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    • 1、考研英语一莒县2023年统考试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Snowboarding in the MountainsI will never forget the experience of seeing a part of Canada and snowboarding in the mountains.I got a little emotional on the 1 from Montreal to our first stop in Vancouver. Although I have to 2 that I watched a movie while we flew over the prairies(大草原), I did occasionally 3 out of the win

      2、dow to see what was what! 4 most of the mountains in Alberta and BCwere covered in clouds so I had to 5 our drive from Kelowna to Revelstoke to see those mountains!I 6 Id entered into Lord of the Rings territory(领地) as we took a lift to get to the top of Mt. Mackenzie in Revelstoke. Before snowboarding I learned not to 7 coffee in the morning, which only added shaking to my 8 during the first few descents(滑雪下坡) of the day. Snowboarding in powder is quite 9 from riding the icy slopes(斜坡) in Quebe

      3、c. At least when you 10 down several meters, its like falling on pillows! My main 11 , however, was getting stuck in the few 12 sections of the mountain, though a few 13 skiers gave me a ride by letting me grab their ski poles and 14 me to the next drop.Even though we could 15 really ski the top half of the mountain, it was still at least twice the size of the mountain we usually 16 ! Our phone pictures dont do justice to these mountains, 17 we have our own 18 . When my husband and I asked each

      4、other what was our favorite 19 of the trip, other than spending time with each other, it was 20 the view.1、AtrainBshipCplaneDcar2、AadmitBpretendCrecallDregret3、AgoBlookCwalkDstare4、ALuckilyBParticularlyCPossiblyDUnfortunately5、Aend withBpick upCwait forDstart from6、AfeltBdreamtCimaginedDagreed7、AsellBdrinkCcookDstore8、AnervousnessBconfidenceCexcitementDdelight9、AabsentBtiredCsafeDdifferent10、AfallBslipCskiDlook11、AtaskBissueCconcernDidea12、AuglyBroughCsteepDflat13、AhelpfulByoungCagedDsingle14、At

      5、hrowingBdraggingCliftingDdeserting15、AevenBalmostConlyDyet16、AstayBvisitCclimbDski17、AandBsoCforDbut18、AmemoriesBadvantagesCfeelingsDtips19、AmountainBpartCplaceDfriend20、AhardlyBnormallyCcertainlyDstrangelySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 A math and physics teacher from rural Kenya, who gives away 80% of his monthly income to help

      6、the poor, has won a $1 million prize.Peter Tabichi was awarded the Global Teacher Prize on Sunday. He teaches at a rural Kenyan school in Pwani Village, with only one computer, poor Internet and a student-teacher ratio (比率) of 58:1. Nearly all his students are from poor families, and almost a third of them have no parents or only one parent alive.Tabichi gets online educational content by visiting Internet cafes and uses it offline in class. He guided the schools science club, in which students

      7、now compete in national and international competitions. The mathematical science team qualified to compete in the INTEL International Science and Engineering Fair this year in Arizona. His students also won an award from the Royal Society of Chemistry after using local plant life to produce electricity.“This prize does not recognize me but recognizes this great continents young people,” Tabichi said. His students face many challenges, including food shortage, drug abuse, teenage pregnancies and

      8、young marriages. Yet at the Keriko Mixed Day Secondary School where Tabichi teaches, the number of students has doubled over three years and more of the students are going on to college.Tabichi was chosen from 10,000 applicants in 180 countries. He accepted the award from actor Hugh Jackman. The annual Global Teacher Prize was first launched in 2014 by Sunny Varkey, founder and chairman of GEMS Education. Now in its fifth year, the Global Teacher Prize is the largest of its kind. The $1 million

      9、award is presented to an exceptional teacher who has made an outstanding contribution to their profession.1、What do we know about Peter Tabichi?AHe enjoys a high enough income to help the poor.BHe makes a difference to many of his students life.CHe does online teaching in Internet cafes sometimes.DHe helps take care of parentless students daily life.2、What do we know about Peter Tabichis students?AThey solved the problem of electricity supply in Pwani.BThey are trained to compete for various academic awards.CThey show great potential with the help of Peter Tabichi.DThey persuade their friends to go to school togeth


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