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测控技术与仪器专业英语 张凤登UNIT-11.Microcomputers

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    • 1、UNIT 11 Microcomputers,11.1 Text Microprocessor Components 微处理器组成部分,New Words block blk n. 积木,块 integration ,intirein n. 集成,集成电路 CPU abbr. 中央处理单元(central processing unit) MSI abbr. 中等规模集成电路(medium scale integration) ALU abbr. 算术/逻辑单元(arithmetic/logic unit) tailor teil v. 制作 decoder ,di:kud n. 解码器 synchronization ,sikrnaizein n. 同步 bus bs n. 总线;母线 pin pin n. 管脚 multiplex mltipleks v. 多路传输(信号等) assorted s:tid a. 已分类的;各式各样的,Notes processor-on-a-chip 单片处理器,Exercises 1. Choose the best answer for eac

      2、h of the following questions. (1) C. digital system based on microprocessor (2) C. by interacting with the outside world through other devices (3) D. all the above (4) A. the microprocessor (5) C. the inside structure (6) C. to make programs (7) B. binary digits (8) A. the data bus (9) D. merely transmit information from the microprocessor to memory or input/output chips (10) A. the CPU consists of only a few IC packages,Exercises (continue) 2. Replace the underlined parts in the following sente

      3、nces with words or phrases from the text that best keep the original meanings. A small section of the main memory, which is used for keeping permanently stored data and only allows data to be read by the CPU is called ROM. (holding) A microprocessor is the electronic device that interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate the microcomputer. (decodes and executes, or decodes and performs) Software is the term used to describe instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a

      4、 task. (represent) The two components of the CPU are connected by a kind of electronic roadway called a(an) bus. (attached) The instructions for a microprocessor system normally appear as a set of characters or symbols that are used to define a specific operation. (usually) Memory is a holding area for data, instructions, and information. Memory in a computer system can be divided into two main classes: primary memory and secondary storage. (grouped),11.2 Reading and Translation Fundamentals of

      5、Single-chip Microcomputers 单片机基础,New Words culmination ,klminein n. 顶点,极点 arguably :jubli ad. 有争议地 split split a. 分离的 philosophy filsfi n. 原理,原则 incorporation in,k:prein n. 合并,结合 volatile vltail n. 易变的,易失的 commit kmit v. 保证 emulation ,emjulein n. 竞争,仿真 albeit :lbi:it conj. 虽然;即使 custom kstm a. 定制的 variant vrint n. a. 变种形;不同的 piggy-back piibk a. 背负式的 erasable ireizbl a. 可擦除的 socket skit n. 插座 BCD abbr. BCD码(binary-coded decimal),New Words (continue) thermostat :mustt n. 恒温器 protocol prutkl n. 协议

      6、UART abbr. 通用异步接收/发送器 (universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter) elapse ilps v. (时间)过去,消逝 evaluation i,vljuein n. 估计 assess ses v. 估计,评定 preloadable pri:ludbl a. 预载的 decrement dekrimnt v. n. 递减,减少;减量,Notes The single-chip microcomputer is the culmination of both the development of the digital computer and the integrated circuit, arguably the two most significant inventions of the 20th century. 单片机是数字计算机和集成电路发展中的一个顶峰,而这两者可以说是20世纪的两项最有意义的发明。 on-chip ROM 片内ROM,斜体部分参考译文: Some employ the split pro

      7、gram/data memory of Harvard architecture, shown in Fig. 11-1, others follow the philosophy, widely adopted for general-purpose computers and microprocessors, of making no logical distinction between program and data memory as in the Princeton architecture, shown in Fig. 11-2. 有些单片机采用程序/数据存储器分割的哈佛(Harvard)体系结构,见图11-1,另一些遵循程序和数据存储器之间没有逻辑区分的普林斯顿(Princeton)体系结构,这一结构被通用计算机和微处理器广泛采用,见图11-2。 This type of device can behave functionally as the single-chip microcomputer from which it is derived albeit wit

      8、h restricted I/O and a modified external circuit. 这类设备的行为在功能上类似于单片机,虽然有受限制的I/O和改进的外部电路,但它是从单片机派生而来的 。 Parallel input and output schemes vary somewhat in different microcomputers; in most a mechanism is provided to at least allow some flexibility of choosing which pins are outputs and which are inputs. 在不同的微型计算机中,并行输入和输出方案略有不同;大多数微机至少提供一个允许在一定程度上灵活选择引脚作为输入和输出的机制。,斜体部分参考译文(续): It is merely necessary to select a baud-rate and possibly other options (number of stop bits, parity, etc.) and load (or r

      9、ead from) the serial transmitter (or receiver) buffer. 只需要选择波特率和其它可选项(停止位个数、奇偶校验等),并装入(或读取)串行发送器(或接收器)的缓冲区 。 The preferred approach is to use a timer circuit that can independently count precise time increments and generate an interrupt after a preset time has elapsed. This type of timer is usually arranged to be preloadable with the required count. The timer then decrements this value producing an interrupt or setting a flag when the counter reaches zero. 较好的方法是使用定时器电路,它能独立计算精确的时间增量,并在预设时间已过时产生一个中断。通常,这种类型的定时器被设置成可按要求的计数值预先加载的。然后,定时器不断递减,当计数器达到零值时,产生中断或设置一个标志。 Many clock circuits also work with a resistor and capacitor as low-cost timing components or can be driven from external source. 许多时钟电路与电阻和电容一起工作,形成低成本的时序元件,时钟电路也可用外部信号源驱动。,11.3 Further Reading The Applications of Computers 计算机应用,New Words dam

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