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    • 1、Unit 1 Laughter is good for youPart One Teaching Design第一部分 教学设计Aims and requirements Read a magazine article about stand-up comedy and two short plays Listen to an answering machine message and a radio talk show Discuss comedy and famous crosstalk performers Write an e-mail about crosstalk Present a short playProcedures Welcome to the Unit Step 1: Brainstorming (Tteachers; Sstudents)T: Boys and girls, are you happy today?S: Yes.T: Have you laughed today?S: Yes./No.T: If you havent laughed today

      2、, Ill give you a chance. Lets enjoy some pictures together. (show the above pictures to the students) Are you familiar with these pictures?S: Yes, quite familiar.T: Did you laugh when you first saw them?S: Yes.T: Do you think laughter is good for us?S: Yes. Laughter can help us forget about worries, keep us in a good mood, have positive attitudes towards our lives, enjoy life better and live longer.T: Usually what kind of things can make you laugh?S1: Watching interesting and amusing programmers

      3、.S2: Reading interesting books.S3: seeing funny things.S4: Hearing a joke.T: Now that laughter is good to everyone, remember to laugh more in the daily life.Step 2: Sharing InformationToday, I will give you a chance to laugh heartily.There are four posters on our book. All of them are quite funny. Lets enjoy them one by one.Picture 1 T: What kind of expression is the man wearing?S: A funny facial expression.T: Where is he standing?S: In a spotlight, on stage.T: What is he doing there?S: Putting

      4、on performances, amusing and entertaining the audience.T: What might he be saying?S: He might be telling a joke.T: Where and when can you see the funniest man?S: At the Comedy Club this Tuesday.Picture 2 T: What does the poster tell us?S: It recommends a book to us.T: Whats the book about?S: The book is about a funny girl.T: What do critics say about the book?S: Amazing, I laughed until I cried. -Sunday Review You wont be able to stop laughing. -Star Times Funniest book of the year! -Humor Weekl

      5、yT: Can these remarks attract you?Picture 3T: Whats this poster about?S: The poster is about a course teaching the traditional Chinese technique of crosstalk.T: Can you tell something about the Chinese crosstalk?S: It is a traditional Chinese art. Two or more actors/actresses stand on the stage, using funny words to entertain the audience. T: If you want to learn the crosstalk, what kind of qualities do you need to have?S: Having a sense of humor, being quick-minded and able to cooperate well wi

      6、th his or her partners.T: How can you find out more information according to the poster?S: By calling 5555-1234 for course schedule and fees.Picture 4: T: What is this poster about?S: It is a comedy about life in the circus.T: What can we see in a circus?S: In a circus, we can see acrobats(钢丝), riders, clowns and performing animals. T: Do you think the life in a circus is interesting?Step 3: DiscussionAfter we talked about the four posters, which of the above do you think will be the funniest?Wh

      7、o is your favorite comedian? Why do you like him or her? Why do people like funny things?Divide the students into different groups to discuss. Encourage them to use English while talking. Then collect their answers.Sample answers1 I think “Under the Big Top” might be the funniest. In a circus, you can see acrobats, riders, clowns and performing animals. When I was young, whenever I had a chance to watch circus performances, I had a really good laugh. I often wondered hoe clowns could wear such f

      8、unny expressions and make such exaggerated movements. I was curious about their life and attitudes towards life. Also, trained performing animals are very amusing and can bring me a lot of happiness.2 My favorite comedian is Song Dandan. She is very talented, versatile and dedicated. As a comedian, she has her own special way of presenting vivid characters on the stage. She can sing, dance, do crosstalk, etc. Once in an interview, she explained her understanding towards her career. According to

      9、her, its more than making people laugh. Its about conveying dip meanings of life while entertaining people. I was deeply touched by this. . 3 It is human nature that people like funny things. We need to have something to laugh about, to release our emotions. According to psychologist, people who are often in a bad mood are likely to develop deadly diseases such as cancer. A hearty laugh can cheer people up and help them get rid of negative feelings.Step 4: Homework1. Read the article in Part A on page 104 and the one in Part B on page 105 in Workbook.2. Prepare the Reading part. Reading Stand-up for Your HealthStep 1: Lead-in T: Do you know who this person is?S: Charlie Chaplin, a famou


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