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    • 1、holiday, pension and health, cultural and creative experience, sports health, farming, rural bed and breakfasts in new formats. Three is the brand to create articles. XX agricultural comparative advantage into full play, especially the exclusive advantages of climate, mountains and sea resources, to create a group of the city, the provinces called XX seafood, snack foods and safe agricultural products brand characteristics. Meanwhile, new industry guidance, support more farmers to participate in

      2、 entrepreneurship, promoting large-scale projects such as bed and breakfasts, farm, seed breeding base construction. Four is the mechanism innovation of the article. Deepen agricultural reform, focusing on supporting foster professional major, family farms, cooperatives, enterprises and other new subjects of agricultural management, improve agricultural production and operation of large-scale, professional level. Advance the reform of property right system in rural areas, to pay special attentio

      3、n to land rights, improve the function of property rights trading center to guide land management to professional users, family farms, cooperatives, leading enterprises in circulation. Spare no effort to promote the provinces Trinity farmer cooperative economy organization system reform of County building, and actively explore the Trinity of production, supply and marketing, creditFarmer cooperative economy organization system, real organic aggregates up to all kinds of business entities, closel

      4、y linked to the all aspects of production and marketing. (B) to make the countryside more beautiful. Promoting the construction of new towns and new countryside reactions together, strengthening the construction of rural eco-environment, create the beautiful countryside construction upgrades, making rural areas more livable, suitable for industry, and travel. A focus on rural environment improvement. As far as the rural, the most basic is to make the environment clean and orderly. Pollution to e

      5、xtensively mobilize the masses continue to carry water, clear rivers, down violations, treatment of bleaching, such as waste reduction, flowering tree big six, vigorously carry out waste reduction, resource recovery, improve the cleaning mechanism, enhance the level of meticulous management of the village. Second, we must pay special attention to the beautiful residential building. Adhere to the planning ahead, because village system, combination classification implementation, demolition, altera

      6、tion simultaneously policy, vigorously implement the five hundred beautiful countryside construction, actively promote beautiful house pilot expansion. Around 104 national road, Ling Road, longjindadao, sea road, Ju XI Liao road to catch the five sides of the main roads in about 200 villages, beautiful countryside features boutique village created, good job on planning, environmental protection, cultural heritage, industrial development, crafting lines to create the beautiful rural scenery, bout

      7、ique village breed characteristics. No matter which 2016年自学考试企业会计学模拟试题级答案解释 课程代码00055一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。1、对于分期收款销售,在合同确定的收款日期虽没有收到款项,但如果同时符合收入确认的四个条件,仍按合同确定的金额作为收入的做法,是为了贯彻()。A、相关性原则B、权责发生制原则C、收付实现制原则D、实质重于形式原则2、下述情况中,如果在结账前发现账簿记录发生错误,可以采用划线更正法的是()。A、记账凭证未错B、记账凭证除金额比实际多外,其他项目未错C、记账凭证除金额比实际少外,其他项目未错D、记账凭证除会计科目错误外,其他项目未错3、某工业企业本期发生的以下支出中,不应计入“销售费用”的有()。A、广告费和展览费B、购入商品过程中发生的运输费C、销售商品过程中发生的运输费D、售后服务网点工作人员的工资4、对于规模较大、经济业务较多的企业,为便于了解科目对应关系,宜采用下列账务




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