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    • 1、恒逸文莱PMB石油化工项目码头工程及配套工程施工 水上沉桩首件样板工程实施方案恒逸文莱PMB石油化工项目码头工程及配套工程施工PMB Island Petrochemical Project of Hengyi Industries Sdn Bhd Jetty Works andAuxiliary Projects Construction水上沉桩样板工程施工方案Implementation Methodology forSample Project of Piling Works 编制人Prepared by:审核人Reviewed by:批准人Approved by:Pahaytc & Benteng J.V. Sdn BhdApr. 2016目录 Contents1、 工程概况 Project Overview.12、 编制依据 Basis of Preparation.33、 实施目的 Implementation Objectives.44、 实施准备 Preparatory Works. . . .55、 施工工艺Construction Process.86、 验收程序

      2、Acceptance Procedures . .107、 质量控制 Quality Control. . . . .108、 HSE保证措施 HSE Safeguarding Measures . . .121、 工程概况 Project Overview工程名称:恒逸文莱PMB石油化工项目码头工程及配套工程施工Project: PMB Island Petrochemical Project of Hengyi Industries Sdn Bhd Jetty Works and Auxiliary Projects Construction业主 :恒逸文莱实业有限公司Owner: Hengyi Industries Sdn Bhd地址:项目建设地在文莱达鲁萨兰国(PMB)岛地处文莱MUARA 港东部,距离文莱机场约20 公里。MUARA(穆阿拉)港位于文莱东北部沿海、文莱湾西南岸进口处,濒临中国南海的东南侧,地理经纬度为:0502N,11502E。详见工程位置图。Geological location: the proposed project is located at Pul

      3、au Muara Besar (PMB), east of Muara Port and 20km away from Brunei International Airport. Muara Port is situated at the entrance to southwest Brunei Bay along Brunei northeast coast, bordering the southeast of South China Sea. Its geographical coordinates are 0502N and 11502E. For details, please refer to the attached map.工程范围:新建西区5万吨级石化码头2座(1#、2#泊位)、东区3万吨级石化码头2座(4#、5#泊位)、1万吨级件杂货码头1座(6#泊位)、东区2000吨级大件码头1座(7#泊位),为高桩梁板式码头及引桥等工程的施工,全部采用钢管桩,共计需要完成913根钢管桩的沉桩。Scope of works: the proposed project will c

      4、reate two 50,000 DWT petrochemical jetties (1# and 2# jetties) in western area; two 30,000 DWT petrochemical jetties (4# and 5# jetties), one 10,000 DWT general cargo jetty (6# jetty) and one 2,000 DWT heavy cargo jetty (7# jetty) in eastern area. All jetties are of high-piled beam-slab structure. Totally 913 steel pipe piles will be driven as the pile foundationLocation of the proposed project工程位置图 Location of the Project工程平面位置图General Layout of the Project1# approach bridge of 7# jettyThe init

      5、ial piling positions首件沉桩位置图The Initial Piling Positions 首件样板工程位置选在7#泊位1#引桥岸侧区域Y9排架,共计3根桩,根据钢管桩沉桩位置图中的顺序安排沉桩。Framed bent Y9 at the shoreward side of 1# approach bridge of 7# jetty is chosen as the site of the initial sample project and totally 3 piles are involved. The piles will be driven in accordance with the overall piling sequence.2、 编制依据Basis of Compilation2.1、施工合同。 Project Contract.2.2、中交第三航务工程局有限公司提供的中国浙江恒逸(文莱)PMB石油化工项目设计蓝图(2015年6月版)。 Drawings of PMB Island Petrochemical Project of Hengyi

      6、 Industries Sdn Bhd provided by CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd (Jun. 2015).2.3、相关规范 Relevant Specifications 1) 高桩码头设计与施工规范(JTS167-1-2010);Design and Construction Code for Open Type Wharf on Piles (JTS167-1-2010);2) 港口工程桩基规范(JTS167-4-2012);Code for Pile Foundation of Harbor Engineering (JTS167-4-2012); 3) 港口工程桩基动力检测规程(JTJ249-2001);Specification for Dynamic Testing of Piles in Port Engineering (JTJ249-2001); 4) 港口工程基桩静载荷试验规程(JTJ255-2002);Specification for Testing of Pile Under Static Load

      7、in Harbor Engineering (JTJ255-2002);5) 水运工程质量检验标准(JTS257-2008);Standard for Quality Inspection of Port and Waterway Engineering Construction (JTS257-2008);6) 水运工程测量规范(JTS1312012);Specifications for Port and Waterway Engineering Survey (JTS131-2012);7) 水运工程测量质量检验标准(JTS258-2008);Standard for Quality Inspection of Port and Waterway Engineering Survey (JTS258-2008);8) 水运工程施工安全防护技术规范(JTS20512008);Safety Protection Standard for Port and Waterway Engineering Construction (JTS205-1-2008);9) 钢结构工程施工规范(GB

      8、50755-2012)Code for Construction of Steel Structures (GB50755-2012);10) 海港工程钢结构防腐蚀技术规范(JTS153-3-2007);Technical Specification for Corrosion Protection of Steel Structures for Sea Port Construction (JTS153-3-2007);11) 港口工程桩基动力检测规程(JTJ249-2001);Specification for Dynamic Testing of Piles in Port Engineering (JTJ249-2001);其他相关行业、国家强制性标准及文莱当地相关规定。Other relevant mandatory industrial and national standards and related stipulations in local Brunei.3、 实施目的 Implementation Objectives 指导中国浙江恒逸(文莱)PMB石油化工项目码头工程钢管桩沉桩施工,确保施工安全。This plan is prepared to provide guidance for the piling works of PMB Island Petrochemical Project of Hengyi Industries Sdn Bhd Jetty Works and Auxiliary Projects, and to guarantee construction safety. 4、 实施准备 Preparatory Works4.1、施工组织机构 Construction Organization 成立钢管桩沉桩首件样板工程领导小组,建立以项目经理为首的管理机构,具体负责管理施工过程中的安全、质量和环境保护等工程:Establish a leading group for the initial sample project of piling works and set up a management organization w


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