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测控技术与仪器专业英语 张凤登UNIT-2.Power Generation and Transmission

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  • 上传时间:2019-05-19
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    • 1、UNIT 2 Power Generation and Transmission,2.1 Text Electromagnetic Induction 电磁感应,New Words: induction n. 感应,感应现象 deficit n. 缺少,亏损,赤字 deficiency n. 缺乏,缺少 deficient a. 缺乏的 Eq. n. equation,方程式 e.g. Thus, Eqs. (3) hold. 这样,方程式(3)成立。 perpendicular a. 垂直的 weber n. 韦伯(磁通量单位) coulomb n. 库仑(电量单位) newton n. 牛顿(力的单位) intensity n. 电流强度, magnitude n. 大小,流量 gradient n. 梯度 potential gradient(电位梯度) stationary a. 静止的,不变的,UNIT 2 Power Generation and Transmission,Notes: flux density 磁通密度 at right angles to 和垂直 pot

      2、ential gradient 电势梯度 The electric field intensity E due to this force is given in magnitude and direction by the force per unit positive charge. 由力产生的电场强度E,即每单位正电荷受力的大小和方向。,The use of abbreviation: EMF electromotive force(电动势) CEMF counter electromotive force(反向电动势),UNIT 2 Power Generation and Transmission,Exercises 1. Answer the following questions. Each free electron experiences a force due to its motion through the field. The electrons will move along the conductor. The electrons will stop mo

      3、ving when the forces due to the action of the conductor through the magnetic field are balanced by electrostatic forces. The electrons will return to their normal distribution. The electric field intensity E is given in magnitude and direction by the force per unit positive charge. is the angle of conductor motion direction to the magnetic filed. It can be done by an instrument. An emf would be induced. 2. Fill in the following blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the forms w

      4、here necessary. to parallel through,UNIT 2 Power Generation and Transmission,(4) Due to 【检查点】due to 的用法。这里“due to”作为介词,当“由于”、“多亏”讲。 (5) collect 译文:大量的正电荷聚集在云的底部时,它们变得非常强大,足以强行在空气中穿过。 (6) is determined 译文:并非所有信息都具有相同的价值,特别是因为价值是由对数据感兴趣的用户确定的。 (7) The rest 译文: 文章的剩余部分将阐述并示范如何操作这些情况。 (8) magnitude(n. 幅度),UNIT 2 Power Generation and Transmission,2.2 Reading and Translation Single-phase and Three-phase AC 单相和三相交流电,New Words and Phrases single-phase AC 单相交流电 three-phase AC 三相交流电 hot wire 火线 neutral wi

      5、re 中线 in phase 同相的 out of phase 异相的 generator n. 发电机,machine which generates electricity motor n. 电动机,machine that changes electrical power into movement sine n. 正弦 transmit v. transfer, 输送 pulsate v. 脉动 cylinder silind n. 汽缸,气缸,圆柱体 rating reiti n. 额定值,标称值;级别,UNIT 2 Power Generation and Transmission,The use of abbreviation: DC direct current(直流电) AC alternating current(交流电) hp horsepower(马力),斜体部分参考译文: (1) The term phase refers to time or the difference between one point and another. If two sine-

      6、wave voltages reach their zero and maximum values at the same time, they are in phase. If two voltages reach their zero and maximum values at different times, they are out of phase. Phase difference is given in degrees. 相是指时间上或二个点位置上的差别。如果二个正弦波电压在同一时刻达到零或最大值,它们是同相的。如果二个电压在不同时间达到零或最大值,它们是不同相的。相位差用度表示。 Three coils are placed 120 apart in a generator to produce three-phase AC voltage. Most AC motors over 1 hp in size operate with three-phase AC power applied. . 为生产出三相交流电压,发电机中每隔120放置一个线圈,共有三个线圈。大多数

      7、1马力以上的马达用三相交流电工作 。, A three-phase system is somewhat like a multicylinder gas engine. The power is more steady. One cylinder is compressing when the others are not. This is similar to the voltages in three-phase AC systems. The power of one separate phase is pulsating, but the total power is more constant. The peak values of three-phase AC are separated by 120. This makes three-phase AC power more desirable to use. 三相电类似一个多缸发动机。功率比较稳定。一个缸压缩时其它缸不工作。这类似于三相交流电系统。其中一个相的功率是脉动的,但总功率比较恒定。三相交流电的峰值相隔120,

      8、从而使它的功率利于使用。 For a certain frame size, the rating of a three-phase AC motor is almost 50% larger than a similar single-phase AC motor. 框架尺寸相当时,三相交流电机的功率值比单相交流电机大50%。,2.3 Further Reading Transformers 变压器,New Words and Phrases transformer n. 变压器 electromagnetism n. 电磁学 autotransformer n. 自耦变压器 substation n. 变电站,变电所 classification n. category, class, division, group,分类 ratio n. 比,比率 inverse a. 相反的。inverse (反比) multiple a. 多样的 variable a. 可变的,易变的 ignition n. 点火 plug v. 插入,连接,n. 插头。spark (火花塞) elimin

      9、ate v. remove, get rid of, 去除,排除 potential gradient 电位梯度 primary a. 初级的,原边的 secondary a. 次级的,副边的,Notes primary winding (power, voltage, current) 原边线圈(功率,电压,电流) secondary winding (power, voltage, current) 副边线圈(功率,电压,电流) magnetic coupling or mutual inductance 磁耦合或互感 expanding and collapsing of 的增强和减弱 powered metal core transformers 强磁化金属芯变压器 step-up 升压的 step-down 降压的 inverse ratio 反比 spark plug 火花塞,2.4 General Knowledge 国外电力电子与测控类专业英文期刊 期刊又称杂志,是指有固定名称的、按照一定周期出版的成册连续出版物。通常用卷、期或年、季、月作为顺序编号,由依法设立的期刊出版单位出版发行。科技类期刊和会议录是科研人员从事学术交流活动的重要媒体。 电力电子与测控方面的主要英文期刊和会议录源自几个著名的国际性学术团体,如: 美国电气与电子工程师协会(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,IEEE); 英国电气工程师协会(Institution of Electrical Engineers,IEE); 国际自动控制联合会(International Federation of Automatic Control,IFAC)。 国内在这方面的主要学术团体包括: 中国电子学会;中国仪器仪表学会;中国自动化学会;中国电机工程学会;中国电工技术学会和中国计算机学会。,例如: Measurement & Control 测量与控制 Sensors and Actuators 传感器与执行器 IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measu

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