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(江苏专版)高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第26练 文学艺术类(二)-人教版高三全册英语试题

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    • 1、 第26练 文学艺术类(二)单词识记:representcarve character draftfantastic masterpiece memorable novelistplot realistic refresh sculpturestatue vivid abstract authenticbiography subscribe exhibition publish短语扫描:lay the foundation(s) for 为奠定基础appeal to sb.对某人有吸引力be set in以为背景come into existence形成the key to success 成功的关键have an effect on对有影响shape ones character塑造人的性格have a strong interest in 对有着浓厚的兴趣sense of beauty 美感go through经历,遭受;仔细检查;通过,达成 跟踪训练.语境填词1I remember _(vivid) the call that changed my life.2Helen is

      2、a very wellknown _(novel) in Australia.3If a sign or symbol _(代表) something,it is accepted as meaning that thing.4The film was memorable for the fine acting of the two main _(人物)5The material consisted only of already _(出版的) information.单项填空6You should _ to one or more weekly magazines such as Time,or People.Asubscribe Border Cprescribe Dreclaim7All the listeners were surprised at what the traveler had _ in the last ten months.Agone through Bgone overCgone for Dgone on8Tom seems _ very much in t

      3、he job,but Im not sure whether he can manage it.Ainterested BinterestingCinterestingly Dinterestedly9The key_the problem between the company and the consumers is_the demands_by the consumers.Ato solving;to meet;making Bto solving;to meet;madeCto solve;met;making Dto solve;meeting;made10After a heated discussion,a new plan came _ being,which would have a great effect _ the study of the students.Ainto;for Bto;to Cfrom;at Dinto;on.阅读理解 (2016南京调研)There will come a time when you must decide to lead t

      4、he life someone else has chosen for you.or the life you want.According to legend,when a young boy asked the great Renaissance artist Michelangelo why he was working so hard hitting the block of marble that would eventually become his greatest sculpture,David,the artist replied,“Young man,there is an angel inside this rock,and I am setting him free.” In The Angel Inside,the wellknown consultant and career coach Chris Widener uses Michelangelos words to explore the hidden potential that exists wit

      5、hin us all.In this unforgettable tale,Tom Cook,a disillusioned(幻想破灭的) American businessman,has traveled to Italy looking for direction in his life.In Florence,the last city on his tour,Tom meets a mysterious old man who opens his eyes to the art and life of Michelangelo and reveals what the artists work can teach himand all of usabout the power of following your passion.Whether you are looking for a way to reinvigorate your career or searching for the courage to begin a new one,The Angel Inside

      6、is a mustread if you want to find true meaning in your life and work.The breakout business story thats already sold more than 70,000 copies,The Angel Inside tells the story of a young man searching for meaning in his work and finding it in an unlikely place:the life and art of Michelangelo.Advance Praise for The Angel Inside“The Angel Inside is a powerfully simple story that helps you discover your potential for a passionate life!”John CMaxwell,author,speaker and founder of INJOY Stewardship Ser

      7、vices and EQUIP“Chris Wideners The Angel Inside is a short read that is long on wisdom for life.Take an hour and a half of your time and delve into(钻研) this truly meaningful book.It will captivate you from beginning to end,but more importantly,it will help you create your own life of power and beauty.”Jim Rohn“A very special oneday relationship between a wise mentor and his struggling but eager protg.What a delightful story for everyone to read,and from which to benefit greatly!”Bob Burg“The Ang

      8、el Inside is truly one of the most inspiring,encouraging motivational books I have ever read.Once I got started,I found it impossible to stop reading.And I say this as a man who has never read fiction;Ive always said that when I get all of the truth,then Ill start reading fiction.It was a wonderful thrill to read a work of fiction that contains an enormous amount of truth and encouragement.”Zig Ziglar1What is probably the theme of the book The Angel Inside?AFollowing your passion.BRecommending a

      9、 new career.CSolving the mysteries in life.DStarting with action.2What does the underlined word “captivate” mean?AInstruct. BAttract. CPrevent. DConvince.3What does Zig Ziglar mainly want to tell us?ABefore reading fiction,its necessary to get all the truth.BThe Angel Inside is a thrilling work of science fiction.CFiction contains lots of truth and encouragement.DReaders can benefit a lot from The Angel Inside.任务型阅读Have you ever been so absorbed in a conversation at a party that you failed to notice that someone new is standing only six inche

      《(江苏专版)高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第26练 文学艺术类(二)-人教版高三全册英语试题》由会员不***分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(江苏专版)高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第26练 文学艺术类(二)-人教版高三全册英语试题》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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