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    • 1、职业综合英语1期末试卷A卷试卷A【闭卷】(五部分,工00分,工20分钟,共10页)Part One Listening Comprehension (20 points) Directions:This part is to test your listening ability* Section ADirections:This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 10 recorded dialogues in it After each dialogue, there is a recorded question* Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your tes

      2、t paper Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center 1. A Because hell write a reportB. Because hell be with his friends.C. Because he doesnt like the game.D Because he doesnt know the players.3. A. Flowers. B. Glasses*C. A blouse9De A dress.4. A The man can use her computerB The man can help himself to some food.C. The man should put the computer on the table.De The man should help her to move the tabla5. A. Because she likes to live ne

      3、ar a playground.B. Because the new apartment is cheaperC. Because she needs a quieter place.De Because the present apartment is too smalL6. A. He didnr t like that computerB. He didn t find what he liked.C. The price of the computer was too high.D That type of computer was sold out7. A. Go to a lecture*8. Go to a concert9. Go shoppingDe go sightseeing93. A. Write a letter for the womaneB Take the woman to the office.C. Drive the woman home.De Finish the report for the woman.9. A She was tired of

      4、 reading itB She liked it very muckC. She didn t think of much itD She wasnr t interested in it10 When he can receive the orderB. What the order number is.C. When he should send the orderDe What s wrong with the orderSection BDirections:This section is to test your ability to understand short conversationse There are 4 recorded con-versations in it After each conversation there are some recorded questionse Both theconversations and questions will be spoken two times9 When you hear a question, yo

      5、u shoulddecide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your testpaper Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single linethrough the centerConversation 111 A. To the Science Museum. B. To the History Museum.C. To the Art Museum.D. To the Space Museum*12. A. About every four minutes. B. About every five minutes.C. About every six minutes.De About every seven minutes.Conversation 213. A. The designe B. The price.C. The colonD. The siz

      6、e14. A. Black. B. Brown.C. White.D. Gray.15. A. The discount Be The weightC. The quantity.D. The distance.Conversation 316. A. A single room with a bath. B. A single room witha showerC. A double room with a bath.De A double room with a shower17. A. 100 dollars. B. 150 dollars.C. 200 dollars.D. 250 dollars.13. A. A fitness gym. B. A tennis courtC. A swimming pool.De A table tennis roomConversation 419. A. By the last namee B. By the first nameC. By the middle name.De By the full name.20. A. The s

      7、hort holidays. B. The low salariesG The small offices9D The informal clothes.Part Two Vocabulary & Structure (30 points) Directions:Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices* Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center21. The company was asked to supply the facts the case has caughtB has acquiredC. has requiredDe has acknowledged23.you may say, she will not give up her plans to g

      8、o abroad.A. WhatB. HoweverC. No matter whatD. However hard24. My grandparents to go to bed earlier duringthe winterA. tendBe tenderG trendD. tendency25. The company requires the of many people.A occupationB vocationC. professionD employment26. His sudden arrival that night must have been very because most people at the party lookedratherA surprised; surprisingB surprising; surprisedC. surprised; surprisedD. surprising; surprising27. Dr Bethune began to work thehe arrived atthe frontA. placeB wayC. momentD reason28. If urban noise levels from increasing, peopleshout to be heard even at dinnerA. are not kept; will have toB. are not kept; have toC. do not keep ; will have toD. do not keep ; have to29. All complaints will by the managerA be in charge ofB. be dealed withC. deal withDe be dealt with30. The new suspension bridgeby the end of lastmonth.A has been designedB. had been designedC. was designedD. would be designed31 These government officials are busy


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