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高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第33练 新闻媒体(三)-人教版高三英语试题

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    • 1、第33练 新闻媒体(三)高考高频单词与短语识记排查单词识记:manner attend attitude mediamention murder occupation postponeprejudice principle react routinecontrary convey statement submiturgent violate conference confirm短语扫描:keep up with跟上keep pace with跟上的速度meet with遭遇make joint efforts 做出共同努力in general 大体;通常make an appointment约会offer job opportunities提供就业机会tell the truth说出真相Its reported that.据报道cover up掩饰;掩盖跟踪训练.语境填词1I think its the height of bad (行为) to be dressed badly.2The police have searched the city for the (murder)3T

      2、he match is (延期) without day.4He spoke proudly of his part in the game,without (提到) what his teammates had done.5The spokesman (证实) that the area was now in rebel hands.单项填空6You are not to unemployment benefit if you have never worked.Aaccustomed BresignedCentitled Dsubmitted7Sam some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.Abrought up Blooked upCpicked up Dset up8The police are searching everywhere for Mr.James,who they think is to the crime.Alinked BassociatedCmixed Dre

      3、acted9The two companies have agreed on the main items written on the contract ,but they still have to negotiate the details.(2016江苏苏北四市三模)Ain all Bin handCin vain Din general10There is no doubt that if the students interest in the subject is aroused,they will the challenge and commit more of their time and energies to their studies.Aface up to Bkeep pace withCput up with Dlive up to阅读能力与写作能力专练.阅读理解(2016天津市武清区三模)I remember the last time I was in Gothenburg,I walked past a man who was holding a si

      4、gn that said “All You Can Eat Pizza”I was looking at the man,and I was looking at the sign.But I didnt end up going to the All You Can Eat Pizza.Looking at this man with the sign in his hand,I started thinking about undercover marketing.Well,this man and this sign was more or less the opposite of undercover markteing.He was telling the world who he was working for.Once in a while,you dont realize that youve been marketed to.People have named it stealthily(暗地里) marketing or undercover marketing.O

      5、ne of the most obvious examples is when stars get free clothes or free products that they are using to get other “ordinary” people to start buying them.The same goes for product placement(植入式广告) in movies.The reason why its undercover marketing is that it doesnt say anywhere that were actually looking at any type of promotion.I remember Sylvester Stallone took a 500,000 payment from one tobacco company to mark its brand in three of his films.The reason why undercover marketing works is that peop

      6、le tend to trust it more than if they know that its an advertisement that a company has paid for.And,its a lot easier to create a buzz with a marketing campaign that people dont know is a marketing campaign.One great example is when RayBan started their marketing campaign on You Tube(视频网站) called Sunglass Catch.Right now,it has more than 5.2 million views,and I think that the number would have been much lower if people had known that it was a paid marketing campaign by RayBan.The most obvious ri

      7、sk for an undercover marketing campaign is failing to keep the campaign hidden.If people feel,or understand that they are being manipulated(操作) into liking the product,they might become angry at the product and/or at the company.This way,especially with the speed of communication in social media,a failed undercover marketing campaign might hurt a company really bad.1The author didnt go to the All You Can Eat Pizza because .Ahe wasnt attracted by the signBhe was interested in the manChe was very

      8、busy that dayDhe didnt understand the sign at all2Why did the tobacco company give Sylvester Stallone money?ABecause the company workers liked his films.BBecause he was a famous person.CBecause he advertised its brand in public.DBecause he marked its products in films.3The underlinded part “create a buzz” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by “ ”Aget a good priceBattract peoples attentionCmake a new productDcreate more jobs4RayBan is mentioned in Paragraph 4 mainly to .Acriticize the use of undercov

      9、er marketingBexplain how to use undercover marketingCshow the advantage of undercover marketingDprove undercover marketing is used frequently5What is the last paragraph mainly about?AThe risk of doing undercover marketing.BExamples of undercover marketing.CWhy undercover marketing works.DWhat undercover marketing means.阅读表达(2016天津市六校联考)Rock climbing requires not only physical strength,but also complete mental concentration.So it is not an easy sport.But this may not be true for 20yearold Sasha diGuilian.This fearless gir

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