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美国纽约(DMV) 防御性问题驾照考试知识模拟测试真题(英文版)

  • 卖家[上传人]:云***
  • 文档编号:358801032
  • 上传时间:2023-08-28
  • 文档格式:DOCX
  • 文档大小:29.10KB
  • / 14 举报 版权申诉 马上下载
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、1.Drivers entering a roundabout or traffic circle:A.Must stop before enteringB.Must yield to drivers in the roundabout or traffic circleC.Have the right of way if they arrive firstD.Have the right of way if there are two lanes2.On a two-lane road, you may pass another vehicle on the right when:A.Driving on a single lane entrance rampB.The driver you are passing is travelling slower than the posted speed limitC.NeverD.The driver you are passing is making a left turn3.Always use your seat belt:A.U

      2、nless the vehicle was built before 1978.B.Unless you are in a limousine.C.When the vehicle is equipped with seat belts.4.On long trips you can prevent drowsiness byA.Turning on your car radio.B.Slowing down so you can react better.C.Stopping at regular intervals for a rest.D.Moving your eyes from side to side as you drive.Explanation:Before you embark on a trip, you should: Get a good nights sleep. Plan to drive long trips with a companion. Schedule regular stops, every 100 miles or 2 hours. Avo

      3、id alcohol and medications that may impair performance.5.When a school bus has its lights flashing and its stop arm extended, you must:A.Stop at least 10 feet away from the busB.Pass if children have exited the busC.Stop if the bus is on the opposite side of a barrierD.Drive slowly by the bus6.Under normal conditions, a safe following distance between your car and the car ahead is:A.Fifty feet.B.One car length.C.Three second behind the vehicle you followD.One hundred feetExplanation:Follow at a

      4、safe distance. Use the three-second rule. Increase your following distance in bad weather or poor visibility.7.If you want to get off from a freeway, but you missed your exit, you should:A.Go to the next exit, and get off the freeway thereB.Make a U-turn through the medianC.Pull onto the shoulder and back your car to the exitD.Flag down a police officer for an escort back to your exit8.When entering a highway from an entrance ramp, you should generally:A.Enter above the speed of traffic to get a

      5、headB.Enter slowly to avoid other vehiclesC.Stop first, then slowly enter trafficD.Accelerate to the speed of traffic9.You drive defensively when you:A.Always put one car length between you and the car ahead.B.Look only at the car in front of you while driving.C.Keep your eyes moving to look for possible hazards.10.Highway hypnosis is a driver condition that can result from:A.Staring at the roadway for long periods of timeB.Frequent rest stopsC.Too much sleep the night before your tripD.Short tr

      6、ips on expressways11.To turn left on multi-lane streets and highways, you should start from:A.The middle of the intersectionB.The right laneC.The left laneD.Any lane12.When you drive through an area where children are playing, you should expect them:A.To know when it is safe to crossB.To stop at the curb before crossing the streetC.To run out in front of you without lookingD.Not to cross unless they are with an adult13.When exiting a highway, you should slow down:A.On the main road, just before

      7、the exit laneB.Once you see the toll boothC.Once you have moved into the exit laneD.When you first see the exit sign14.These pavement markings tell you that at the intersection ahead:A.Center lane traffic may go straight or turn leftB.You can only turn right from the center laneC.The center lane mergers into one laneD.Center lane traffic must turn left15.You can park and leave your carA.In a tunnel.B.30 feet from a railroad crossing.C.Between a safety zone and the curb.D.None of the above.Explan

      8、ation:Never park or leave your vehicle in a tunnel or on a bridge, on or within 50 feet of a railroad crossing, or between a safety zone and the curb.16.When sharing the road with a truck, it is important to remember that, in general, trucks:A.Take longer distances than cars to stopB.Require less time to pass on a downgrade than carsC.Require less turning radius than carsD.Require less time to pass on an incline than cars17.On two-lane, two-way streets or highways, you should start left turns:A.

      9、Close to the center lineB.Close to the outside lineC.In the center of the laneD.Anywhere in the lane18.When a truck driver behind you wants to pass your vehicle, your speed should:A.Remain steady or decreaseB.Change lanesC.ChangeD.Increase19.Which of the following statements about blind spots is true?A.They are eliminated if you have one outside mirror on each side of the vehicle.B.Large trucks have bigger blind spots than most passenger vehicles.C.Blind spots can be checked by looking in your rear view mirrors.20.teenage drivers are more likely to be involved in a crash when:A.They are driving with their pet as a pa

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