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    • 1、考研英语一河北省石家庄市井陉县2023年预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)完型填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。 Tom was a middle-aged leather trader (皮货商) whose repeated failure in career made him a depressed man, often _1_ that he had been cheated by others. One day he told his wife he was so _2_ with the city that he had to leave.So his family moved

      2、to another city. It was the evening of a weekend. When Tom and his wife were busily _3_ up their new home, the light suddenly _4_. Tom was regretful to have forgotten to bring along 5_ and had to wait _6_ in a low mood. Just then he heard light, hesitant 27_ on his door that were clearly audible (听到) in the _8_ night.“Whos it?” he wondered, since Tom was a _9_ to this city. And this was the moment he especially hated to be _10_, so he went to the door and opened it _11_. At the door was a little

      3、 girl, shyly asking, “Sir, do you have candles? Im your neighbor. ” “No,” answered Tom in anger and shut the door _12_. “What a nuisance (麻烦事)!” He complained over it with his wife. “No sooner had we settled down than the neighbor came to _13_ things.”After a while, the door was knocked again. He opened it and found the same girl outside. _14_ this time she was _15_ two candles, saying, “My grandma told me the new neighbor downstairs might need candles. She _16_ me here to give you these.” Tom w

      4、as very _17_ by what he saw. At that moment he suddenly realized what caused his _18_ in life. It was his _19_ and harshness (刻薄) with other people. The person who had cheated him in life was _20_ nobody else but himself, for his eyes had been blurred (蒙蔽) by his unsympathetic (无同情心的)mind.1、Acomplaining Btelling Choping Dpretending2、Apleased B disappointed Bexhausted Cencouraged3、Alooking Bturning Ccoming Dtidying4、Awent on Bwent down Cwent out Dwent through5、Acandles Bmatches Clights Dflashligh

      5、ts6、Ahappily Bpatiently Chopefully Dhelplessly7、Asteps Bwords Cknocks Dscreams8、Adark Bquiet Cnoisy Dcrowded9、Anewcomer Bstranger Cguest Dsettler10、Acalled Bdisturbed Cwatched Doffered11、Asurprisingly Bdelightedly Cimpatiently Dwillingly12、Agently Bkindly Cpolitely Dviolently13、Alend Bsell Charness Dborrow14、AAnd BBut CSo DFor15、Aholding Bhiding Cfetching Dlifting16、Asuggested Bcommanded Csent Dforced17、Afrightened Bpleased Cpuzzled Dsurprised18、Afailure Bsuccess Ccomplaint Ddetermination19、Awar

      6、mth Bcoldness Ckindness Dsympathy20、Adoubtfully Bhardly Cactually DnearlySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1An autonomous vehicle designed for making local commerce deliveries was uncovered by Nuro. The vehicle is about the height of an SW but far narrower than a typical car. The electric car features four outside compartments(暗格)two

      7、on each side -to hold separate deliveries. Each compartment can be tailored to a specific use, such as cooking a pizza or refrigerating a package.“We can use self-driving technology to deliver anything, anytime, anywhere for basically all local goods and services,” Nuro co-founder Dave Ferguson said. “Consumers used to be okay with two-week paid shipping. It became two-week free delivery, followed by one week, two days, and the same day. Now same-day delivery isnt fast enough for some customers.

      8、”Nuro isnt alone in building robots for local commerce deliveries. Earlier this month, Toyota, a Japanese car company, uncovered a concept vehicle that could be used for package delivery. A handful of startupsincluding Starship Technologies, Marble and Dispatchare testing small robots for deliveries on sidewalks.Nuros vehicle will likely face legal hurdles. Fully autonomous vehicles without a test diver arent legal in California today, and many companies have shifted testing o states where regul

      9、ators are more welcoming of autonomous vehicles, such as Arizona.Nuro expects to face fewer challenges because it doesnt carry passengers. Nuros narrow size may also be helpful when navigating streets and avoiding pedestrians. The vehicle isnt equipped with any special features to communicate with pedestrians or other road users. Some companies have tested and patented solutions such as digital screens that signal the cars next move. Ferguson said his team conducted studies and found that such techniques could confuse people. Nuro believes its better to make sure the car performs predictably, so that human drive


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