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    • 1、2011 Investment Promotion Brochure of Huishan Economice Development ZonecatalogcovercontentJiangsu Province Wuxi Huishan Economic Developmnet ZoneHuishan New City A city merged with ecology, residence, science,technology and industry.( First Part) Invation vitality is flourish.CuturalImplicationCreative motivity is endless.Pioneering spirit is successive.Wuxi is the cradle of Wu Culture that brings agriculture civilization. As a birthplace of modern national industry and commerce here brings cur

      2、rent industry civilization. The prosperity of contemporary township industry brings glory of being No.1 in China. Wu Culture is successive for over three thousand year, that is inovation, creativity and pioneering.Cradle of Wu CultureThree thousand year ago, TaiBo came to Southern Yangtze River area called Jiangnan and brought with advanced cultivation skill that is well merged with aboriginal culture ofJiangnan area.As the old saying said”when in Rome do as theRomans do” ,TaiBo cut hair, had ta

      3、ttooing, lead common people to build irrigation projects and develop agriculture, herefrom, Jiangnan area stepped into resplendent agriculture civilization.Birthplace of modern national industry and commerceIn the 1930s, lots of industrialists taking Rong family for representative emerged bringing the rising up of national industry and commerce and making Wuxi become the Birthplace of modern national industry and commerce. Wuxi is honored as little Shanghai in history.Cradle of contemporary town

      4、ship industryIn the early of 1970s, the booming of township industry made south Jiangsu model become the fresh force of country economy development, played a leading role in promoting country economy development and produced a great impact in national scale.Today, let us turn a new page together.Cities covered by two-hour-economic circle in Yangtze River delta:Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Yangzhou,Zhenjiang,Taizhou, Wuxi, Changzhou, Nantong, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Huzhou, Jiaxing, Zhoushan, Shaoxing, T

      5、aizhouTransportion meanss:Expressway: Shanghai-Nanjing highway, Wuxi-Jiangyin highway, Wuxi-Yixing highwayHigh-speed railway: Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, Shanghai-Nanjing high-speed railwayLocated in the center of Chinas most economic developed areaYangtze river delta, Jiangsu Huishan Economic Developmemt Zone is also between Shanghai and Nanjing, in the core area of two-hour-economic circle in Yangtze River delta.Overal planning area is 76 km2, including 36 km2 developed area. Its popu

      6、lation is 200 thousand. It is the centerof Huishan districts administration, economy and culture. Afterten years development, it has become a new city combined with ecology, residence, technology and industry.(SecondEcologic new cityPart)【 green, low-carbon,recycle economy,ecologicalFour highsrehabilitation】spiritEcological gallery such as Xibei Canal, Xicheng Canal andJie Riveretc. havebeenecosystem rehabilitaed thoughconstructing open sceneries as cetral Park, ecological wetlandpark, canal sec

      7、nic belt, Wu culture park and so on. Greenlandcoverage rate reaches over 40%.Throughfosteringdiligently group of newindustries,Huishan new city is fully building a sustainable development and high level professional zone with distinctive characteristics, green ecology and full of core competence.Huishan new city persists developing recycle economy. Concentrated treatment rate of domestic sewage and harmless treatment rate of waste in zone reach 100%, so it forms cyclic economy ecological system

      8、of co-existence and mutual benefits.Water, rain water, sewage, electricity, telecom and gas pipe lines were coverd all around that form high-standard and stereo infrastructure system.Livable new city【beautiful house, recreation, body fitness, education, medical treatment, culture】Huishan new city built urban funcional facilities according to high standard and high qualigy. There is perfect supporting facility system including medical treatment, education,commerce, residence, recreation, transpor

      9、tation etc. Here attracted over 20 well-known real estate enterprises like Greenland group, Shanghai Forte that built high-quality buildings in total area of 6500 thousand square meter together. Large urban synthesis has been constructed including Times Square, Hao de jia etc. with multiple functions such as shopping, catering, recreation, entertainment, commerce, culture, touring. It has become a suitable place to live, do business and enterprising and also become sub-center of North Wuxi through fostering diligently multiple commercial circles such as district commercial circle,


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