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    • 1、预习作业反馈,1、记忆效率:快、重复、动笔 2、阅读策略:首句、中心词、条理、呼应 3、学习心态:沉心静气、循序渐进、耐心致胜 4、表扬: 9班:Group 4,5,8 戴泽运、李志国、刘秀照、杨华、祁小莹、李静、耿欣欣、张晨 10班:Group1,3,7,李爱萍、季敏、刘民楷、黄金、杨晓然、赵华鹏、朱悦心、苏振林,Lead-in导入(2分50秒),See some videos(2) and photos(50”),军训,黄河拉练,冬天6点早自习,夏天6点早自习,Please tell us what they are about.,Reading Practice, Module 2, Book 7,My Schooldays,the period when someone attended school 我的学生时代,Class Aims教学目标,知识目标: 1. Grasp new Words, Expressions and their Usages 掌握新词句及其应用 技能目标: 2. Practice Reading Strategy and Reading Abilit

      2、y 训练阅读策略和阅读能力 3. Ability in Cooperation and Independent Leaning 合作学习能力和独立学习能力 态度目标: 4. Write a brief introduction of your own schooldays and your ideal. 简介个人学生时代和理想,Before Reading(读前),自学提示: 阅读前,巩固基础词句,解决阅读过程中的重点词汇障碍。,Words and Expressions(前测,易),提供住宿的 背诵 机构,团体 天真的,单纯的 陈旧的,磨损的 破烂的 惭愧的,羞愧的 乘 概念 精力充沛的 规章,条例 准时的 激怒,烦躁 使心情不好 两星期,14天 毕业文凭 奖学金 宿舍,boarding recite institution innocent worn shabby ashamed multiply concept dynamic regulation punctual irritate upset fortnight certificate scholarship dormitor

      3、y,Reading Practice (阅读训练),自学指导: 注意(快速)略读和(详细)精读策略的运用。 略读策略:速览首句和关键词,了解大意。 精读策略:通读全文,准确理解信息,划出重点,提出难点,归纳中心,总结习得。,Fast reading (略读),1. What is the text mainly about? 2. Where would you expect to see this text? 3. How many paragraphs are there in this text? 4. What is the structure of the text? 5. Whats the main idea of each paragraph?,1. The passage is about _. the writers first day at school (b) the writers schooldays (c) the writers childhood (d) the writers life,2. Decide where you would expect

      4、 to see this passage. A. In a biography(传记). B. In an autobiography(自传). C. A brochure(手册) to persuade people to attend this school. D. A government report.,Count as quickly as you can: How many paragraphs?,Seven.,III Choose the correct structure of the passage (paragraphs),A,B,Match the paragraphs with its main idea,Para Main Idea 1 The dormitory and the bedding. 2 The start of his schooldays. 3 Strict school regulations. 4 The end of his senior high schooldays. 5/6 His first lesson. 7 His impr

      5、essive teachers and their influence.,Summary(小结),Start of his schooldays,Dormitory and feeling,First lesson,Teachers and influence,School regulations,End of his senior high schooldays,Schooldays,Read the passage carefully, remember the following key language points.,Careful Reading(精读),读中自学,1)据说 2)一所寄宿学校 3)将缝在上面 4)带领某人去 5)旧(椅子) 破(垫子) 6)暖气 7)对感到羞愧 8)睡着了 9)10乘以9 10)花某人时间做某事,11)激发(我对文学的终生热爱) 12)植物学 13)酷爱 14)极冷的 15)参加清晨集会 16)除了(一小部分) 17)遵守规定 18)令(我非常)失望 19)两周一次 20)(解放、方向、美、成功、失败、幽默)感,They say that,b

      6、oarding school,be ashamed to do/ of,sewinto,show sb to/around,worn (armchair),shabby cushion,heating,fall asleep,multiply 10 by 9,It took sb to do,inspire sb to do,botanical science,passion for,freezing cold,attend morning assembly,except for,follow the rules,To ones disappointment,once a fortnight,a sense of,Translation (中测),1. They say that schooldays are the happiest days of your life, but not for me!(1分) 2. In fact, the only preparation I had for this adventure was watching as my mother sewe

      7、d my name tag into my shirts, trousers and woolen sweaters. (3分),3. Im ashamed to admit that I sobbed as I fell asleep that night. (1分) 4. My first task was to multiply seven by three. (1分) 5. It took me years to understand the greater mystery of algebra, geometry, and concepts such as cubic metres, and grams. (3分),阅读成果输出1,6. There was also a teacher of botanical science, who introduced me to my passion for flowers and plants. (1分) 7. We spent hours studying the structure of leaves under the mic

      8、roscope. (1分) 8. Being punctual for classes was essential, no one was allowed to be late. (1分) 9. We all had to attend morning assembly every weekday, except for boys of other faiths, who were allowed to stay in their classrooms. (2分) 10. to my great disappointment, I only got a reply once a fortnight. (1分) 11. all I felt was a sense of liberation (1分),1. The writer thinks that_. (a) nursery school was good preparation for “big school” (b) he was not very prepared for boarding school (c) he went

      9、 to nursery school because his father worked abroad (d) He learned to read and to recite the alphabet at “big school”,阅读成果输出2 Ex 5 on page 26.,2. The writer was unhappy when he arrived at school because_ (a) the dormitory was so different from what he was used to (b) He didnt have enough bedding (c) He was ashamed to admit that he sobbed as he fell asleep (d) He didnt want to share a dormitory with five other boys,3. The writers favourite subjects were_ arithmetic, algebra and geometry (b) flowers and plants (c) sports (d) English literature and botany,4. Among the school regulations, the boys had to _. (a) write to their parents once a fortnight (b) be punctual and go for a run whatever the weather (c) attend assembly every Sunday (d) check their mailboxes ev


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