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    • 1、分类号 X511 单位代码 10618 密 级 公开 学 号 2150084001 硕士学位论文接触网供电下区间隧道内地铁颗粒物受力分析及数值研究 研 究 生 姓 名: 庞宏波 导师姓名及职称: 张慧玲(副教授) 申请学位类别 工学硕士 学位授予单位 重庆交通大学 一级学科名称 土木工程 论文提交日期 2018年4 月16 日二级学科名称供热、供燃气、通风与空调工程 论文答辩日期 2018年 6月 7 日2018 年 6 月 8 日1Force Analysis and Numerical Study of Subway Particles in Underground Tunnel under Power Supply of CatenaryA Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of MasterCandidate:Pang HongboSupervisor:Prof. Zhang Huiling Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing, China1摘 要地铁颗粒物作为地铁环境中特殊的污染物,浓度水



      4、布,颗粒对车厢内空气质量几乎无影响;制动初期阶段,机组左则或右侧新风口都出现了贴壁分布的低浓度区域,浓度范围在7.3210-9kg/m3 2.32 10-8kg/m3之间, 颗粒对车厢内空气质量会产生一定影响。6、不同内部尘源颗粒具有不同的过滤设备最佳安装位置。针对轮轨磨损颗粒或者制动磨损颗粒,相应的过滤设备则应装置于列车尾部车厢底部或后方;针对弓网磨损颗粒,相应的过滤设备应装置于隧道顶部空间。关键词:区间隧道;地铁颗粒物;密度;受力情况;扩散;浓度ABSTRACTAs a special pollutant in subway environment, subway particles have higher concentration level and more complex element composition, which is more toxic to human body. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the subway particle.The underground tunnel is cho

      5、se as main research range and subway particle is selected as main object.This article is aimed at the shortcomings existing in present research of subway particles. At first, from the perspective of theoretical research, based on existing literature and experimental results, dust sources and generating rates of subway particles are analysed and determined. The balance equation of mass concentration is established, Element composition of subway particle is listed and the density value is distingu

      6、ished according to particle sizes. Based on theory of gas-solid two-phase flow, the force condition of particle is analyzed and verified. Finally, from the perspective of numerical study, the simulation results of subway PM10 under different train speed in different running status by utilizing DPM model. Diffusion status and concentration distribution of subway particle is discussed. At the mean time, particle trajectories and concentration distributions around the air conditioning under differe

      7、nt train speed is compared. Through the study of this paper, the main conclusions are drawn as follows:1、The underground tunnel environment is mainly influenced by internal source, namely, the wear particles, which include braking, wheel-rail and pantograph-catenary wear particles. There are three phases in the course of a running train in a tunnel, that is, phase of uniform speed, earlier phase of braking and later phase of braking. Meanwhile, The dust source combination and the dust intensity

      8、are different at every phase.2、The densities of subway particles vary with particle size. For subway PM10, PM2.5 and PM1, the mean density is 4.043g/cm3, 3.766 g/cm3 and 2.562 g/cm3. Force condition of the particles cannot be generalized. For subway PM1, only Brownian force and drag force are considered. For subway PM2.5, Brownian force, dragforce and gravity should be considered. For subway PM10, all the major forces, including Brownian force, dragforce, gravity and Saffman force cant be ignore

      9、d.3、The wear particles of different internal dust sources have different diffusion forms and concentration values. Pantograph- catenary wear particles diffuse at the upper part of tunnel in the form of belt and elliptical lump. Concentration value of the particles reduce gradually with decrease of vehicle speed in zone around the train and behind the train. Wheel-rail and the brake wear particles diffuse at the lower part of the tunnel in the form of strip. The mixing concentration value increases gradually with the decrease of vehicle speed in above zones. 4、Under different running phases, every section of under


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