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物业管理专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者韩国波 09(83-92)P10 lj

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  • 文档编号:89258895
  • 上传时间:2019-05-22
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    • 1、Lesson Nine,Security and Fire Protection Management,PartI Conversation,1.Guest Registration,Scene: Entrance to Top Town,A:Safeguard in Top Town,B:Visiting guest,A:Good morning, Sir. Can I help you?,B:Good morning. I come to pay a visit to my uncle. What shall I do if I want to enter this residential area?,A:Well, youll have to fill in this registration form. Would you please tell me which resident you are going to visit?,B:Yes, I think it is A21-2-101,A:Pardon?,B:Its room 2-101, building A21.,A:

      2、Oh, I see. The owner is your uncle?,B:Yes. His name is Tom Lee.,A:And whats your name?,B:My name is Peter Lee.,A:OK. Your ID number?,B:132523196910260031.,A:132523196910260031.,B:Thats right.,A:Now it is 10:30. When are you going to leave?,B:I come here to take care of my uncle. He is now over 70 years old. I will stay with him for about 3,months.,A:Then you had better get a temporary pass when you are free. It is convenient to you.,B:OK. Where can I get a temporary pass?,A:In the security offic

      3、e of this residential area. Well, you can go to see your uncle now.,B:Thank you.,2.Fire Safety and Prevention,Scene: Top Town,A:Security manager,B:Resident,A:(Knocking at the door.),B:Who is it?,A:Its me, security manager of our community. May I come in?,B:Come in, please. (The security manager comes in.) What can I do for you?,A:Im making an investigation about fire safety and prevention. Can I ask you a few questions?,B:Yes, of course.,A:Well. Sir, when there were a fire, do you know the telep

      4、hone number you would ring?,B:119. Right?,A:You are quite right. Do you possess or store gasoline, fireworks or combustible decorations and chemicals at home?,B:No. I know those things are not allowed to be kept at home.,A:Very good! Do you use toasters or other cooking,devices in areas outside the kitchen?,B:Sometimes. Is it OK?,A:No. Using toasters or other cooking devices in areas outside of the kitchen is very dangerous. I hope you will never do that again. Well, the last question, do you ha

      5、ve any stuff stored at the fire,exit?,B:No, it is prohibited, as I know.,A:You are right. Thank you for your time and pa- tience.,B:Its my pleasure!,Exercises,1.Fill in the blanks with proper words to finish the whole conversation.,Scene: Entrance to Top Town,A:Safeguard in Top Town,B:Visiting guest,A:Good afternoon, Sir. What can I do for you?,B:I have an with your property manager. Now I come to see him. May I in?,A:Yes, you can. But, first of all, you have to the registration form.,B:No probl

      6、em.,A:May I have , please?,B:My name is George White.,A:Would you please me your ID card?,B:Yes. Here are.,A:The check-in time is 2:30 pm. OK. Let me make a call to the manager to see if hes in the office. Well, the manager is you. Please go,in and take this form. Remember to ask the manager to sign on the form when you check .,B:Yes. Thank you.,2.Translate the Chinese sentences into English to finish the whole conversation.,Scene: Top Town,A:Security manager,B:Resident,B:Good morning, Sir. Woul

      7、d you please introduce me some rules of the safety or security policies in our community? As you know, (了解一些安全制,度对于保护居民的安全是必要的。) .,A:Sure. For property damage, (任何居民,无论是 恶意或是偶然损坏公共设施,都要对造成的损失 负责,或者要对因复原、修缮受损的设施所付出,的劳务费负责。),.,B:How about the damage made by guests?,A: (居民要对客人的行为或由客人造成的损失负 责。),.,B:What else?,A:It is also forbidden to throw, drop, or project any objects from any residential building, doorway, window or balcony.(禁止把阳台当作进出口,或在,阳台上储存不雅观的物品或废物。) .,B:And more?,A:Use of sporting and recre

      8、ation equipment is pro- hibited in indoor common areas such as lobbies,hallway, and entrances.,B:Thank you for your time and patience.,PartII Text,Security,We have to provide protection for tenants, the gen- eral public and the property asset itself, which is,the reason why we need security.,There are some factors to be considered:,Tenants Business,Today, for a variety of reasons, tenants can and are being targeted for threat, kidnapping, larceny, computer associated crimes, and unfortunately, t

      9、he,list goes on and on.,Tenants using the building in question, during both normal office hours and after hours, require the knowledge that both they, their property and their own business can not be interfered or tampered with by outside parties.3,Public Access,Members of the public using the building at any time need to be both controlled and provided with the peace of mind, which stems from the observ- able aspects of building security. By control, it is intended to prevent members of the public gaining,access to unauthorized areas and thereby possibly causing the associated problems which may follow.,Building Asset Design,The building asset itself presents its physical de- sign, aspects of which need to be considered for se- curity purposes. An example might be the stair-,wells, which would require securing in some man- ner so as to prevent people accessing tenancies from“the back door” in an unauthorized

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