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    • 1、英语必修2译林牛津版Unit 2优质教案第12课时Period 12 Project Making a travel leaflet (1)Teaching Aims:1. To improve the students reading skill.2. To learn and master some language points in project.Teaching Important and Difficult Points:1. How to help the students improve their reading skills.2. Help the students understand some language points and know how to use them.Teaching Methods:Task-based activity and explanationTeaching Aids: Multi-media教师看高考副词1.201*全国II12. It is one thing to enjoy listening to good mus

      2、ic, but it is_another to play it well yourself.【A】 A. quite B. very C. rather D. much2.201*浙江卷7.Since people are fond of humor ,it is as welcome in conversation as_else.【C】 A. anything B. something C. anywhere D. somewhere 3.201*浙江卷13.Ive been writing this report _for the last two weeks ,but it has to be handed it tomorrow.【C】A. finally B. immediately C. occasionally D. certainly4.(201*安徽卷)24.To be great, you proper must be smart, confident, and, _, honest.【B】A. therefore B. above all C. however

      3、 D. after5.(201*安徽卷)31. _, I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end.【C】A. Hopefully B. Normally C. Thankfully D. ConvenientlyTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Greetings Greet the students as usual.Step 2 Lead inT: In the last period we learned how to plan a holiday for his / her family. In this section, we are going to learn something about the travel leaflet. First, please discuss the questions on the screen.1.Where have you visited? 2. Have you taken photos? Can you shar

      4、e them with us? 3. Have you read travel leaflets before you traveled?4. Do you know something about Shangri-la?Step 3 Reading Task 1 Fast reading T: Please open your books to page 38 and read the travel leaflet in A about Shangri-la. Read it quickly and then answer the questions on the screen. Show the following question on the screen.What does the word Shangri-la mean? Suggested answers:The word is from the Tibetan language and it means the sun and the moon in ones heart. Today it has become a

      5、common English word, meaning heaven on earth. It is used to refer to an imaginary, remote paradise on earth, which is a distant and secluded hideaway, usually of great beauty and peace.Task 2 Close reading T: Please read the leaflet carefully and choose the best answers.1. Who first talked about Shangri-la?A.James Hilton B.Kelly C. John D. Frank2. Where is it?A. It is in the northwest of ChinaB. It is in the southwest of ChinaC. It is in the southeast of ChinaD. It is in the northeast of China3.

      6、 Anyone who visits Shangri-la will_.A. live longer B. feel relaxed C. be out of breath D. not be able to speak4. In Zhongdian, which of the following can Not be viewed?A. Snow-capped mountains.B. Vast grasslands.C. Beautiful rivers and lakes.D. Animals such as horses and camels.5. Which of the following statements is TRUE according the passage?A. Meli, Baimang, and Haba are three brothers.B. Just after Hiltons book was published, he died.C. Hilton must have seen the paradise in Zhongdian.D. Zhon

      7、gdian is attracting both the local people and the tourists from all over the world.Suggested answers: ABBDD Step 4 Language Points Deal with the language points in this part, if any.1. Would you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty in the south-west of China? line 2-3 p381) beauty n.U美,美丽;C美人;美的事物;优点.He has no real feeling for beauty. (美丽)She is quite a beauty. (美人)2) beauty 属于兼类名词,作不可数名词时表示抽象概念或物质;作可数名词时表示具体事物,即:抽象名词具体化。success 成功 a success 成功的人事 failure 失败 a failure 失败的人或事

      8、surprise吃惊a surprise吃惊的人事 honour荣誉 an honour荣耀的事beauty 美 a beauty 美人 danger 危险 a danger 危险人物 will 意志 a will 遗嘱 character性格 a character 人物 room 空间,余地 a room 房 witness 证据 a witness 证人2.Hilton described a beautiful kingdom where three rivers joined together, steep mountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth. line11-13 p381) reach vi. reach out for sth. 伸手去够某物 He reached out (his hands) for a piece of cake. reach to 伸展,延伸;到达(某个范围或程度) In my study ,there is a bookshelf tha

      9、t reaches up to the ceiling. The forest reaches for many kilometers.2reach vt. reach an agreement with 与达成协议 reach sp. = arrive in/ at sp.= get to sp. 到达,抵达(某地) Mother will be glad to see us when we reach home. 3) reach n. within ones reach够得着out of ones reach=beyond ones reach 够不着3.In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever. line 14-15 p381此句为全部倒装结构,有时为了强调的需要,人们常把状语提前到句首,在此情况下,句子那么使用倒装形式。 In front of their factory flows a river called the Xiangjiang River.2perfect: 完美无暇的 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧彻底的, 完全的 a perfect fo


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