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    • 1、International Business Negotiation,Chapter 1 The Nature of Negotiation,Case,Janet and Jocelyn are roommates. They share a one-bedroom apartment in a big city where they are both working. Janet, an accountant, has a solid job with a good company , but she has decided that it is time to go back to school to get her MBA. She has enrolled in Big City Universitys evening MBA program and is now taking classes. Jocelyn works for an advertising company and is on the fast track. Her job not only requires

      2、 a lot of travel, but also requires a lot of time socializing with clients. The problem is that when Janet is not in evening class, she needs the apartment to read and study and has to have quiet to get her work done. However, when Jocelyn is at the apartment, she talks a lot on the phone, brings friends home for dinner, and is either getting ready to go out for the evening or coming back in very late (and noisily!). Janet has had enough of this disruption and is about to confront Jocelyn.,Case,

      3、Ashley Johnson is one of the most qualified recruits this year from a top 25 business school. She is delighted to have secured a second interview with a major consumer goods company, which has invited her to its headquarters city and put her up in a four-star hotel that is world-renowned for its quality facilities and service. After getting in late the night before due to flight delays, she wakes at 7:30 a.m. to get ready for an 8 a.m. breakfast meeting with the senior company recruiter. She ste

      4、ps in the shower, grabs the water control knob to turn it, and the knob falls off in her hand! There is no water in the shower at all; apparently, repairmen started a repair job on it, turned the water off somewhere, and left the job unfinished. Ashley panics at the thought of how she is going to deal with this crisis and look good for her breakfast meeting in 30 minutes.,中美贸易谈判,Negotiations occur for several reasons: 谈判的发生有如下原因: To agree on how to share or divide a limited resource, such as lan

      5、d ,or property, or time 为了对如何分享或分配一项有限的资源达成一致,比如土地、财产或时间; To create something new that neither party could do on his or her own, or 为了创造谈判各方都无法独立完成的新事物; To resolve a problem or between the parties. dispute 为了解决各方的问题或争论。,Negotiation Is “A Form Of Decision Making In Which Two Or More Parties Talk With One Another In An Effort To Resolve Their Opposing Interests.”,You Can Negotiate Anything,Characteristics of a Negotiation Situation,distinctive,谈判negotiation,讨价还价bargaining,NEGOTIATION,International Business Negotiation Course Development,Rational negotiation 理性谈判,在谈判过程中,往往非理性错误导致了严重的后果,如何避免这些常见的非理性选择就显得重要了。,理性谈判,理性谈判框架 (一)演绎的理性(deduct rationally) (二)BATNA BATNA是“谈判协议的最佳替代方案”的缩写(best alternative to a negotiated agreement, BATNA) 1.明确你的BATNA 2.有利的BATNA和不利的BATNA 3.改善谈判地位,国际商务谈判的技能及教育,谈判技能的教育 谈判教育的特点,交易的谈判过程,客户关系发展模式,THE END,


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