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(江苏专版)高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第56练 情感类-人教版高三全册英语试题

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    • 1、 第56练 情感类单词识记:down feeling movingpleasepleasure surprise touch wonderemotion happiness tear astonisheddepress amused sorrow thrillingmerry sob weep heartbroken短语扫描:at ease舒适;自在beyond words 难以言喻的in amazement/astonishment吃惊地burst into laughter放声大笑起来have the last laugh笑到最后;取得最后的成功laugh at嘲笑;因而笑move sb.to tears 使某人感动得落泪for pleasure作为消遣in surprise惊奇地take delight in乐于 跟踪训练.语境填词1Money doesnt always bring _(happy)2It was a _(move) moment for Marianne.3She dried her _(tear) with a handkerchief.4You can i

      2、magine how _(surprise) I was.5His sad story _(触动) our hearts.单项填空6Would you please help me with the box?_.AYes,please BNo,please dontCWith pleasure DMy pleasure7Why did Bob cry?He couldnt bear _ like that before the whole class.Amaking fun of Bbeing made fun ofCto be laughed Dbeing made fun8It is believed that if a report is _,it will certainly _ the readers of the paper.Aastonished;astonishedBastonished;astonishCastonishing;astonishDastonish;astonish9Many people admire Ma Yuns success but nobod

      3、ys success happens _. Maybe he has a better “nose” to good chances compared to others.Aon hand Bin timeCby accident Dat ease10Its _ good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them _ pleasure.A/;a Ba;/Cthe;a Da;the .阅读理解(2017江西红色七校联考)A Chinese actors divorce from his wife,over her alleged extramarital affair,has social media buzzing,with posts about the subject gaining over five billion views.Wang Baoqiang announced online on Sunday that he was divorcing his wife,Ma Rong

      4、,and sacking his agent,Song Zhe.He alleged that his marriage broke down after his wife had an affair with his agent,and that she had also transferred the couples joint assets.Ma has hit back at Wang,accusing him of abandoning their family.The topic has sparked a debate about relationships and divorce.It seems Wangs situation has struck a chord with manywhich could explain the number of views,which are high even by Chinese standards.The divorce quickly became a top trending topic in China.Accordi

      5、ng to micro blog Sina Weibo,posts with the hashtag “Wang Baoqiang Divorce” have been viewed over five billion times.Chinese netizens seem to have rallied around Wang,with topics like “Wang Dont Cry” “Wang We Support You”,quickly trending after news of the divorce spread.Statistics by Weibo showed that 47% of netizens posts condemned Ma for her affair,saying it had shattered her family.But why are they so interested? What is it about this one thats got all of China ruffled up?Some people feel tha

      6、t this divorce seems to fit a certain tropeof a beautiful but ordinary girl marrying a rich but less goodlooking man.It is not uncommon to hear the belief that a couple has to “match” at every levelbe it in status,or physical appearancefor a relationship to work out.Wang and Mas split has many people wondering if uneven matches are unlikely to succeed.A lot of social media discussion has also centred around divorce,and in particular how people can protect themselves.Wang has alleged that his wif

      7、e transferred and hid some of the couples assets.Theyre a wealthy coupletheir assets,according to Chinese media,include nine flats,a BMW car and various luxury goods.As a result,people are debating the importance of protecting individual assets,even after marriage.1What is the possible reason why Wang Baoqiang wanted a divorce?AHe abandoned his wife and family deliberately.BHe wanted to make his divorce a top trending topic on the Internet.CHe found his wife had an affair with his agent and that

      8、 she had also transferred the couples joint assets.DHe wanted to protect himself and individual assets.2Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AIt is Ma Rong who should take responsibility for the divorce.BA couple has to “match” at every level for a relationship to work out.CIf they get divorced,Wang Baoqiang will have an equal share of their joint assets.DThe announcement of the divorce has made netizens debate the uneven matches and the protection of individual assets in marr

      9、iage.3What does the second sentence in Paragraph 3 mean?AA large number of people are sympathetic to the recent situation of Wang Baoqiang.BMany people are in favor of Wang Baoqiangs announcement of the divorce.CMost netizens condemned Ma for her affair with Song Zhe,criticizing her for breaking the marriage.DPeople are indifferent to Wang Baoqiangs announcement of the divorce.4What is the text mainly about?AWang Baoqiang announced online that he was divorcing his wife,Ma Rong.BUneven matches are unlikely to succeed.CIt is important to protect individual assets,even af

      《(江苏专版)高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第56练 情感类-人教版高三全册英语试题》由会员不***分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(江苏专版)高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第56练 情感类-人教版高三全册英语试题》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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