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    • 1、考研英语一黄石市铁山区2023年预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I stopped speaking because I found myself arguing all the time. After witnessing an oil spill in San Francisco Bay, I 1 using vehicles and started walking everywhere as a statement about 2 . I often kept getting into 3 about whether one could make a 4 and argued about how everyone should do what I was doing.On my 27t

      2、h birthday, I decided not to speak for one day, as a kind of 5 to my community. When I woke up the next day, I didnt see any 6 to speak, so I didnt.A week later, people started getting 7 . My girlfriend wanted me to stop. My parents even got angry with me. But I didnt change my idea.On the 10th anniversary of not 8 , I spoke for a day. I didnt want it to feel as if it wasnt a 9 . I was in California and I 10 my parents. My mother picked up and thought it was my brother 11 around. I had to prove

      3、it was me by telling her something only we knew. 12 not speaking for 17 years, I felt I had something to say. People came to 13 me. My first words were, “Thank you for being here.” But I didnt recognize my 14 .Having listened to thousands of people, I realized we had a 15 view of the environment. People always think its about planting more trees, but its more than that; its about how we treat each other, and that also 16 economic equality and civil rights.Now I give talks around the world. I sta

      4、rted using 17 again. I still practise being 18 every morning. It reminds me to listen 19 ; not to judge what I think Im hearing, but to try to understand what people are really 20 .1、Aturned to Bthought about Cgave up Dinsisted on2、Apollution Bwaste Cexercise Dsupport3、Afights Btraps Cdilemmas Ddebates4、Apromise Bdifference Cplan Dliving5、Aencouragement Bbelief Cpunishment Dgift6、Areason Bsign Cchance Dlanguage7、Apuzzled Bdisappointed Cworried Dinterested8、Aarguing Briding Cspeaking Dfailing9、Aw

      5、arning Bdisadvantage Cstrength Dchoice10、Amissed Bcalled Cvisited Dthanked11、Awalking Bcoming Cmessing Dhanging12、AThough BOnce CIf DAfter13、Ahear Bcomfort Cinstruct Dhelp14、Aparents Bvoice Cphoto Dhandwriting15、Avalid Bcorrect Cnarrow Duniversal16、Aproves Bincludes Cimproves Dinsures17、Aphones Bcomputers Cloudspeakers Dvehicles18、Asilent Bdeaf Cfriendly Dpatient19、Aconstantly Bproperly Clargely Dmerely20、Aworrying Bdoing Cadvising DsayingSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the

      6、 following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Five thousand square meters of old damaged cars,motorcycles and boats fill this junkyard.For a casual onlooker,this might be a very sad sight.But for Andy.its a real treasure.“Ive been a junk hoarder(囤积者)for my whole life and I like fixing up what shouldnt be thrown away.Around 200 old cars end up in this junkyard every week.Some of them are sold for part

      7、s,others get repaired,and still others are beyond repair.”His father Bobby started the business some 50 years ago and still spends every morning there.The father and son have very different approaches to their work.They got a Dean cab that was getting thrown away and that was the fathers project,which Andy did not want him to do.“He did basically the opposite of everything I told him and I think he did it just to make me mad.He dumped a ton of money into this car,but in the end it wouldnt run.”A

      8、ndy said jokingly.The unusual family business attracted the attention of a TV crew.Thats how the show Janka Empire came to be featured on a network of the Discovery Channel.This show,five years of shooting,five seasons and 60 episodes(集),is popular.“There are hundreds of junkyards throughout the United States.I think whats interesting is that it is a family business.My father and I started the business and we joke very well back and forth and I think thats what people like.The cars that end up a

      9、t the junkyard come out with endless surprises.See,this was a junk car and we restored it with a blown motor.Yet I dont get a chance to ride around it too often.Because despite its shining appearance,the noise of the engine is truly deafening and I worry my neighbors will not put up with it.”1、What does Andy seem to like about his junkyard?AHe is proud of its large scale.BHe is addicted to collecting things.CHe enjoys creating value out of the waste.DHe has the passion to take over the business one day.2、


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