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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心环境类paper写作-空气污染问题1.介绍空气是大气的重要物质,也是人类赖以生存的最基本的自然资源。随着城市化进程的加快,空气问题一直困扰着人类。空气污染直接影响生态环境和人类健康。空气污染造成了许多悲剧。但空气污染是不可避免的,工业化必然会带来空气污染,因此需要政府、企业、社会和个人共同减少空气污染。1. IntroductionAir is an important material of the atmosphere, and it is also the most basic natural resource for human survival. As the process of urbanization is accelerating, the air problem has been plaguing human beings. Air pollution has a direct impact on the ecological environment and human health. There are many traged

      2、ies caused by air pollution. But the air pollution is inevitable, industrialization is bound to bring air pollution, so it requires the government, enterprises, society and individuals together to reduce air pollution.2. Impact on Society2.1 Sources of air pollutionThe main factor affecting the quality of air is the process of urbanization, and the sources of air pollution are more, but mainly concentrate in three directions:The first is the industrialization. Industrial waste gas contains a lar

      3、ge number of harmful fumes, sulfides, nitrides and carbides, these components make air quality decline through industrial emissions, also these substances are not easy to spread, and the main component stays in the form of gas for a long-term.The second is the exhaust pollution from urban transport. With the improvement of peoples lives, trains, aircrafts, ships, cars and other means of transport have become an indispensable part, transport vehicles need to burn coal, oil and other substances, t

      4、hen it will produce a lot of waste gas which air cant break down quickly.Third is the human life activities. For example, the process of cooking and heating will produce a lot of fuel through the combustion of flue gas, and then, when people burn garbage, it will produce a lot of gas which then enters the air and affects air quality. (ESchoolT, 2008)2.2 Impact of air pollution(1)Impact to the ecological environmentPollution has a certain damage to ozone layer. A large number of refrigerants and

      5、chlorofluorocarbon gas are produced during peoples life and industrial production which greatly destroy the ozone layer and weaken its ability to block ultraviolet radiation.The carbon dioxide produced by coal combustion and gas emissions generated by car are filled with the Earth makes a greenhouse effect. The excessive greenhouse gas keeps the Earths temperature rising, and “currently carbon dioxide is responsible for 57% of the global warming trend” (Socha, 2007). The glaciers have begun to m

      6、elt and are increasing at a certain rate each year which will result in a change in the ecological environment of the Earth.There are a large number of sulfur dioxide, sulfide and other acid gases in air which can mix with the car exhaust emissions-nitrogen oxides in a short time, and then acid rain will come. Acid rain has a huge harm to plants and will lead to the reduction of agricultural production, the erosion of buildings, and the death of a large number of shrimp.(2) Impact to human healt

      7、hFirst of all, acid rain can make urban drinking water in chemical reaction, then cause a greater threat to human health. Second, human respiratory inhalation of air pollutants harms human body, such as upper and lower respiratory tract diseases. For example, “when exposed to ground ozone for 6 to 7 hours, scientific evidence show that healthy peoples lung function decreased and they suffered from respiratory inflammation” (T, 2014).2.3 Lessons from ChinaChina is in development now, they ignore

      8、to protect the environment while paying much attention to economic development, so they meet air pollution and other serious environmental pollution problems, especially now almost half of China is in the haze. Air pollutants include a wide variety of contaminants such as sulphates, ozone, soot particles, dust, sulfur dioxide, and so on, whats more, the concentration of pollutants is quite high. The figure below shows the emissions of pollutants from 1999 to 2003 in China.Now, Chinese “levels of

      9、 the pollutant in the air are comparable to Japan in the 1970s when air pollution was a major problem there” (Jeffrey, 2008), and “Air pollution is killing about 4,000 people in China a day” (T, 2015). May be China has the worlds largest number of deaths due to air pollution. Moreover, lung cancer is the main cause of death currently in China. According to China Daily, the released data from Beijing Cancer Research Association show that in Beijing, lung cancer cases rose 56% from 2000 to 2009. So does respiratory diseases, 26% of people died because of respiratory diseases, but in the United States, the percent is only 2% -3%. Thus, now, for China, to control air pollution is a very urgent task.Chart: The emissions of pollutantsin ChinaSource extracted from the website http:/ on 4 Ma


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