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(江苏专版)高考英语二轮复习与策略 专题限时集训18 推理判断题(一)-人教版高三全册英语试题

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    • 1、专题限时集训(十八)推理判断题(一)A(2016南通第一次调研)Theres a case to be made,from things like Google search figures,that Robert Frosts poem The Road Not Takenyou know,the one about two paths diverging(分开) in a woodis the most popular in modern history.Yet people still cant agree what it means.On the surface,its a fridgemagnet clich (陈词滥调) on the importance of taking risks and choosing the road less travelled.But many argue it slyly mocks(暗讽) that American belief in the individuals power to determine his or her futu

      2、re.After all,the poet admits that both paths look roughly similarly welltravelled.And how could he be sure he took the right one?Hell never know where the other leads.Looking back at our life histories,we tell ourselves we faced important dilemmas and chose wisely.But maybe only because its too awful to admit were stumbling(跌跌撞撞地走) mapless among the trees,or that our choices dont make much difference.Two psychologists,Karalyn Enz and Jennifer Talarico,throw light on these matters in a new study

      3、with a title that nods to Frost: Forks In The Road.They sought to clarify how people think about “turning points” versus “transitions” in life.A turning point,by their definition,is a moment that changes your futuredeciding to leave a job or marriage,saybut often isnt visible from the outside,at least at first. “Transitions” involve big external changes: going to university,marrying,emigrating(迁出)Sometimes the two go together,as when you move to a new place and realize its where you belong.(“New

      4、 Yorkers are born all over the country,” Delia Ephron said,“and then they come to New York and it hits them: oh,thats who I am.”) But its turning points we remember as most significant,Enz and Talarico conclude,whether or not they also involve transitions.The distinction is useful: it underlines how the most outwardly obvious life changes arent always those with the biggest impact.Hence the famous “focusing illusion”,which describes how we exaggerate (夸大) the importance of a single factor on hap

      5、piness: you switch jobs,or spouses,only to discover you brought the same troublesome old you to the new situation. Before it became a joke,“midlife crisis” referred to a turning point that happens because your circumstances dont change, when your old life stops feeling meaningful.Turning points can be caused by mundane(世俗的) thingsthe offhand remark that makes you realize youre in the wrong lifeor by nothing at all.诗人罗伯特弗罗斯特的未选择的路展现了现实生活中人们处在十字路口时难以抉择的心情。在诗中,诗人选择了一条人迹稀少、布满荆棘的道路,在做出抉择后,同时又遗憾“鱼和熊掌不

      6、可兼得”。心理学家卡拉琳恩茨和詹妮弗塔拉里科在一项题为决定性时刻的新的研究中试图阐明人们如何思考人生中的“转折点”与“转变”的差别。其实,我们的选择决定了我们的命运是否掌握在自己手中。1Why do some people think the poem makes fun of the American belief?ABecause the two roads are more or less similar in the poets view.BBecause Americans believe they can decide their future themselves.CBecause Americans can find their way easily in a forest just with a map.DBecause Americans surely know which road to take without consideration.A推理判断题。根据第一段第四、五句可知,一些人认为这首诗嘲笑了美国人的信仰的原因是在诗人看来,这两条路是大致相似的。故选项A

      7、符合题意。2Which of the following can be considered as a transition?AYour experience of midlife crisis.BYour choice of the road to take.CYour decision to travel abroad.DYour move into a new flat.D细节理解题。根据第二段第四句可知,“转变”涉及大的外部变化:上大学、结婚、移民、搬家等。故选项D符合题意。3What can we infer from this passage?ATurning points involving transitions are often remembered as most significant.BThe biggest impact is often characterized with obvious outside changes.CA fundamental change is often affected by more than one single fact

      8、or.DWe can rid ourselves of the unpleasant past with the change of a job.C推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句可知,你更换了工作或者配偶,结果却发现你将同样的令人烦恼的原来的自己带到了新环境。更换了工作或者配偶这种单一因素无法产生根本的变化,不止一个因素的影响才能导致根本的变化。故选项C正确。4Whats the best title of the passage?AIs our fate in our own hands?BMust people make changes in life?CShould we choose the road less travelled?DAre turning points connected with transitions?A主旨大意题。综览全文可知,其实我们的选择决定了我们的命运是否掌握在自己手中。故选项A符合题意。 【导学号:57732057】B(2016衡水中学模拟)The worlds biggest learning technology show has opene

      9、d in London,with Education Secretary Michael Gove promising a more ambitious computer science curriculum (课程) in schools in England.He says pupils as young as five will learn to code and program,but many children already do.Amy Mathers first taste of coding was at a science festival,when she was 11.Now 14,she designs games,writes her own software and was named the European Digital Girl of the Year in 2013.“Everyone has ideas how to make our lives easier,” she says.“Coding gives you the power to do that.The skys the limit.” The young coder who cashed_in was Nick D Aloisio,from London,made his fortune when he sold an app he created when he was 15.Callum Easton,14,was at the London show with a group from his school in Portland,Dorset.His father,an engineer,gave him his first taste of coding when he was barely old enough to go to school.Someone

      《(江苏专版)高考英语二轮复习与策略 专题限时集训18 推理判断题(一)-人教版高三全册英语试题》由会员不***分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(江苏专版)高考英语二轮复习与策略 专题限时集训18 推理判断题(一)-人教版高三全册英语试题》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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