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雅思大作文academic writing 评分标准+首段写法+主体段写法

  • 卖家[上传人]:mg****85
  • 文档编号:35571817
  • 上传时间:2018-03-17
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:97KB
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    • 1、Academic Writing Task 2 IELTS Writing Task2 评分标准解析 Band 8 description Task Response Length Address all questions directly Clear position and well developed Coherence and Cohesion Cohesive devices Clear progression Clear central topic Lexical Resource Use a wide range of vocabulary Skillfully use uncommon items Error free Grammatical Range and Accuracy Use a wide range of structures Error free Task2 评分标准解析LR 得分对策避免口语词汇 always; very; a lot of 避免表意不明 new things; bad things避免使用使役动词 make sth adj.避免意译

      2、 starting places; cut outWriting Task 2 分类突破 雅思写作话题分类 Report 【报告型】 Reasons Influences Measures Argumentation 【论证型】 Opinions Evidences 首段写法 贫富差距:在当今社会,贫富差距很普遍并且越来越明显。这种状况如果得不到有效的 解决将会给社会带来各种问题。本文将探讨贫富差距产生的原因并提出相应 的解决方案。 国际旅游当前,出国旅游现在已经非常普遍并且人们在旅游过程中了解的异国文化。 这种国家之间的了解对国际关系将产生重大影响。本文将探讨国际旅游受欢 迎的主要原因以及对个人与社会的影响。 环境污染:在21世纪,人类面临着严峻的环境问题。这个问题如果没有得到有效的控制, 会威胁人类的生存。在本文中,我将探讨环境污染的主要原因并提出有效的 解决方案。 首段写法 贫富差距:In the contemporary societies, the gap between the rich and the poor is prevalent and becoming incr

      3、easingly obvious. If this situation is not addressed effectively, it will give rise to a variety of social problems. In this essay. I will look into the reasons for the wealth gap and bring forth corresponding solutions. 首段写法 国际旅游In recent years, international travel has been increasingly popular across the world and the tourists learn about the distinctive cultures from their own through traveling. Such understanding between people has significantly affected the international relations. In this

      4、 essay, I will investigate about the reason for increase of international tourists and analyze the effects on individuals and the society. 首段写法 环境问题In the 21st century, the human race is facing grave environmental condition than any previous times. If the trend is not reversed, the survival of human being will be in risk. In this essay, I will elaborate on the causes of environmental damages and put forward corresponding solutions. 首段写法 贫富差距:在当今社会,贫富差距很普遍并且越来越明显。这种状况如果得不到有效的解决将会给社会带来各种问题。本文将探讨贫富

      5、差距产生的原因并提出相应的解决方案。 国际旅游当前,出国旅游现在已经非常普遍并且人们在旅游过程中了解的异国文化。这种国家之间的了解对国际关系将产生重大影响。本文将探讨国际旅游受欢迎的主要原因以及对个人与社会的影响。 环境污染:在21世纪,人类面临着严峻的环境问题。这个问题如果没有得到有效的控制,会威胁人类的生存。在本文中,我将探讨环境污染的主要原因并提出有效的解决方案。 首段写法 According to one recent survey, the number of private cars in Beijing has increased by 20% to 2 million and it is difficult to foresee any downward trend. THESIS STATEMENT This ever-swelling car ownership in many big cities as well as countryside is causing numerous problems. It is reported that the world i

      6、s facing a worsening youth employment crisis: young people are three times more likely to be unemployed than adults and over 75 million youth worldwide are looking for work. THESIS STATEMENT The impacts of the situation should be given adequate attention. Proving surprising facts: statistics According to a recent survey, more than 70% of the It is reported that . An authoritative magazine concerning reveals that In a study conducted by the Medical Association, researchers concluded that Practice

      7、: The dying out of species Surprising statement: from experts or researches , as educationalists suggests / points out / advises Studies have shown that / proven that (facts) . Some experts draw the conclusion that Practice: Noise pollution Long term exposure in noise could lead to serious physical disorders or even fatal disease, as medical experts advises / cautions / suggests. THESIS STATEMENT They also prompt the government to identify the sources of noise and to take effective actions to re

      8、duce noise. Noise pollution adversely affects the lives of millions of people. Studies have shown that there are direct links between noise and health. Problems related to noise include hearing loss, sleep disruption, low productivity and so on, among which Hearing Loss is the most common. THESIS STATEMENT These health hazards can only be eliminated though identifying the main sources and the measures to reduce noises. Sample: In recent decades, an increasing number of museums and galleries have

      9、 been built in my countries, most of which are equipped with the latest technology and advanced facilities. What is the function of such places and who should be responsible for financing such places? Most teens have money to spend thanks to an allowance or after-school job, but do they have the money management skills to go along with that income? Therefore some people suggest that we should teach children about financial management at an early age. It is known to all that noise can be annoying, but are you aware of the fact that the impacts of noise on our health can be appalling? THESIS STATEMENT To alleviate the hazardous effects, it is critical to identify the main sources of noise and take necessary measures to reduce noise pollution. 素材梳理:素材梳

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