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    • 1、高一英语期终考试复习练习(M5U3 project)一、熟读生词及用法(生词表P67 concept- permission),并自我检测。* 词形转换:1. 罪行/罪犯n. _ /. _ 2判断v_ n_ 3多数n_ adj_4实施,指挥乐队v_n_(人) 5起源n_adj_ adv_6准许,批准n. _ v. _7 可靠的adj_ v_n_11准确的adj_ n_ (反)_ 12使恐吓v_ n_adj害怕的_ 恐怖的_*翻译词组: 1. 取得突破2. 耗尽体力,累垮(4)3. 认真考虑4. 犯罪5. 效仿某人6. 赞同,支持7. 未经批准8. 简单地说9. 根据一些人的观点10. 从获利/吸取教训11. 用尽自然资源12. 提出很多问题13. 局限于提高生产利润 14. 满足人民的日常需要*单词拼写:1. The m of the websites are accessible free of charge.2. We should never toy with the customers only for economic p .3. No one is to leave the

      2、 building without my p .4. From his f look, I guess he must have found something horrible.5. His poor i can hardly feed the huge family.6. The result must be a . Not a single mistake will be forgiven.7. The manager thought she was r ,so he told her every detail of his plan.8. A scientific diet provides balanced n for your body.9 Would you please do me a f_ to carry the box upstairs.10Taking the environment into c_, the chemical factory should close down.11The rumours of an attack were later _.(证

      3、实)动词填空1.The cloning technology, _ (intend) to cure some diseases, is sometimes misused.2. “Cant you read?” said the man angrily _ (point) to the sign on the wall.3. Its a tragedy that man doesnt realize that they _ (use up) the limited natural resources.4. _ (boil) eggs are more beneficial to health than _ (fry) ones.5. With great efforts _ (focus) on the conservation project, the number of panda is steadily increasing.6. The man _ (catch) stealing proved to be mentally ill.7. _ (establish) in t

      4、he 1780s, this university is now one the oldest one in the US.8. _(observe) the problem for many years, he announced that we are now facing the biggest environmentalproblem.9. _ (prepare) fully, we can achieve great things.10. He kept his tortoise _ (hide) in a blanket.11. The first textbooks _ (write) for teaching English in China came out in the 16th century.12. Most of the guests _ (invite) to the party were from South Africa.13. The computer center, _ (open) last year, is intended to teach t

      5、hose who dont know much about the computer.14. The speaker raised her voice but still couldnt make herself _ (hear).15. With trees and flowers _ (plant) everywhere, my hometown has taken on a new look.16. Jim was shocked to notice her hair _ (cut) short when Della returned home.17. _ (leave) alone, the baby began to cry.18. _ (clone) from an adult cell, Dolly, the sheep, looks exactly the same as her “mother” sheep.19. Most beginners will take up a book, _ (determine) to master every word of it,

      6、 only to give it up in the end.20. “Must you make so much noise? Youre in the theatre.” Said the man in an _ (irritate) voice.M5U3 课文填空(reading & project)1. 一方面一些科学家指出如果克隆人类胚胎,你就可以制造出宝贵的人体组织如骨组织或肺组织-它们可以用来拯救人类的生命。_ _ _ _, some scientists _ _that if you clone an embryo, you can_ _human tissues-_ _bone or lung tissue-that could be _ _to save human lives.2. 另一方面,包括一些科学家在内的许多人持不同意见,他们担心人类如果如此戏弄大自然,可能将制造出一个现实生活中的弗兰肯斯坦怪物。_ _ _ _,many people,_ some scientists, disagree and are afraid that, if mankind _

      7、 _nature _this way, we may be_ _ _to _a reallife Frankensteins monster.3. 第一只成功地用成年动物细胞克隆出的哺乳动物是多利羊。The first mammal_ _ _ _from an_ _was Dolly the sheep4. 但是,有些人认为怀着摧毁人类胚胎的意图来克隆人类胚胎是对人类生命的不尊重。_, some people believe that_ _embryo with the _of _them _ _ _ _human life.5. 我不想领养别人的孩子如果我有这个机会,我会立即要一个克隆婴儿。I dont want to _someone_ child-if I_ the chance, I_ _ _ _baby right now.6. 并非一切对自然最好的对人类也是好的。_ everything _ is best for nature is good for people. / _ _is best for nature is_ good for people.7. 会有人说我们为了保护自然就应该停止经济发展吗?Would anyone say that development should be stopped _ _ _nature? 8. 一些人认为,我们只是在做人类一直以来做的事,利用自然来慢走我们自身需要。 From the_ _ _of some people, we are only doing _ humans have always done, _ nature to _ our own_.9. 在破坏自然和用尽自然资源数十年后,许多发达国家现在关注拯救自然而不是发展或毁坏它。After _


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