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    • 1、黑龙江省哈尔滨市方正县2023年考研英语一预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Heaviest snow in half a century hit the south of the country. It snowed continuously for half a month, 1 the railways, highways, and runways in the airfields. Ice wrapped and paralyzed(使瘫痪)the power and communication system. Many people were 2 in railway stations, bus stations and airports, and 3 in cars, buses

      2、and trains. Governments and people did everything they could to fight the snow 4 , resulting in the good news that no one was killed from 5 and hunger. Gradually, trapped people all went back home 6 . While fighting the snow, people forgot their 7 until a moving story of a swallow couple was widely 8 on the Internet.Being hungry and cold, the swallow couple tried to fly 9 peoples home to warm themselves, but every house was closed 10 . They jumped and flapped their wings to 11 the attention of t

      3、he people inside the house, but failed. The wifes body was 12 , she could not move any longer. The husband came near and wrapped his wife with his wings. He lost his 13 soon because of his opened wings. The couple died in the end.The next morning, the housemaster went to the balcony to 14 his flowers because of concern and saw a 15 swallow outside the window pane. Touching it, he found that they were two 16 together. Moved to tears, he took them in, giving them some 17 , but in vain. He found a

      4、small cardboard box, laid them in and 18 them in the back garden.In my hometown, in the countryside, a swallow family lives in the 19 of my house. I wonder if they will come back this spring 20 they did.1、Aprotecting Bmaintaining Cblocking Dkeeping2、Arestricted Bstuck Csurrounded Dpersuaded3、Aeven Bstill Cyet Dnevertheless4、Adisturbance Boccurrence Cincident Ddisaster5、Acold Bdisease Cpoverty Dthirsty6、Amerrily Bsafely Cexcitedly Dexhaustedly7、Afamily Bdistant relatives Cparents Danimal friends8

      5、、Abroadcast Bwritten Cspread Didentified9、Ainto Bthrough Cbeyond Dacross10、Atightly Bearly Csecretly Dquickly11、Apay Battract Cresist Dkeep12、Ainjured Blifted Cfrozen Dbroken13、Aheat Bstrength Cdirection Deyesight14、Awater Bplant Cdig Dcheck15、Adead Bdrunk Clively Dlovely16、Atouching Bembracing Cliving Dlying17、Awarmth Bfood Ckindness Dfruit18、Aleft Bsheltered Cburied Dthrew19、Aroof Bbasement Cwindow Dwall20、Awhen Bas Cunless DifSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following

      6、 four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Nowadays six Amazon Scout delivery robots rolled out in a pilot program in Snohomish County, Wash. The robots carry meals, groceries and packages to homes and offices in this region just north of Seattle. They have appeared on the sidewalks of London, Beijing and other cities and communities worldwide. These machines must overcome pedestrian legs, naughty dogs and

      7、broken pavement, which raises some questions.These services are gaining attraction as a growing number of city residents expect immediate or scheduled delivery for just about everything. Between 2017 and 2018 online retail sales in the U.S. increased by 16 percent. On the final step of all these deliveries, called the last mile, humans on bicycles, motorized scooters ( 电动车) or large delivery trucks typically deliver packages. All the vehicles compete for space on busy urban streets. “Deliveries

      8、are trending upwards in all crowded city centers, and if city and state leaders dont start thinking about creative solutions like robot deliveries, we can expect even worse traffic jams,” says Paul Mackie, director of a transportation policy research center in Arlington.A study by this center found 73 percent of delivery vehicles in Arlington were parked outside of authorized areas, often blocking bike lanes and crosswalks. By moving the last step of deliveries from the road to the sidewalk, cit

      9、ies could reduce traffic jams and solve the parking problem entirely, Mackie says.Companies such as Amazon are not developing this delivery technology simply to clear up urban traffic. Self-driving vehicles and sidewalk robots could cut down last-mile delivery costs in cities by as much as 40 percent, according to a 2018 report by a consultancy firm. A delivery robot can cost thousands of dollars to manufacture, and most currently require human management and conservation. But in the long run companies that use autonomous delivery vehicles in the next several years cou


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