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Publishing scholarship in teaching and learning

  • 卖家[上传人]:cl****1
  • 文档编号:432905023
  • 上传时间:2022-10-18
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    • 1、Publishing scholarship in teaching and learningSharynne McLeod1, Marian Tulloch2, Leonora Ritter3, Jenny Kent 41. School of Teacher Education, Charles Sturt University2. Centre for Enhancing Learning and Teaching, Charles Sturt University3. School of Social Sciences and Liberal Studies, Charles Sturt University4. School of Commerce, Charles Sturt UniversityWe are continually encouraged to engage in scholarship in teaching. However, once we have undertaken research (whether it be theoretical, qua

      2、litative, or quantitative), we may be unsure about how and where should it be published. This paper will overview potential sources for publication of scholarship in teaching and learning in higher education and will provide an extensive bibliography containing relevant associations, conferences and journals. Furthermore, insights will be given into the process of publication including submission and peer review. Finally, suggestions will be made regarding targeting the most appropriate conferen

      3、ce and journal, including information about acceptance rates and journal impact factors.Teaching and research in the higher education sector is highly interrelated. Research complements teaching by developing new theories that can be implemented, by injecting new knowledge about the learning/teaching process, by interrogating old theories and challenging assumptions, and by finding solutions to practical problems.Potential sources for publication in higher educationOne of the most important step

      4、s in publishing scholarship in teaching is to locate the most appropriate journal and/or conference for your material. One of the best ways to understand the culture of a conference or journal is to join the relevant society. Appendix A lists a selection of national and international societies that are focussed on higher education. Most of these offer a conference and also publish at least one journal. Appendix B lists a selection of journals that are potential places for publication of research

      5、 and scholarship in the area of higher education. The journals within Appendix B have been selected due to their broader focus on higher education in general. Appendix C lists many journals that are interested in research and scholarship in higher education, but this time they are focussed on specific discipline areas. Process of publicationThe preparation of a conference abstract or manuscript for submission to a journal should take a considerable amount of effort, paying particular attention t

      6、o the guidelines for submission, including the page length and referencing style. Hoit (2005, p. 91) provides the following questions for new authors to ask of their research manuscript: “Is your topic relevant to the readership of the journal?. Does your title reflect your content? Is your abstract the best it can be?. Is your method clearly described? Do your results tell a story? Is your discussion rich with ideas? Does your manuscript contain too many words? Is your manuscript easy to read a

      7、nd understand? Is you manuscript error-free?”For most journals it is extremely important that you embed your research and insights in the current literature. This literature should include papers from the journal or conference you are targeting. Engaging with relevant literature is joining in the international conversation about the topic. Once a paper is submitted, typically the editors review the paper, then, if appropriate, send it to reviewers. Typically two reviewers consider the manuscript

      8、 and then return their reviews to the editor who decides on the outcome of your submission. It is uncommon for papers to be accepted without changes. Papers can be accepted with minor changes (typically typographical and minor wording changes), with major changes (sometimes requiring further peer review) or they can be rejected. If a paper is accepted with changes, you are encouraged to respond to the reviewers comments in a line-by-line letter to the editor in addition to re-submitting your man

      9、uscript containing the recommended changes. Be explicit in explaining changes that have been made and if you disagree with a point made by a referee, be clear and polite in your response. If your paper is rejected, use the feedback to assist you in reconceptualising your work. At times, your paper may have been rejected as you have submitted it to the wrong journal. Use Appendices B and C to determine an alternative place to submit your work. A paper can always be improved. The revision process can clarify strengths and weaknesses of the paper and improve its focus and motivation. The time between submission of your paper and receipt of a response from the editor can be considerably longer than you anticipate. With the pressures of academic work, turnaround by referees can be slow. Creedy (2005) suggests “when referees receive papers, they cannot be expected to take high priority when all academics

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