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    • 1、Unit9 I like music that I can dance to Section B Sad and beautiful No.3 Junior High School 郝拾平Hello, everyone! I am Mr. Hao. Its my great honor to stand here to share my teaching ideas with you. Today I am going to talk about Section B Sad but beautiful. My presentation includes six parts: analysis of the teaching material, analysis of the students, teaching methods, guide of studying ways, teaching procedures and teaching reflections.I. Analysis of the teaching materiali) Status and functionPla

      2、y an input role for intensive reading. Express preferences about traditional Chinese music. It gives Ss much practice in reading and writing.ii) Teaching aims and demands1.Knowledge Objects 1) Know more about different traditional musical instruments in China. 2) Learn about the story Abing and his famous art pieces. 3) Use curriculum words and useful expressions correctly.2.Ability Objects 1) Have a fast reading for basic information. 2) Skim for the main idea for each paragraph. 3) Scan for sp

      3、ecific and detailed information. 4) Express their preferences freely using the target language.3. Moral Objects 1) Learn about the culture of Chinese folk music. Know more about Abing and learn his persistence from hisexperience. 3) Arouse students interest Chinese culture learning.4. Teaching important and difficult pointsTeaching important Points1)Have a general understanding of the whole text 2) Skim for the main idea of each paragraph such as topic sentence. 3) Scan for specific information

      4、efficientlyTeaching Difficult Points 1) Identify main ideas and supporting details.2) Develop reading skills by noting specific details3) Express their preferences freely based on the information they have read. 5Teaching aids A tape recorder and Multi-media.II. Analysis of the students1) Have grasped some words related to the topic. 2) Have the ability to use the target language in reading. 3) Own the skills for reading. 3) Desire to know about Chinese culture. III. Teaching methodsIn this clas

      5、s, Ill mainly use the following teaching methods:1. Audio-visual teaching method(直观教学法)( set the scene/predict) 2. Communicative teaching method( discussion, reproduction (再现)and summary) 3. Task-based teaching method( reading comprehension, activity organization)IVGuide of studying ways1. Stimulate students learning interest and discussion. 2. Help students develop efficient reading skills. VTeaching procedures Pre-reading: Step 1.Free talk: Show some pictures. Talk about Chinese musical instru

      6、ments and famous pieces of music that are played on these instruments.Step 2.Presentation: Watch a video. Listen to the music Erquan Yingyue for the first time. Arouse students interest to know about Abing.While-reading: Step 1. Skim the passage and match the main ideas with the paragraphs. Paragraph 1 Abings life(poor/hard) Paragraph 2 Abings popularity Paragraph 3 Writers feelingsStep 2. Read Paragraph 1 and try to finish the mind map. The music was_ but I sensed a strong _ and _. moved It was

      7、 one of the _that Ive ever heard.来源:学科网 I almost _as I listened.Step 3. Read Paragraph 2 and complete the following time shaft.When he was very young, his mother _. In 1893 Abing was_._. By age 17, Abing was known for _. _. After his father died, Abings life_._. For several years, he had _, and lived _. After Abing get married, he_. He continued to _ on the streets. He_in this way for many years.Step 4. Read Paragraph 3 and try to answer the questions.1. How many pieces of music did Abing write

      8、during his lifetime ? How many of them were recorded? 600pieces.Only six pieces of music were recorded. 2. Which piece do all the great erhu masters play and praise ?Erquan Yingyue. 3. Why does Erquan Yingyue become one of Chinas national treasures ? Because its sad beauty not only paints a picture of Abings own life but also makes people recall their deepest wounds from their own sad or painful experiences .Step5. Make an ID CARD for Abing.Name: _ Date of birth: _Hometown: _ Profession: _Musical instruments: _The number of pieces: _The most famous piece: _Important events:His mother died when _.Abing was known for his musical ability by_.He developed a serious illness and became blind after _.He lived on the street and played music to make money for _.Post-reading:Step 1. Pair work: P


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