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    • 1、考研英语一陕西省铜川市2023年深度预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Once a man and his wife worked for a businessman. There was a big box in the businessmans living room. The businessman pointed at the box and said, “Theres only one thing you mustnt do. Dont open the box.” After saying this, he 1 the living room.The woman said to her husband, “There must be something expensive in t

      2、he box. Lets 2 it, shall we?” Her husband said no to her.The woman didnt give up her 3 One day, she decided to find out what was in it. Her husband didnt stop her. She opened the box and looked 4 She found nothing in the box and tried hard to close it, 5 she failed.That evening the businessman came home and found the box was 6 He was very angry and asked the woman and her husband to leave his home“But there was nothing in the box,” the woman said. “We havent taken anything 7 ” The businessman sh

      3、outed at them, “The box is not important. I cannot believe you. Thats important!”1、AleftBenteredCwent to2、AopenBcloseCclean3、AworkBadviceCidea4、AinsideBoutsideCdown5、AsoBandCbut6、AlostBopenCempty7、Aat onceBat lastCat allSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Recently, South Korean star PSYs “Gangnam style” video has been popular on the I

      4、nternet. It has become most peoples favorite music.In fact, the song has set the Guinness World Record for the most popular video in the history of the Internet. More than two million people have said “like” since the song was on the Internet on July 15.PSYs special dance moves and funny horse riding style have attracted many people. Although many people do not understand the language, the video has become the talk of the Internet. The song has come to first place in the music charts in 31 count

      5、ries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.“I just sang for my South Korean fans. I have never expected it to be popular in other countries,” PSY told the reporters on a concert. The song was so popular that a few of South Koreans politicians showed PSYs moves to attract supporters.“The song came out in mid-July. It sings about the rich life of South Korea-especially Gangnam in Seoul, where a lot of rich people live.Millions of people have watched the video. Many stars, su

      6、ch as Katy Perry, Robbie Williams and Nelly Furtado said that they love the song. These stars performed part of the song at a recent concert.Riding high on the success of “Gangnam Style”, PSY was signed by Scooter Braun to Brauns Schoolboy Records, a label distributed by Universal Republic.PSY has written many hit songs of varying styles for different singers. Prior to “Gangnam Style” his most famous composition perhaps was Lee Seung Gis debut(首次亮相) song “Because You Are My Woman”.1、What makes P

      7、SYs “Gangnam Style” the famous music of millions of people?AThe song has set the Guinness World RecordBThe song has come to first place in the music chartCThey like the dance moves and the horse riding styleDThey dont understand the words of the song2、Why did some of South Koreas politicians show PSYs moves?AThey wanted to tell people that they were also fond of musicBThey wanted people to support themCThey were PSYs fansDThey liked PSYs dancing style3、Whats “Gangnam Style” about?AThe way of hor

      8、se ridingBThe rich life of people of Gangnam in SeoulCThe Guinness World RecordDThe love of stars4、What is the best title of the passage?ALife of the Music Star PSYB“Gangnam Styly”-Most peoples favorite MusicCPSYs Famous CompositionsDMeaning of “Gangnam Style”Text 2I entered high school having read hundreds of books. But I was not a good reader. Merely bookish, I lacked a point of view when I read. Rather, I read in order to get a point of view. I searched books for good expressions and sayings,

      9、 pieces of information, ideas, themes-anything to enrich my thought and make me feel educated. When one of my teachers suggested to his sleepy tenth-grade English class that a person could not have a complicated idea until he had read at least two thousand books, I heard the words without recognizing either its irony (嘲讽)or its very complicated truth. I merely determined to make a list of all the books I had ever read. Strict with myself, I included only once a title I might have read several times. (How, after all, could one read a book more than once?) And I included only those books over a hundred pages in length. (Could anything shorter be a book?)There was yet another high school list I made. One day I came across a newspaper article about an English professor at a n


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