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人力资源管理专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 詹婧 等 Chapter 1 An Overview of Human Resource Management

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    • 1、Professional English for Human Resource Management,Chapter1 An Overview of Human Resource Management,人力资源管理专业英语,第一章 人力资源管理概论,Contents目录,Key Words 【重点词汇】 1.1 Defining Human Resource Management 人力资源管理的定义 1.2 Responsibilities of Human Resource Departments 人力资源管理部门的主要职责 1.3 Skills of HRM Professionals 人力资源管理者的主要技能 1.4 What Are the Environmental Developments and How to Keep Up with the Changes? 环境的变革和人力资源管理者的应对,Key Words,human resource management 人力资源管理 human resource manager 人力资源经理 human resource pl

      2、anning 人力资源规划 recruitment 招聘 selection 选拔 human resource development 人力资源开发 compensation and benefits 薪酬与福利,Key Words,safety and health 安全与健康 employee and labor relations 员工关系 human relations skills 人际关系技能 decision-making skills 决策技能 leadership skills 领导技能 technical skills 技术技能,1.1 Defining Human Resource Management 人力资源管理的定义,Human resource management (HRM) is the utilization of the firms human resources to achieve organizational goals. To understand the content of human resource, we should firs

      3、t review the key objectives of HRM to be achieved.,1.1 Defining Human Resource Management,Five objectives form the content of all HR activity: Staffing Objective 员工目标 Human resource managers are first concerned with ensuring that the business is appropriately staffed and thus able to draw on the human resources it needs. The right people, with the right skills provide their services when needed.,1.1 Defining Human Resource Management,Performance Objective 绩效目标 Once the required workforce is in p

      4、lace, human resource managers seek to ensure that people are well motivated and committed so as to maximize their performance in their different roles. The achievement of performance objectives also requires HR specialists to assist in disciplining employees effectively and equitably where individual conduct and/or performance standards are unsatisfactory.,1.1 Defining Human Resource Management,Change-management Objective 管理变革的目标 The third objectives in nearly every business relates to the role

      5、played by the HR function in effectively managing change. Change comes in different forms. Sometimes it is merely structural, at other times cultural change is sought in order to alter attitudes, philosophies or long-present organizational norms.,1.1 Defining Human Resource Management,Administration Objective 管理的目标 The fourth objective is less directly related to achieving competitive advantage, but is focused on underpinning the achievement of the other forms of objective. In part it is simply

      6、carried out in order to facilitate an organizations smooth running. There is also a legal aspect to much administrative activities, meaning that it is done because the business is required by law to comply.,1.1 Defining Human Resource Management,Delivering HRM Objective 提供人力资源管理的目标 The larger the organization, the more scope there is to employ people to specialize in particular areas of HRM. Another common area of specialization is in the field of training and development. In addition to the peo

      7、ple who have specialist roles there are many other people who are employed as human resources or personnel generalists.,1.1 Defining Human Resource Management,1.2 Responsibilities of Human Resource Departments 人力资源管理部门的主要职责,1.2 Responsibilities of Human Resource Departments,In all but the smallest organizations, a human resource department is responsible for the functions of human resource management. Lets take an overview of the HR functions and some of the options available for carrying them o

      8、ut. Human resource management involves both the selection of which options to use and the activities of using those options. Later chapters of the book will explore each function in greater detail.,1.2 Responsibilities of Human Resource Departments,Analyzing and Designing Jobs 工作分析和工作设计 To produce their given product or service (or set of products or services) companies require that a number of tasks be performed. The tasks are grouped together in various combinations to form jobs. Job analysis

      9、is the process of getting detailed information about jobs. Job design is the process of defining the way work will be performed and the tasks that a given job requires.,1.2 Responsibilities of Human Resource Departments,Recruiting and Hiring Employees 招聘雇佣员工 Based on job analysis and design, an organization can determine the kinds of employees it needs. With this knowledge, it carries out the function of recruiting and hiring employees. Recruitment is the process through which the organization seeks applicants for potential employment.,1.2 Responsibilities of Human Resource Departments,Selection refers to the process by which the organization attempts to identify applicants with the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that will help the organization achieve its goals.,1.2 Responsibilities of Human Resource Departments,Training and Developing Employees 培训发展员工 Although organizations base hiring decisions on candidates existing qualifications, mo

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