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    • 1、毕业设计说明书网上学生评教系统的设计与实现网上学生评教系统的设计与实现摘要:21世纪,国内互联网产业的发展迅速,尤其以阿里巴巴,百度,网易为首,此时就产生了许多互联网产业的软件,互联网思维也被应用在各个领域,包括军事,医疗,教育,生活等。其中在教育方面的应用更是方便了学生与教师,学校之间的沟通。而就传统的校内学生评教方式而言,是类似于调查问卷的纸质评教方式,对信息的收集,后期评教数据的处理都比较不友好,过程繁琐,并且多人处理评教数据容易出现差错,所以把评教过程,及评教数据的处理放在互联网上,就会简化出很多人力物力。网上学生评教系统不仅可以对提交的评教表单进行查看,而且还可以对评教的数据进行统计和相应的处理,从而使学校领导阶层以最快的时间了解到学校教师最近的工作进展,及工作状态,及学生对教师工作的认可程度。网上学生评教系统就是以此出发点而开发的。本文首先对开发本系统的背景、目的作了大致介绍,然后对开发本系统所用到的工具和技术做了一些简单的介绍。首先对网上学生评教系统开发的可行性进行了分析,然后对系统进行了需求分析,根据用户的需求分析对系统应该怎样设计作响应的规划,本系统在我再三的权衡下啊

      2、选择放弃C/S架构,选择B/S架构,编程语言采用最火的后端框架ssm,数据库采用轻量级mysql,最后对系统进行相应的测试。本系统为学校和学生教师之间提供一个网络平台,可以让校领导及时有效的了解到教师最近的工作状态。不仅突破了地点时间的局限性,更节约了校内的人力物力。本系统采用Eclipse作为开发工具采用B/S构架,基于MySql数据库开发,java的一次编译到处执行更是突破了操作系统的限制,使系统具备了很好的可移植性,由于校内人员的数量相对较少,这样对服务器的硬件要求就降低了许多,节约了资金。系统设计按标准化、规范化,分层设计,构件化实现。学生界面主要是对评教表单的提交,教师界面主要是对提交后的表单的详细信息进行展示以及打分,校领导界面主要是更加精简明了的呈现教师的评教数据。关键词:JAVA;MYSQL;B/S架构IDesign and implementation of online student evaluation systemAbstract:In the 21st century, the rapid development of the domestic Intern

      3、et industry, especially led by alibaba, baidu, netease, has produced a lot of software for the Internet industry and Internet thinking is also applied in various fields, including military, medical, education, life and so on.Its application in education facilitates the communication between students, teachers and schools.And in terms of traditional way of the school student, is similar to the questionnaire paper appraisal way, for the collection of information, the late evaluation data processin

      4、g are not friendly, process trival, and many people handle evaluation data prone to errors, so the appraisal process, data processing and evaluation on the Internet, will simplify a lot of manpower material resources.The online student evaluation system can not only view the submitted evaluation form, but also conduct statistics and corresponding processing of the evaluation data, so that the school leadership can know the recent work progress of the school teachers in the fastest time, as well

      5、as the status of the work, and students recognition of the teachers work.Online student evaluation system is designed and developed from this point of view. In this paper, the background and purpose of the development of the system are briefly introduced, and then the tools and techniques used in the development of the system are briefly introduced.First the feasibility of the system development to online school evaluation is analyzed, and then according to learn about the information on the sys

      6、tem demand analysis, according to the requirement analysis of system planning design, the system adopts B/S architecture, programming language using the current IT industrys most popular Java, database using mysql, finally to the corresponding test system.This system provides a network platform between the school and the student teachers, which can make the school leaders timely and effectively understand the recent work status of the teachers.It not only breaks through the limitation of place a

      7、nd time, but also saves the manpower and material resources on campus.This system adopts the Eclipse as development tools. Using B/S architecture, based on MySql database development, everywhere a compiled Java implementation is to break through the limit of the operating system, make the system have good portability, due to the relatively small number of school staff, so the server hardware requirements will reduce a lot of, saved money.System design according to standardization, standardizatio

      8、n, hierarchical design, component realization.The student interface is mainly the submission of the teaching evaluation form, the teacher interface is mainly the display and grading of the detailed information of the submitted form, and the school leader interface is mainly the more concise presentation of the teaching evaluation data of the teacher.Key words: JAVA,;MYSQL,;B/S architectuIII目 录摘要Abstract1 绪论11.1 系统开发背景11.2 系统开发实际意义11.3 系统研发的内容22 系统开发技术和工具32.1 项目开发的工具32.2 项目开发技术52.2.1 java简介52.2.2

      9、 servlet简介72.2.3 HTML简介82.2.4 css简介82.2.5 javascript简介82.2.6 jquery简介83 系统调研及可行性分析103.1 系统调研103.2 可行性分析103.2.1 技术可行性103.2.2 经济可行性103.2.3 操作可行性103.2.4 法律可行性114 设计思路及需求分析124.1 设计思路124.2 需求分析125 系统概要设计145.1 系统功能模块设计145.1.1 登录模块145.1.2 信息管理模块145.1.3 表单制定下发模块155.1.4 历史评教模块165.1.5 消息提示模块165.1.6 平均成绩排行模块175.2 数据库设计185.2.1 数据库表结构设计186 系统详细设计216.1 系统登录模块的设计216.1.1 登录页面216.1.2 登录程序详述216.1.3 相关代码226.2各角色信息管理246.2.1 角色管理页面246.2.2 角色管理程序详述246.2.3 相关代码266.3 评教表单制定276.3.1 评教表单制定页面276.3.2 评教表单制定程序详述286.3.3 核心代码296.4 教师评教成绩排行榜316.4.1 排行榜页面316.4.2 排行榜程序详述326.5 历史评教模块326.5.1 历史评教程序详述326.6 消息提示模块336.6.1 消息提示程序详述337 系统测试347.1系统测试目的与意义347.2测试登录功能347.2.1输入值为空的报错详情347.2.2输入值为错的报错详情347.3测试表单制定357.3.1分值不为100的报错详情357.3.2下发表单的权限限制367


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