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人教新课标必修二 词汇

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  • 文档编号:237689058
  • 上传时间:2022-01-10
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    • 1、人教新课标必修二 词汇 第一讲(unit1-3)1. rare罕见的;肉烤几分生的 rarely不常见 She collects rare stamps for fun. Thick tuna steaks are eaten rare, like beef. They were rarely seen together and certainly did not travel together.2. survive生存 They were lucky enough to have survived in the air crash. The couple survived the Cultural Revolution. She is survived by two daughters from her first marriage3. search 调查 She searched her desk for the necessary information. The police are in search of the escaped prisoners.4. belong属于

      2、The house has belonged to her family for three or four generations. Please take your personal belongings with you.5. in return反过来, If you study hard and you will get a lot in return.6. doubt n./v. 怀疑 There can be little doubt that he will offend again. I still have no reason to doubt his word.7. worth值得 The contract was worth $25 million a year. Most things worth having never come easy. This restaurant is well worth a visit.8. compete竞争 More than 2,300 athletes from 93 countries are competing fo

      3、r 126 gold medals.9. stand for WHO stands for World Health Organization. What does WC stand for?10. regular定期的;有规律的 Were going to be meeting there on a regular basis. She was taken to hospital suffering from an irregular heartbeat. They are not regular churchgoers.11. admit承认 Up to two thirds of 14 to 16 year olds admit buying drink illegally. He was admitted to the Harvard University. Gates open at 10.30am and admission is free.12. as well也 Andys face paled with disappointment, perhaps with ang

      4、er as well. Wearing the right shoes and clothes as well as being fit can make all the difference. The couple might as well have been strangers.13. replace代替 Telephones will be replaced by a new communication sooner or later.14. charge n. /v. 负责;收费 Local kindergartens charge (people) $100 a week. We can arrange this for a small charge. A few years ago Tom took charge of the company. She is in charge of the children in the hospital.15. fine adj./adv/n. /v. 好的;细的;精致的;好吧;罚款 His pen is very fine. Eve

      5、rything was going to be just fine. If competition is the best way to achieve it, then, fine. Shell wear fine jewellery wherever she goes. He had to borrow some money to pay the fine. She was fined $300 and banned from driving for one month.16. bargain v./ n. 讨价还价;便宜货 At this price the wine is a bargain. Shop in small local markets and dont be afraid to bargain.17. think highly of对。高度评价 Jane and Michael thought highly of the school. He is one of the most highly regarded chefs in the French capita

      6、l.18. deserve值得 His childrens books are classics that deserve to be much better known. The Park Hotel has been in business since 1834 and has a well-deserved reputation. One of them said the two dead joyriders got what they deserved.ExercisesI bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real _. A. exchangeB. bargain C. tradeD. business-Peter is very clever and he studies hard as well-No _he always wins first in the examinations. A. doubt B. question C. wonder D. problem What can I do

      7、for you, sir? I want _. A. a dollars worth of candy B. candy a dollars worth C. a dollar worth of candy D. a dollar-worth candyAnswers:B C A人教新课标必修二 词汇 第二讲 (unit4-5)1.simplify使。简单化 He reduced his needs to the minimum by simplifying his life.* complicate simplified 2. personal个人的;私人的 You dont need to agree with me. Thats my personal opinion. The President arrived, followed by his personal bodyguard. Try not to allow personal problems to affect your performance. It is not right to ask us to sacrif

      8、ice our personal lives to our work.3. as a result结果 As a result of the growing fears about home security, more people are arranging for someone to stay in their home when theyre away.4. total总计的 The companies have a total of 1,776 employees. I was with my wife for eight years in total.totally = completely Young people want something totally different from the old ways.5. anyhow =anyway 不管。 I dont know why I settled in Beijing, but anyway I did.6. signal n./v. 标记;发出信号 Korean leaders saw the visit

      9、 as an important signal of support. The government was signaling its readiness to raise the tax.7. deal with处理;相处 Who will deal with the problem? Hes a hard man to deal with.8. loss失去 He was very sad due to the loss of sight. The loss of his mother shocked him terribly. I was at a loss for what to do next.9. protect保护 What can we do to protect ourselves from heart disease? The government is committed to protecting every citizen.10. contain包含 The bag contained a Christmas card. Factory shops contain a wide range of cheap furnishings.11. affect 影响 More than seven million people have been affected by drought.12. appreciat

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