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    • 1、 stab v.stb( stabs; stabbed; stabbing ) 双解释义 vt. & vi.刺; 扎 pierce or wound with a sharp-pointed weapon or instrument; push a knife, etc. into sb 基本要点1.stab的意思是指用平扁形的刃具如刀剑或匕首“刺”“戳”某人物。2.stab可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。3.stab表示“刺伤某人某部位”,须用stab sb onin sth 结构。4.stab的过去式和过去分词均为stabbed。 词汇搭配 +名词 stab the darkness划破黑暗 stab the earth戳地 stab the meat叉肉 stab the sky直插云霄 +副词 stab dangerously严重刺伤 stab fatally刺死 stab hideously伤口刺得很深 stab passionately轻轻地戳 stab treacherously背后一刀 stab vindicti

      2、vely报复性地刺伤 +介词 stab at(用刀等)刺戳 stab in(用刀等)刺 常用短语stab at(v.+prep.)(用刀等)刺戳 attempt to wound sb or make a hole in sth with a sharp point such as a knifestab at sb/sth with sthThe big man stabbed at the guard with a dagger.那彪形大汉用刀猛刺卫兵。Its rude to stab at the meat with your knife to see if it is well cooked.为了看肉是否是熟的而用刀子去戳是不礼貌的。He stabbed at the earth with his stick.他用手杖戳着地。She stabbed at the air with her finger to emphasize what she was saying.她用手指一指一点地比划着,强调她说的话。stab in(v.+prep.)(用刀等)刺伤 wound sb in

      3、 a part of the body with a sharp point such as a knifestab sb in sthThe thief stabbed me in the arm with a knife as he seized my bag.那贼抓住了我的手提包,同时在我的臂膀上刺了一刀。stab in the back(v.+prep.+n.)暗箭伤人,背弃别人 attack or fail to support sb in a disloyal waystab sb in the backThe chairman expected his friends to vote for him, but they stabbed him in the back by electing his opponent.主席希望他的朋友们选举他,可他们暗地里投他的对手一票。stab to the heart(v.+prep.+n.)严重伤害某人的感情 hurt sbs feelings severely; cause sb to sorrowstab sb to the he

      4、artIt stabs me to the heart when I remember how happy we were then.每当我忆起昔日的幸福时,我心痛欲碎。His disloyalty stabbed me to the heart.他的不忠使我心如刀割。 用于be ed结构The mother was stabbed to the heart by her sons lack of gratitude.儿子忘恩负义,母亲心如刀绞。 句型例句用作及物动词S+n./pron.She stabbed him on the leg with a knife.她用刀子刺伤了他的腿部。The blue flame of the exhausts stabbed the darkness.排气口的蓝色火焰划破黑暗。The 13000-foot peak stabbed the sky.13000英尺高的山峰直插云霄。His conscience stabbed him.他的良知使他过意不去。 用于be ed结构Julius Caesar was stabbed to death.朱利斯凯撒是被刺死的。 词语辨异stab at, stab in, stab on这组短语的区别在于:1.stab at中的stab是不及物动词,而stab inon中的stab是及物动词,接sb 作宾语。2.stab on指伤及表面,而stab in则强调刺入深部。stab, pierce这组词都有“刺”的意思。它们的区别是:stab所用的器具是平扁形的刀剑或匕首等; pierce所用的器具通常为又细又尖的针状物 学习参考stab还可用作名词,意思是“刺,戳,捅,扎”“伤口”等。例如:I found a stab wound on his leg.我在他的腿上发现一处刺伤。He cried aloud when the doctor touched a stab in his arm.医生触到他的胳膊上的一处伤口时,他大声叫起来。 补充资料同义词 cut, pink, stick词源中古英语stabbe(刺,伤)5


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