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    • 1、1. opera house n. 歌剧院2. skyscraper n. 摩天大楼3. maple n. 枫树 maple syrup 枫糖浆4. wilderness n. a. 未开垦之地,荒原The garden has become a weed-infested wilderness .花园已变成一片杂草丛生的荒地。 b. 低潮时期, 在野The party spent several years in the political wilderness. 这个政党在野多年。For so long he had waited in the wilderness for a recall to Test cricket.这么长时间以来,他一直在坐冷板凳,等着被召回参加板球对抗赛。wild adj.a. 未驯化的,野生的 wild animalsb. 荒凉的人,荒芜人烟的 wild mountainous regionsc. 感情强烈的,疯狂的 go wild be wild / enthusiastic about 热衷于 Hes really wild about pop m

      2、usic. ones wildest dreams 所能想象的, 所能期望的Never in my wildest dreams did I think Id end up here.我从未想到过我会来到这儿。This advertisement promises to make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.这一广告许诺说能让人富的超乎想象。5. centigrade 摄氏度6. border n. 国界, 边界+ between the border between Hungary and Romania 匈牙利和罗马尼亚的边界cross /close the border 越过/封锁边界 a town on the Canadian border 在加拿大边境地区的一个城镇7. countless adj. 无数的, 数不清的She brought joy to countless people through her music.她用音乐给无数的人带来欢乐。count v.a. 数 count the days/hours/minute

      3、s 用于表示急切等待某事发生Im counting the days until I see you again.Dont count your chickens before they are hatched. 如意算盘莫忙打。b.(被)算入,(被)计入Points scored after the bell dont count. c. 把-看作,当作That counts as a lie as far as I am concerned.Is geography counted as a science subject?d. 有重要性,有影响Youre late, but youre here and thats what counts.count on 依靠,指望The whole team was counting on me, and I let them down.8. freezing adj 极冷的,冰冻的 adv. 极冷地adj. It is freezing today.freezing point/ frogadv. It is freezing cold o

      4、utside.Without the air to hold some of the suns heat, the earth at night would be freezing cold, too cold for us to live.v. freeze- froze-frozenThe cold weather had frozen the ground.Every time she opens the window we all freeze.Two men froze to death on the mountain./ Two men were frozen to death on the mountain.I froze with terror as the door slowly opened.be frozen with fear/ terrorbe frozen to death9. recreation n. 娱乐,消遣recreation room recreational adj. activities/ facilities10. cross-countr

      5、y adj. 越野的cross-border adj. 跨越国境的 cross-cultural adj 跨文化的11photographer n. 拍照者,摄影师 n./v. photograph 照片/拍照12. hunter n.猎人v./n. hunt 打猎/搜寻,追踪 for (search/ look for)She is still hunting for a new job.Detectives are hunting for thieves who broken into a warehouse yesterday.13. rank vi/vt. 属于某个等级,将归为某个等级;排列 n. 等级,地位;军衔The university is ranked number one in the country for engineering.At the height of her career she ranked second in the world.The restaurant ranks among the finest in town.It certainly

      6、doesnt rank as his greatest win.rank as 把.看作rank among 属于之列be ranked second/ rank second 排名第二a painter of the first/ top / front rank 一流的画家high/ low rank 级别高/低people of all ranks 社会各阶层的人14. multicultural a. 15. Portugal 16. Lebanon 17.historic adj. 历史上著名的(或重要的),具有历史意义的 _一个历史性的时刻、决定、日子、访问、胜利 a historic _/_/_/_/_historical adj. 有关历史的;历史学的;历史题材的the historical background to the war _历史研究 _ 历史小说 _一座有历史意义的大楼 _ 一位历史老师 _There has always been a great deal of conflicts between the two countries in history

      7、.There has always been a great deal of conflicts between the two countries _ .冠词填空加拿大的历史 _ history of Canada 一个有悠久历史的国家 a country of _ long history 我对历史感兴趣 Im interested in _ history.名垂青史 make _ history go down in _ history 18.alley n. 小巷,胡同19.concrete n. 混凝土 adj. 具体的= specific;有形的 具体的计划 _ 确凿的证据 _20.dynamic adj. 充满活力的 dynamic personality 充满活力的个性21.cuisine n. 菜肴;烹饪22.mall n. 购物中心 23.waterfall n. 瀑布24. semicircle n. 半圆形semi- prefix (一)半 ,部分地,(在某段时间内)出现两次的semiconductor 半导体 semiconscious 半清醒的 a semi

      8、-weekly visit 一周两次的拜访25. sheet n. 一大片 ;一张;床单26. traveler n. 旅客, 游客27. frontier n. 国界; 边境28.westwards adv. 向西 29. seek ones fortune 外出寻找(成功或发财)机会 Many people left their homes and travelled westwards to seek their fortune in the Gold Rush. seek sought-sought 寻求,追求eg. Do you think the President will seek re-election? Local schools are seeking to reduce the dropout rate.拓展短语seek ones advice / help/ assistance 征询某人的意见/ 寻求某人的帮助 job seeker 找工作者典型例题Sometimes proper answers are not far to seek _ food safety problem. (11安徽)A. in B. to C. on D. afterfortune n. 大笔的钱 ,巨款 单词拓展 fortunefortunate -fortunately-unfortunatelymisfortune短语 seek ones fortune 外出寻找机会= try ones fortune 碰运气 make a fortune 发财 tell ones fortune 算命当堂检测1.国I卷32).The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune _.A. is made B. would make C. was


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