climate are like in the Tsingy?,Example Answers The environment looks very rocky, with little or no flat land. Its probably not a good place f

      9、or people to live. The climate may be quite warm since Madagascar is off the southeast coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean. The Tsingy de Bemaraha might not get much rainfall, or it might be dry because the rock doesnt hold the rain very well.,Fascinating Planet,What are some of the national parks in China? What makes them special?,Example Answers China has many national parks. Famous national parks include Zhangjiajie in Hunan province, which has spectacular rock formations topped with forests; Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan province, which has waterfalls, colorful lakes, and panda habitat; and Sanqingshan in Jiangxi province, which has a mountain range and beautiful scenery.,Fascinating Planet,Analytical Listening,Unit 3 Fascinating Planet,crack n. 裂缝,缝隙 pointy a. 尖的 paradise n. 天堂;乐土 lizard n. 蜥蜴,Listening 1,Listening 1,In this section, we will hear a conversation and part of a television documentary about the Tsingy de Bemaraha. In the real world, there can be distractions


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