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(江苏专版)高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第45练 购物类-人教版高三全册英语试题

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    • 1、 第45练 购物类单词识记:change bargain customer goodslist market order paypound return shop spendafford cash consumer guaranteepurchase select expense discount短语扫描:be of poor/good/high quality质量差/好/上等cash desk收银台department store百货商场sell out售完pick out挑选bargain with sb.about/over/for sth.就某物/事与某人讨价还价pay in cash用现金支付on the shelf 在架子上at a high/low price以高/低价in return for作为的交换跟踪训练.语境填词1It really _(改变) what Im doing.2We have the interest of 500,000 _(消费者) to think of.3We have over 30 beautiful designs to _(挑选)

      2、from.4Consumer _(商品) production was to go up by six percent in that city.5According to the agreement,all payments shall be made in _(现金).单项填空6There wont be anywhere to park.Oh,_.Lets try the subway.Athats a real bargainBthats a good pointCthats really somethingDthats all settled7He managed to reach the summit of his career,but it was at the _ of his health.Aconsumption BcreditCexhaustion Dexpense8The flowers were so lovely that they _ in no time.Asold out Bhad been sold outCwere sold out Dwould

      3、sell out9If I buy more than one,will you give me a _?Adiscount BchangeCbargain Dcompromise10Although there were so many people in the square,I could _ my friend.Apick up Bpick outCmake up Dset out.阅读理解A(2016南京调研)The first time we started using it,we thought it would just be a bit of fun,a onetime thing._A_“Lets just give it a try,” my fiance said.I was a bit nervous,but I knew some of our friends were already into it,and they said it was fine and that I should relax because everyone was doing it

      4、.“OK.” I agreed,convinced it would be harmless._B_Before long,we were using it once a week.Then it became twice a week.We went from using it after work to using it in the mornings,and then at lunchtime,too.Suddenly we reached a point where we were using it every day.Even when I wasnt using it,I was thinking about using it._C_Thats when I realized the terrible truth.We couldnt stop.Dear readers,it shames me to admit it,but I am an addict of online shopping site Taobao.And I dont think Im the only

      5、 one._D_I_see_the_telltale_signs_everywhere:People_with_bags_under_their_eyes,clearly_exhausted_after_staying_up_late_browsing_items_they_might_one_day_need_(but_probably_wont),like_the_1940s_leather_aviator_cap_I_bought_in_the_event_I_ever_need_to_become_an_aviator_in_the_1940s.I_see_coworkers_furtively(偷偷摸摸地)_sneaking_down_to_the_mailroom,eyes_darting_around_suspiciously.I know whats going through your mind as you read this.“This isnt me,” youre thinking,“I can stop anytime I want.”But can you

      6、?In China you can get same day delivery for just about anything you buy online.In Australia,my home country,the same item would take weeks to arrive.“Its the convenience,” I said to my fiance,“Thats why were hooked.”But is that convenience worth the risk of waking up one morning to discover youve been buried alive in masses of brand new womens shoes?In my case its probably not,especially because I suspect my fiance wont realize Im missing until weeks later,when my credit card stops working and I

      7、ve long since expired.So what can you do to battle this terrible addiction?Never fear,dear readers,because Ive created a special fivestep list to help you stop online shopping.Step one:Acknowledge you have a problem.Resist buying adultsized,Star Wars Stormtrooper outfit on Taobao.You dont really need it.Step two:Try not to feel guilty about buying adultsized,Star Wars Stormtrooper outfit on Taobao.Step three:Put the computer and smartphone away,get back to nature,and take a walk in the park.Step

      8、 four:Try not to feel guilty about buying a new outfit for your walk in the park.I mean,it was on sale,right?Step five:Buying a book on how to quit Taobao.from Taobao.On second thoughts,maybe dont listen to me,after all.1Where should the sentence “I have never been so wrong in my entire life.” be put in the passage?AIn blank A. BIn blank B.CIn blank C. DIn blank D.2The author writes the underlined paragraph to show that _.ATaobao is a popular and successful online shopping siteBonline shopping i

      9、s an effective way to help relaxCpeople today are fond of the 1940s leather aviator capDquite a lot of people are hooked on online shopping3The author concludes this passage with a tone of _.Aconfidence and optimismBdisappointment and disapprovalCuncertainty and humorDconfusion and sympathyB(2016苏锡常镇三模)TEDx is a global program that is brought to life by thousands of individuals all over the world.By organizing a TEDx event,you can create a unique gathering in your community that will unleash(释放) new ideas,insp

      《(江苏专版)高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第45练 购物类-人教版高三全册英语试题》由会员不***分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(江苏专版)高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第45练 购物类-人教版高三全册英语试题》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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