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商科paper写作--Construction of corporate culture

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  • 文档编号:90384821
  • 上传时间:2019-06-11
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:30KB
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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心商科paper写作-Construction of corporate cultureCorporate culture is a kind of spiritual wealth and material form with its own characteristics gradually formed and developed in the long-term production, operation and management activities of enterprises. It includes value concept, enterprise spirit, cultural concept, moral code, code of conduct, historical tradition, enterprise system, cultural environment and so on.Corporate culture has a strong cohesion and appeal. It can weld al

      2、l aspects and all levels of people around the enterprise culture, to create a cohesive force, let them doing a good job at the same time, still can feel the change to the effects of them on the spirit, the pursuit of the individual and corporate pursuit tightly linked together, make every employee have the strong sense of belonging, sense of honor.The enterprise spirit and the enterprise image have the extremely encouraging function to the enterprise worker. In the people-oriented enterprise cul

      3、ture atmosphere, the leaders and the workers, the workers and the workers care about each other, support each other, especially the leaders care about the workers, the workers will feel respected, will naturally inspire the spirit of hard work. With the success of corporate culture construction, the staff union will have a strong sense of honor and pride, and they will redouble their efforts to protect the honor and image of the enterprise with their own practical actions.Corporate culture also

      4、has constraint function. The rules and regulations and responsibility system of an enterprise directly require employees to do and forbid them to do, which is a kind of hard constraint. On the other hand, the soft constraint formed by enterprise ethics, professional ethics, public opinion and interpersonal relationship can make up for the deficiency of rules and regulations. It often enlightens peoples mind and improves their realm, and more directly reflects the connotation of the constraint fu

      5、nction of enterprise culture.Corporate culture has a guiding function. The guiding function of corporate culture is mainly reflected in the guidance of business philosophy and values. Business philosophy determines the way of thinking and the way of dealing with problems in business operation, and guides employees to engage in production and operation activities in a scientific way. The common values of enterprises define the value orientation of enterprises, which enables employees to reach a c

      6、onsensus on the evaluation of things and share a common value goal. The leaders and employees of enterprises act according to the value goal they have identified.Corporate culture has radiation function. Enterprise culture through every contact with the outside world, is to show the public outside the enterprises management style, operating state, spiritual outlook, constantly to the enterprise outside the enterprise play a radiation function. On the one hand for the enterprise to shape a good o

      7、verall image, establish credibility, expand influence. On the other hand to the business community and the entire social and political progress, economic development, cultural exchanges, civilization building, reform and opening up and many other aspects of the impact and impetus.Strengthening the construction of corporate culture is conducive to enhancing the cohesion of enterprises. Sense of belonging and honor are the core elements of enterprise cohesion. The sense of being needed and respect

      8、ed by the enterprise will constantly stimulate the innovation consciousness of employees. When the enterprise has operational difficulties, employees with a sense of belonging will be more able to stick with it and tide over difficulties together. Once employees have a sense of belonging to the enterprise, there will be a huge centripetal force and cohesion, sharing weal and woe with the enterprise. If employees do not trust the enterprise and lack a sense of belonging to the team, their enthusi

      9、asm and strength for work will not be fully aroused. They will only work for the sake of work and only finish rather than complete the work.Strengthening the construction of corporate culture is conducive to establishing a good corporate image. Corporate image is the overall impression and evaluation of people on the enterprise. A good corporate image is an intangible asset of the enterprise. Enterprise culture is a kind of enterprise long-term cultivation, employees jointly create the formation of the enterprises unique characteristics and style. An excellent corporate culture can show the public the spirit, values, management style and good operating conditions of a successful enterprise. Corporate culture determines the corporate image, and the implementation of scientific corporate image management needs the support of corporate culture.Enterprise culture construction must adhere to the people-oriented as the core con

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