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    • 1、 诚信诚信诚信诚信诚信诚信 忍耐忍耐忍耐忍耐忍耐忍耐 探索探索探索探索探索探索 热情热情热情热情热情热情杭州士兰集成电路有限公司杭州士兰集成电路有限公司 杭州经济技术开发东区杭州经济技术开发东区 1010 号路号路 308308 号号 HangzhouHangzhou SilanSilan IntegratedIntegrated CircuitCircuit Co.,Co., LtdLtd。 308,308, No.No. 1010 Road,Road, EastEast HETZ,HETZ, Hangzhou,Hangzhou, Zhejiang,Zhejiang, ChinaChina 310018310018 FAXFAX:0571-867140060571-86714006 TELTEL:0571-86714088-78130571-86714088-7813(邓先生)(邓先生)0571-867140350571-86714035 0571-86714088-78140571-86714088-7814(杨先生)(杨先生)SSMSSM 20002000 SRPSRP 介绍介绍

      2、The spreading resistance technique is a method for measuring the electrical properties of semiconductor materials with very high spatial resolution; it is based on measurements of the contact resistance of specially prepared point contacts on doped silicon samples. The SSM 2000 NANOSRP System is an automated spreading resistance probe designed to characterize the electrical properties of doped silicon materials. This system generates profiles of resistivity, carrier density, and electrically act

      3、ive dopant density more quickly and more easily than its predecessor, the SSM 150. It is the most advanced SRP test machine in world. SilanSilan characteristiccharacteristic 1、 Can afford the best accuracy result for custom. 2、 We have the unique ability to test the Ultrashallow layer. Example we can test implant resistivity profiler on surface. We can guarantee 6nm resolution for test Ultrashallow layer. 3、Can measure the resistivity of patterned samples (dimension of pattern above 80um) .扩展电阻率

      4、测试是用高分辨 率测试半导体材料的电特性。 它基于被测样片上接触的探针 来测试。SSM 2000 是一台自动 的用扩展电阻的方法来反应参 杂硅材料电特性的机器。它能 产生整个硅片电阻率的轮廓特 性,载流子浓度,参杂浓度。 它比国内常用的 SSM 150 要快 速,准确许多。是目前世界最 先进的 SRP 测试设备之一。士兰特点:士兰特点: 1、能给用户提供国内最精确的 测试结果。 2、是国内唯一有能力准确测试浅层结构,如注入表层电阻率的变化特性。能保证 6nm 的分 辨率准确性。 3、能测试图形中样品的扩展电阻率(图形尺寸 80um 以上) 。诚信诚信诚信诚信诚信诚信 忍耐忍耐忍耐忍耐忍耐忍耐 探索探索探索探索探索探索 热情热情热情热情热情热情杭州士兰集成电路有限公司杭州士兰集成电路有限公司 杭州经济技术开发东区杭州经济技术开发东区 1010 号路号路 308308 号号 HangzhouHangzhou SilanSilan IntegratedIntegrated CircuitCircuit Co.,Co., LtdLtd。 308,308, No.No. 1010 Road,Ro

      5、ad, EastEast HETZ,HETZ, Hangzhou,Hangzhou, Zhejiang,Zhejiang, ChinaChina 310018310018 FAXFAX:0571-867140060571-86714006 TELTEL:0571-86714088-78130571-86714088-7813(邓先生)(邓先生)0571-867140350571-86714035 0571-86714088-78140571-86714088-7814(杨先生)(杨先生)SSM495SSM495 C-VC-V 测试仪测试仪The SSM495 is an automatic mercury probe capacitance-voltage (CV) measuring system. The SSM 495 has an advanced measurement tool with many characteristics such as good spatial resolution, good sensitivity and non-destructive. Th

      6、e resistivity of all kinds epi samples can be accurately measured using SSM 495. The measurement range is from 0.1 to 100.cm in n-type wafer; from 0.24 to 330 .cm in P-type wafers. The SSM495 can also be used to monitor oxide quality (Threshold voltage: Vth; Flat band voltage: Vfb; Oxide capacitance: Cox; Effective oxide charge: Neff ). In addition, it can offer good resolution in monitoring the implant dose of B, P or As in the channel region under the gate. SILANSILAN CharacteristicCharacteris

      7、tic We can test most of P type EPI wafer which is very hard for many companies sometimes. SSM495 全自动汞探针 CV 测试系 统是先进的测试工具,具有空间分辨 率高、灵敏度好、非破坏性等特点。 它能精确地测试各种外延片的电阻率。 N 型硅片的测试范围为: 0.1100.cm;P 型硅片的测试范 围为:0.24330.cm。SSM495 亦 可用于监测氧化层质量(阀值电压 Vth;平带电压 Vfb;氧化层电容 Cox; 氧化层电荷数 Neff) 。此外,对于栅 极下面沟道区的 B、P、As 注入剂量, SSM495 能提供完美的监测方案。士兰特点:士兰特点: 对于 P 型外延片电阻率的测试一般公司很难有能力测试,有的甚至放弃测试 P 型外延片, 而我们能测试大部分的 P 型片。诚信诚信诚信诚信诚信诚信 忍耐忍耐忍耐忍耐忍耐忍耐 探索探索探索探索探索探索 热情热情热情热情热情热情杭州士兰集成电路有限公司杭州士兰集成电路有限公司 杭州经济技术开发东区杭州经济技术开发东区 1010 号路号路 308

      8、308 号号 HangzhouHangzhou SilanSilan IntegratedIntegrated CircuitCircuit Co.,Co., LtdLtd。 308,308, No.No. 1010 Road,Road, EastEast HETZ,HETZ, Hangzhou,Hangzhou, Zhejiang,Zhejiang, ChinaChina 310018310018 FAXFAX:0571-867140060571-86714006 TELTEL:0571-86714088-78130571-86714088-7813(邓先生)(邓先生)0571-867140350571-86714035 0571-86714088-78140571-86714088-7814(杨先生)(杨先生)QSQS FTIRFTIR 系列介绍系列介绍QS FTIR series is an advanced FT-IR tool developed by Bio-Rad laboratories, Inc. It has strong functions which are w

      9、idely used in analysis of PSG films, BPSG films, silicon nitride films, epi layers and bare wafers. The concentration of B and P in BPSG films can be measured using PCR or PLS techniques contained in QS M-408,and it can analyze Hydrogen in silicon nitride films, oxygen and carbon in silicon, also measure Epitaxial thickness. SILANSILAN CharacteristicCharacteristic 1、 We own the Bio-Rad QS series FTIR machines which is the famous FTIR in world. Including several QS300, QS408, QS500 etc. models. 2、We can afford the rapid and accuracy result by our experience and theory.QS FTIR 系列是台由 Bio-Rad 实验室有限公司制造


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