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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心商科paper写作-企业管理与企业现代化自本世纪初中国加入世贸组织以来,中国市场发展不断提高,企业国际化水平不断提高,参与国际竞争的频率越来越高。企业管理水平作为市场中最重要的课题,往往决定着企业的市场竞争力。在此背景下,加强企业管理,引入现代管理理念,促进企业全面现代化,已成为企业发展和国民经济进步的必由之路。Since Chinas accession to the WTO at the beginning of this century, Chinas market development has been continuously improved, the level of internationalization of enterprises is increasingly improved, more and more frequent participation in international competition. As the most important subject in the market, the managem

      2、ent level of an enterprise often determines its market competitiveness. In this context, strengthening enterprise management and promoting the overall modernization of enterprises by introducing modern management concepts have become the only way for the development of enterprises and national economic progress.The American model and the Japanese model are the two main models of business management. On the one hand, the American model attaches great importance to the construction and application

      3、 of system to promote the sustainable development of enterprises, but on the other hand, it also pays more attention to the personal ability of managers and highlights individualism. Compared with the American model, the Japanese model is on the contrary. It pays more attention to collectivism and tends to adjust the relationship between individuals and collectives in order to improve enterprise management. If you want to define to the modernization of enterprise management, can be said to be th

      4、e enterprise itself by adopting advanced technology and management methods, to the enterprise the whole management process and way of working constantly optimized, to improve labor productivity, and continuously meet the increasing demand of the modern society, enable it to fit with the social development level.The modernization of enterprises can be said to be the result of the joint effect of internal and external factors. The so-called internal factors mainly refer to the fact that enterprise

      5、s have to promote the modernization of enterprises in the process of their own development in order to obtain competitive advantages, not to be eliminated by the market and achieve business objectives. The so-called external cause is that the modernization of enterprises is the requirement of social and economic development. Today has entered the Internet era, social and economic fields are in constant innovation, the enterprises own management model is also iterative, no enterprises development

      6、 can be isolated from the social development.Taking emotion as the main link to connect the internal staff management mode is also common in our country, especially when the enterprise is still in the initial stage, emotion oriented management has become the choice of many enterprises. Of course, this kind of management has its own advantages. It can enhance the trust between employees and the recognition of business objectives and philosophy. It can also extend the management of the enterprise

      7、to invisible places and stimulate the enthusiasm of employees to some extent. But when enterprise development status, gradually with the increased number of employees, enterprise layer increases, the disadvantages of this emotion oriented mode will gradually appear, especially when differences of enterprise founder with other members, also can appear extremely fragile, this kind of emotional connection in the event of conflict, are likely to affect enterprises daily operation, difficulties in th

      8、e development of the enterprise.With the development of Chinas market economy becoming more and more mature, Chinas enterprises have gradually realized the importance of a sound management system for the development of enterprises, so more and more enterprises begin to pay attention to the construction of the system, many enterprises also pay great attention to the construction of rules and regulations and operating regulations, in the management of the formation of a systems-oriented model. Thi

      9、s model USES detailed and specific systems to manage all aspects of employees, including work content and process, sense of identity with the enterprise and participation in the daily management of the enterprise, etc., so as to ensure that all these aspects are covered. May depend on, lets the enterprises daily operation be able in good order. However, due to excessive emphasis on relying on the system, many enterprises also ignore the importance of people themselves, and sometimes it seems too rigid to deal with problems, which may easily cause conflicts among employees within the enterprise.This kind of management mode is often called family management, which means that the relatives who are related by blood hold important positions in the enterprise and take charge of the daily operation of the enterprise. Although this management mode does not conform to the modern enterprise management concept in many aspects, it is not withou


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